Jos jedan od lakova koji sam dobila za Dan Zaljubljenih. Kada sam ga otvorila, prvi utisak mi je bio dobar. Cinio se dobro pigmentisan, i nije imao jak miris. Prvi sloj nije bio uspesan, ostajale su kao rupe po noktu, ali je drugi sloj to donekle uspeo da popravi. Ono sto mi se ne svidja kod ovog laka je definitivno cetkica. Previse je siroka, a to mi je otezalo mazanje. Na njemu pise “Up To 7 Days” ali ga sigurno necu ostaviti toliko na noktima, cak i da drzi toliko. Posle 2 sloja, boja je bas crna i sjajna. Naspram Aurinog I Golden Rose-ovog crnog laka, mnogo je bolji.
Another polish that I got for Valentine's Day. When I opened it, my first impression was good. It seems that it have a good pigmentation, and the smell was not too strong.The first layer was not successful, it left some strange gray holes over the nails, but the second layer managed to fix it. What I don’t like about this polish is definitely a brush. It’s too wide, and it’s difficult to apply. It says "Up To 7 Days”, but I certainly won’t leave so much time on my nails, even if it really hold so much. After two coats, the color is really black and shiny. Opposite of Aura’s and Golden Rose Black, it is much better.
Posto jos nisam isprobala Essence Matt Top Coat, ovo je bila savrsena prilika za to. Ovo mi je prvi put sa mat lakom, tako da su primetne greskice.
Since I haven’t tried Essence Matt Top Coat yet, this was the perfect opportunity for that.This is my first time with a matt color at all, so there are noticeable mistakes.
Napokon, jednobojan lak na noktima. Iako, znate me, to nece dugo trajati
Finally, one-color polish on my nails. Howewer, you know me, it wouldn’t last long
Jeste li isprobale neki Miss Sporty? I da ne zaboravim, sledeci mesec u Avonu su novih 5 mat lakova. Od boja, tu su ljubicasta, crna, plava, siva I crvena. Planirate li neki da kupite?
Have you tried some of Miss Sporty? I almost forgot. In the next month catalog of Avon – 5 matt Polishes. Of color, there are purple, black, blue, gray and red. Are you planning to buy some?
Feb 28, 2011
Feb 27, 2011
Butterflies on S-he
Danas sam zelela da mi nokti budu jednobojni, manje-vise obicni. Naravno, to je morala da bude neka jarka boja. Tako je na mojim noktima zavrsio S-he 464 kog sam dobila jos na Dan Zaljubljenih. Iskreno receno, ne svidja mi se. Trebalo mi je 3 sloja da bi dobila nijansu koja mi se svidela. Nanosenje takodje nije lako, i uvek mi negde ispadne neravnomerno. Evo slike sa 2 sloja :
Today I wanted my nails to be one-colored, more-less ordinary. Of course, that had to be some dark color. That is how the S-he 464 found itself on my nails. I got it for Valentine Day. To be honest, I don’t like it. It took me 3 coats to get a color that I like. Also, it’s not easy to apply, and it’s always somewhere unevenly. Here’s the picture with 2 coats :
Naravno, nije mi se svidelo. Zato sam nanela jos jedan sloj, a zatim se opet igrala sa akrilnim bojama i cetkicom. Sta cu, nije im sudjeno da budu jednobojni.
Of course, I didn’t like it. That’s why I added one more coat, and then played again with acryl paint and brush. What can I do, they are not meant to be one-color.
Sta mislite o ovome? Jeste li probale S-he?
What do you think about it? Have you tried S-he polishes?
Today I wanted my nails to be one-colored, more-less ordinary. Of course, that had to be some dark color. That is how the S-he 464 found itself on my nails. I got it for Valentine Day. To be honest, I don’t like it. It took me 3 coats to get a color that I like. Also, it’s not easy to apply, and it’s always somewhere unevenly. Here’s the picture with 2 coats :
Naravno, nije mi se svidelo. Zato sam nanela jos jedan sloj, a zatim se opet igrala sa akrilnim bojama i cetkicom. Sta cu, nije im sudjeno da budu jednobojni.
Of course, I didn’t like it. That’s why I added one more coat, and then played again with acryl paint and brush. What can I do, they are not meant to be one-color.
Sta mislite o ovome? Jeste li probale S-he?
What do you think about it? Have you tried S-he polishes?
Feb 22, 2011
Underwater of Underwater
Jeste li se ikada zapitala sta se dogadja ispod mora? Kada sam uzela Essence Underwater u ruke, razmisljala sam o tome. I evo ga…moja vizija Underwater-a.
