May 29, 2014

May Twin Post–Sunflowers

Skoro smo na kraju Maja meseca, tako da je došao red na još jedan Twin Post. Ovog meseca, moj "blizanac" je Jessica sa bloga Be Happy and Buy Polish
Tema koju smo dobile su suncokreti, imale smo ideju da napravimo narandžasto-žuti vertikalni gradijent, na četvrtom noktu jedan veliki suncokret sa lišćem, a na ostalim noktima male suncokrete. Sve je zvučalo idealno, ali nažalost, moj gradijent se skoro uopšte ne vidi. Veliki suncokret je ispao veći nego što sam mislila, a malih suncokreta je previše. Ipak, zadovoljna sam kako smo nacrtale :).
Koristila sam : Essence - Doc, theBalm - Mellow Yellow i akrilne boje. 

We are almost at the end of the month May, so it time for another Twin Post. This month, my "twin" is Jessica from Be Happy and Buy Polish blog.
Theme that we got was Sunflowers, and we had idea to make orange-yellow vertical gradient, on accent nail to make one big sunflower with leaves, and on other nails small sunflowers. It all sounded ideal, but unfortunately, you can't even see my gradient. Big sunflower is bigger than I thought it would be, and there are too many small sunflowers. Still, I love how we draw everything :). 
I used : Essence - Doc, theBalm - Mellow Yellow and acrylic paints. 

May Twin Post

Da li vam se dopada? Obavezno posetite Jessicin blog, i pogledajte koje su sve teme bile ovog meseca na linkovima ispod. 

What do you think? Be sure to check out Jessica's blog and also check out what was other themes this month on links under this post. 

May 18, 2014


Poslednjih nekoliko dana, nebo je plakalo iznad Balkana, a sada mnogo ljudi plače. Neki od njih izgubili su svoje živote, svoje domove, i sve što su imali. Delovi zemalja su pogođeni najvećom poplavom ikada zabeleženim. 
Ipak, solidarnost se oseća svuda. Ljudi iz celog sveta pomažu. Evakuisani ljudi su u skloništima, a još njih se evakuiše baš sada. Potrebna im je hrana, voda, ćebad i odeća. Pustiću slike da govore za sebe. Situacija je jako ozbiljna. 

Last few days, sky was crying above Balkan countries, and now lots of people are crying. A lot of them lost their lives, their homes and everything they owned. Parts of our countries have been hit by the worst floods ever recorded.
You can feel the solidarity everywhere. People from the whole world are helping. Evacuated people are now in shelters, and more are being evacuated right now. They need food, water, blankets and clothes.

I’m gonna let pictures speak for themselves. Situation is really serious.
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Ako slučajno imate neki višak kozmetike za ličnu higijenu (znam da sve imamo!), ćebad, konzerviranu hranu, hranu za bebe, pelene, odeću, molim vas zapakujte i odnesite na najbliži punkt Crvenog Krsta. 

If you happens to have some extra cosmetics for personal care (I know we all have!), some blankets, canned food, baby food, diapers, clothes... please pack it and take to the Serbian Embassy in your country. You can find the address HERE.

air serbia

Takođe, ukoliko želite da uplatite donacije kako bi spasili živote ovih ljudi, evo i računa na kojima to možete uraditi. Ne zaboravimo takođe ni slanje prazne SMS poruke na broj 1003 (za Srbiju), broj 14541 (Crna Gora), broj 1458 (Bosna i Hercegovina), broj 143400 (Makedonija), i pozive na broj 0609011 (Hrvatska).
Uplata humanitarne pomoći žrtvama poplava u Srbiji od danas je moguća putem PayPal-a iz 193 zemlje i regiona. Donacije se primaju putem adrese 

Also, if you would like to make donations that will help saving people lives, on the last picture are the accounts where you can do it. Also, you can donate through PayPal from 193 countries. PayPal address for donations is adrese


May 11, 2014

Matching Manicure–Fruits

Danas u Matching Manicure crtamo voćkice. Dugo sam razmišljala šta da napravim, i odlučila se za nekoliko različitih voćkica. Nemate ideju kako limun i grožđe mogu loše da izgledaju :), toliko loše da sam sve skinula sa noktiju i počela ispočetka. Inače nisam neki veliki ljubitelj voća, znam da je zdravo, ali jednostavno ne uživam ni u jednom voću kao u dobroj čokoladi. Nacrtala sam dve moje omiljene voćkice - kivi i jagode.
Koristila sam theBalm - Red from Cover to Cover, Miyo - Green i akrilne boje. 

Today in Matching Manicure we are drawing fruits. I thought for a while what to make, and decided to do several different fruits. You have no idea how bad lemon and grapes can look :), so bad that I took everything off from nails and started over. I'm not really a fruit lover, I know it is healthy but I just can't enjoy any fruit like I can enjoy good chocolate. I drew two of my favourite fruits - kiwi and strawberries. 
I used theBalm - Red From Cover to Cover, Miyo - Green and acrylic paints. 


Apr 27, 2014

Twin Post–Cool Colors

Još jedan Twin Post. Ovog meseca, moj blizanac se Hannah sa bloga the Dalai Lama's Nails a zadatak koji smo dobile su hladne boje. Čini mi se kao da nijedna od nas dve nije imala nešto posebno inspiracije, pošto nam je bilo teško da smislimo šta ćemo da radimo. Na momenat smo i odustale, a onda se ipak odlučile da napravimo optičku iluziju sa brojevima.

Another Twin Post. This month, my twin is Hannah from the Dalai Lama's Nails and we got cool colors as our task. It seems to me like either of us didn't have too much inspiration, because it was really hard to think of something that we can do. On moment, we even gave up, and then decided to do optical illusion with numbers. 


Da li ste uspele da vidite sve brojeve? Pogledajte i ostale blogove, izmedju ostalog korišćene su i tople boje, pastelne boje...

Have you seen all numbers? Check out these blogs, you can also see nails with warm colors, pastel colors and other...

Apr 20, 2014

Matching Manicure–Easter!

Posle četiri Uskršnja manikira, danas sam nadmašila samu sebe sa petim, i poslednjim ove godine. Nacrtala sam tri zečića i dva pileta u travi. Iako to znači da ću morati malo da pripazim tokom ručka dok budem jela, za travu sam koristila zeleni flocking powder. Zečiće i piliće sam crtala akrilnim bojama, dok je za pozadinu poslužio Flormar #423.

After four Easter manicures, today I amazed myself with fifth one, and the last one this year. I drew three bunnies and two chicks in the grass. Even if that means that I will have to be extra carefully while I eat during lunch, I used green flocking powder as a grass. I drew bunnies and chicks with acrylic paints, and background color is Flormar #423.

chick-and-bunnies-in-the-grass-4chick-and-bunnies-in-the-grass-3chick-and-bunnies-in-the-grass-2chick and bunnies in the grass

Srećan Uskrs svima vama koji ga danas slavite!
Ne zaboravite da pogledate i Uskršnje manikire na linkovima ispod.

Happy Easter to all of you who are celebrating it today!
Don't forget to check out other Easter manicures on the links under.

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