Have you ever wonder what happens under the sea? When I took Essence Underwater in my hands, I thought about that. And here it is…My vision of Underwater.
• White, Dark Green, Light Green, Light Blue, Black and Red Acryl Paint
• Brush (Size 3)
• Dotter
Ako zelite da vidite korak po korak tutorijal, mozete ga downloadovati OVDE.
If you want to see Step By Step Tutorial, you can download it HERE
Ja sam veoma zadovoljna ovim nail artom, a vi?
I am very satisfied with this nail art, what about you?
Have you ever wonder what happens under the sea? When I took Essence Underwater in my hands, I thought about that. And here it is…My vision of Underwater.
Koristila sam :
• Essence Color&Go Underwater
• Bela, tamno zelena, svetlo zelena, svetlo plava, crna i crvena akrilna boja
• Cetkica velicine 3
• Tackalo
I used :
• Essence Color&Go Underwater • White, Dark Green, Light Green, Light Blue, Black and Red Acryl Paint
• Brush (Size 3)
• Dotter
Ako zelite da vidite korak po korak tutorijal, mozete ga downloadovati OVDE.
If you want to see Step By Step Tutorial, you can download it HERE
Ja sam veoma zadovoljna ovim nail artom, a vi?
I am very satisfied with this nail art, what about you?
Feb 21, 2011
Really Quick Nail Art
Ovako je izgledalo moje nedeljno popodne... Pakujem se (studiram u drugom gradu pa dolazim vikendom kuci), trcim po kuci, a mami se pokvario nail art od srede. Imala sam ukupno 15ak minuta za french, malo crteza, i top coat :). Znajuci u kojoj sam zurbi bila, mislim da sam dobro i uradila :). Nije moje najbolje, ali dobro je. Stvarno se nadam da ce mamin manikir preziveti do petka :)
This is how my Sunday afternoon looked like... I was packing (I'm studying in another city so I come home every weekend), I was running throw the house, and my mum spoiled her Wednesday Nail Art. I had about 15 minutes for a french, little drawing, and top coat :). As knowing in how much hurry I was, I think I did a good job :). Not my best, but it’s good. I really hope that mum's mani is going to survive until Friday :)
Sto se mojih noktiju tice, primetila sam da su malo oslabili, pa su stavljeni na 24h na rehabilitaciju uz Sehe Retain. Nemojte brinuti, spremam za vas jos jedan nail art + tutorial. Bice uskoro.
As far as my nails, I noticed that they become weaker, so I put them on 24h rehabilitation with Sehe Retain. Don’t worry, I’m preparing for you one more nail art + tutorial. It will be soon.
A sta mislite o ovom manikiru?
And what do you think about this mani?
This is how my Sunday afternoon looked like... I was packing (I'm studying in another city so I come home every weekend), I was running throw the house, and my mum spoiled her Wednesday Nail Art. I had about 15 minutes for a french, little drawing, and top coat :). As knowing in how much hurry I was, I think I did a good job :). Not my best, but it’s good. I really hope that mum's mani is going to survive until Friday :)
Sto se mojih noktiju tice, primetila sam da su malo oslabili, pa su stavljeni na 24h na rehabilitaciju uz Sehe Retain. Nemojte brinuti, spremam za vas jos jedan nail art + tutorial. Bice uskoro.
As far as my nails, I noticed that they become weaker, so I put them on 24h rehabilitation with Sehe Retain. Don’t worry, I’m preparing for you one more nail art + tutorial. It will be soon.
A sta mislite o ovom manikiru?
And what do you think about this mani?
Feb 18, 2011
Dots and flowers
Uspela sam da ubedim mamu da me pusti da joj crtam po noktima. Kada je ona u pitanju, bude mi komplikovano. Uvek hoce nesto diskretno, sa malo boja, I da bude sto brze gotovo. Nije mi bilo lako, ali evo sta sam uspela :
I managed to convince my mom to let me draw on her fingernails. When I need to do her nails, it’s soooo complicated. She always wants something discreet, with just a few colors and to be done as fast as I can. It was not easy, but here's what I managed to do :
Pa sta mislite? Jesam li dobro obavila posao?
So what do you think? Have I done a good job?
Feb 16, 2011
Pink/White Flowers Tutorial
Za pocetak, potrebno vam je :
Cetkicu velicine 3, umocite u belu akrilnu boju, i nacrtajte cetiri latice na gornjem delu nokta, ostavljajuci malo mesta u sredini.
Size 3 brush, take some white acrylic paint with it, and draw four petals on top of the nail, leaving a little space in the middle.
A odmah zatim, istom cetkicom, nacrtajte tri latice u donjem delu nokta, opet ostavljajuci mesta u sredini.
Right after that, with the same brush, draw three petals in the lower part of the nail, again leaving a little space in the middle.
Sa tankom cetkicom, velicine 5, povucite tri linije koje povezuju cvetove.
With a thin brush, size 5, pull the three lines that are linking flowers.
Potom, umocite tackalo u belu akrilnu boju, i istackajte gornji deo nokta, kao za french. I to bi bilo to sa belom bojom. Posto se akrilne boje brzo suse, predlazem zatvaranje bocice.
Then, dip the dotter in white acrylic paint, and put some dots upper part of the nail, like as for French manicure . And that's it with white paint. Since the acrylic paints dry quickly, I suggest closing the bottle.
Uzmite sada zutu boju, i cetkicu broj 3 (mozete i tackalo upotrebiti). Nacrtajte samo jednu malu tackicu u sredini oba cveta.
Now you should take yellow colour, and size 3 brush (you can use dotter instead). Draw a tiny dot in the middle of both flowers.
A sad zelena. Cetkicom broj 3, umocenom u zelenu boju, povucite dve male sare ispod gornjeg cveta, koje trebaju da predstavljaju listove.
And now the green one. With size 3 brush, dip in the green colour, drag two little lines below the upper flower, that should represent leaves.
Zadnji korak. Kapnite na papir malo Essence Ultimate Pink, umocite u njega cetkicu velicine 3 a zatim nezno prevucite preko sredine belih latica.
Last step. Put some Essence Ultimate Pink on the paper, dip the size 3 brush in it, and then gently drag it across the center of white petals.
Ukoliko na drugom i cetvrtom noktu nacrtate ovo, a na ostalima “french tackice” izgledace ovako :
If you draw second and fourth nail like this, and on the others put some “french dots”, it will look like this :
Ako hocete da pogledate tutorijal sa vise slika, bez teksta, mozete ga skinuti sa interneta OVDE .
If you want to see tutorial with more pictures, and without text, you can download it HERE .
Ovo je moj prvi tutorijal, pa kazite mi sta mislite o njemu?
This is my first tutorial, so tell me what you think of it?
- Essence Ultimate Pink
- Bela, zelena i zuta akrilna boja
- cetkice velicine 3 i 5
- tackalo
- cist alkohol (nakon svake upotrebe cetkice, operite je u alkoholu)
- skidac laka za nokte bez acetona (ukoliko napravite gresku)
- papir ispod svega toga (kako ne bi bilo boje po celom stolu)
- Sehe Vite Dry Top Coat (samo preko baze! ako ga namazete preko akrilnih boja, pokvaricete crtez)
- Essence Ultimate Pink
- White, green and yellow acryl paint
- Brushes : size 3 and 5
- dotter
- pure alcohol (after every use of brush, clean it in alcohol)
- nail polish remover without acetone (if you make mistake)
- paper under all of that (if you don’t want paint to be all over the table)
- Sehe Vite Dry Top Coat (only over base! If you put it over acryl paints, you will spoil the draw)
Namazite jedan sloj Essence Ultimate Pink (ili bilo koju boju koja zelite da vam bude baza).
Apply one layer of Essence Ultimate Pink (or any other colour that would be base).
Cetkicu velicine 3, umocite u belu akrilnu boju, i nacrtajte cetiri latice na gornjem delu nokta, ostavljajuci malo mesta u sredini.
Size 3 brush, take some white acrylic paint with it, and draw four petals on top of the nail, leaving a little space in the middle.
A odmah zatim, istom cetkicom, nacrtajte tri latice u donjem delu nokta, opet ostavljajuci mesta u sredini.
Right after that, with the same brush, draw three petals in the lower part of the nail, again leaving a little space in the middle.
Sa tankom cetkicom, velicine 5, povucite tri linije koje povezuju cvetove.
With a thin brush, size 5, pull the three lines that are linking flowers.
Potom, umocite tackalo u belu akrilnu boju, i istackajte gornji deo nokta, kao za french. I to bi bilo to sa belom bojom. Posto se akrilne boje brzo suse, predlazem zatvaranje bocice.
Then, dip the dotter in white acrylic paint, and put some dots upper part of the nail, like as for French manicure . And that's it with white paint. Since the acrylic paints dry quickly, I suggest closing the bottle.
Uzmite sada zutu boju, i cetkicu broj 3 (mozete i tackalo upotrebiti). Nacrtajte samo jednu malu tackicu u sredini oba cveta.
Now you should take yellow colour, and size 3 brush (you can use dotter instead). Draw a tiny dot in the middle of both flowers.
A sad zelena. Cetkicom broj 3, umocenom u zelenu boju, povucite dve male sare ispod gornjeg cveta, koje trebaju da predstavljaju listove.
And now the green one. With size 3 brush, dip in the green colour, drag two little lines below the upper flower, that should represent leaves.
Zadnji korak. Kapnite na papir malo Essence Ultimate Pink, umocite u njega cetkicu velicine 3 a zatim nezno prevucite preko sredine belih latica.
Last step. Put some Essence Ultimate Pink on the paper, dip the size 3 brush in it, and then gently drag it across the center of white petals.
Ukoliko na drugom i cetvrtom noktu nacrtate ovo, a na ostalima “french tackice” izgledace ovako :
If you draw second and fourth nail like this, and on the others put some “french dots”, it will look like this :
Ako hocete da pogledate tutorijal sa vise slika, bez teksta, mozete ga skinuti sa interneta OVDE .
If you want to see tutorial with more pictures, and without text, you can download it HERE .
Ovo je moj prvi tutorijal, pa kazite mi sta mislite o njemu?
This is my first tutorial, so tell me what you think of it?
Glad to meet you - acryl paint :)
Zadnjih par dana nikako nisam imala ni vremena a ni ideja. Prvo da se pohvalim sa 6 lakova koje sam dobila od decka za Dan Zaljubljenih.
Smislila sam da za moj prvi crtez upotrebim Essence Ultimate Pink i ove tri akrilne boje.
Pocela sam sa jednostavnim sarama i cveticima. Znam da nije bas najbolje, ali za pocetak sam jako zadovoljna.
Jel ste koristele akril do sada? I kako vam se svidja moje prvo delo?
In the last couple of days, I didn’t have a time or ideas. First I want to show off 6 polishes that I got from my boyfriend for Valentine Day.
Prvo sam isprobala ovaj S-he nebesko plavi. Tek nakon 3 sloja boja je izgledala kao u bocici. Nisam nesto odusevljena.I try out first these S-he sky blue polish. After 3 layers it came out like a colour that it’s in the bottle. I’m not very thrilled.
Danas sam od tate dobila set akrilnih boja, i napokon… Sehe Vite Fast Dry Top Coat koji sam toliko zelela. Odmah mi je sinulo milion ideja.Today I got from my father set of acryl paints, and finally…Sehe Vite Fast Dry Top Coat that I wanted so much. I got million ideas in the moment.
Smislila sam da za moj prvi crtez upotrebim Essence Ultimate Pink i ove tri akrilne boje.
I figure it out to use Essence Ultimate Pink and these three acryl paints for my first real draw.
Pocela sam sa jednostavnim sarama i cveticima. Znam da nije bas najbolje, ali za pocetak sam jako zadovoljna.
I started with simple lines and flowers. I know it’s not the best, but I’m very satisfied.
Jel ste koristele akril do sada? I kako vam se svidja moje prvo delo?
Did you used acryl till now? And how do you like my first piece of art?
Feb 12, 2011
Valentine Day is coming…Are you ready?
Za 2 dana dolazi nam Dan Zaljubljenih. U svim prodavnicama samo plisane mede sa srcima, raznorazna srca, jastucici u obliku srca… Zato sam i smislila 2 nail art-a sa srcima, posto i dalje ne znam koji cu imati taj dan.
For two days here it comes…Valentine's Day. In all the stores I see only teddy bears with hearts,and various kinds of heart, heart-shaped pillows. That's why I come up with two nail designs with hearts, but I still don’t know what I will have on that day.
Golden Rose 242 & Golden Rose 262 :
Golden Rose 212 & Golden Rose 227 & Golden Rose Nail Art :
Ne mogu jos da se odlucim, ali ima jos 2 dana vremena.
Poklon za decka je vec spremljen, a ja sam moj poklon dobila danas. Kupio mi je 6 lakova za nokte. Previse me dobro poznaje.
Srecan vam Dan Zaljubljenih
I can’t decide yet, but there are still two days to think about.
I already bought gift for my boyfriend, and I got my gift today. He bought me a 6 nail polishes. He knows me too well.
Happy Valentines day
For two days here it comes…Valentine's Day. In all the stores I see only teddy bears with hearts,and various kinds of heart, heart-shaped pillows. That's why I come up with two nail designs with hearts, but I still don’t know what I will have on that day.
Golden Rose 242 & Golden Rose 262 :
Golden Rose 212 & Golden Rose 227 & Golden Rose Nail Art :
Ne mogu jos da se odlucim, ali ima jos 2 dana vremena.
Poklon za decka je vec spremljen, a ja sam moj poklon dobila danas. Kupio mi je 6 lakova za nokte. Previse me dobro poznaje.
Srecan vam Dan Zaljubljenih
I can’t decide yet, but there are still two days to think about.
I already bought gift for my boyfriend, and I got my gift today. He bought me a 6 nail polishes. He knows me too well.
Happy Valentines day
Feb 9, 2011
Crackling effect – NOT
Proslo je vec vise od 3 meseca kada sam kupila ovaj Crack Lacquer Tina Deep Blue, ali nikako nisam imala vremena da ga isprobam. I dobro je sto nisam. Za bazu sam odlucila da stavim Golden Rose 227 koji je pink boje pa sam mislila da ce se lepo uklopiti. Na kraju, ni ne vidi se da je ispod pink, vise je belo.
It has been more than three months when I bought this Crack Lacquer Tina Deep Blue, but I didn’t have time to try it out. And it’s good that I didn’t.
For the base I decided to put the Golden Rose 227, which is pink and I thought it would be a nice fit. Finally, you can’t even see that it is pink under the crack polish, it’s more white.
Lak se lako maze, stvarno je predivan i lepo izgleda kada pocne da puca.
Prva slika je sa blicem, a druga bez blica.
The polish is easy to apply, it is really beautiful and looks nice when it start to crack.
The first picture is with flash and the second is without flash.
Posle Top Coat-a i 3h susenja, kada sam otisla da operem ruke, oprala sam i sav lak sa noktiju. Dobar je za slikanje, ali ocigledno samo za to.
Posto u Srbiji nisam videla ni jednu drugu marku ovih lakova, za sad ih vise necu kupovati, a ni koristiti.
After Top Coat and 3 hours of drying, when I went to wash my hands, I washed and all the nail polish. It is good for picturing, but obviously only for that.
Because I haven’t seen any other brand of these polishes in Serbia, for now I won’t buy them anymore, or use them.
It has been more than three months when I bought this Crack Lacquer Tina Deep Blue, but I didn’t have time to try it out. And it’s good that I didn’t.
For the base I decided to put the Golden Rose 227, which is pink and I thought it would be a nice fit. Finally, you can’t even see that it is pink under the crack polish, it’s more white.
Lak se lako maze, stvarno je predivan i lepo izgleda kada pocne da puca.
Prva slika je sa blicem, a druga bez blica.
The polish is easy to apply, it is really beautiful and looks nice when it start to crack.
The first picture is with flash and the second is without flash.
Posle Top Coat-a i 3h susenja, kada sam otisla da operem ruke, oprala sam i sav lak sa noktiju. Dobar je za slikanje, ali ocigledno samo za to.
Posto u Srbiji nisam videla ni jednu drugu marku ovih lakova, za sad ih vise necu kupovati, a ni koristiti.
After Top Coat and 3 hours of drying, when I went to wash my hands, I washed and all the nail polish. It is good for picturing, but obviously only for that.
Because I haven’t seen any other brand of these polishes in Serbia, for now I won’t buy them anymore, or use them.
Feb 6, 2011
Those French... You have to love them :)
I pored muskih komentara "Sto si namazala samo pola nokta?", ja i dalje obozavam french :).
Francuska je i dalje na mojoj listi zemalja koje moram posetiti. Sva ta romantika...
Nije mi zanimljivo kad vidim onaj obican beli french manikir. Volim uvek da mesam razlicite boje, nijanse, da stavim neke cirkone, nalepnice, pecate. To je ono sto upotpunjuje ceo taj izgled, sto privlaci paznju na nokte.
Despite of men comment "Why do you only polished half the nail?", I still adore French :).
France is still on my list of countries that I must visit some day. All the romance ...
It is not interesting to me when I see the regular white French manicure. I love to mix different colors, shades, to put some decorations , stickers, stamps. That's what completes the whole look, that attracts attention to the nails.
France is still on my list of countries that I must visit some day. All the romance ...
It is not interesting to me when I see the regular white French manicure. I love to mix different colors, shades, to put some decorations , stickers, stamps. That's what completes the whole look, that attracts attention to the nails.
Golden Rose 242 & Golden Rose Nails Art 121 & Butterfly Sticker
Golden Rose 339 & Golden Rose 270
Aura 124 & Golden Rose 227& Flower Stamps
Juce sam kupila jos 2 Golden Rose Nail Art laka. Isprobacu ih ovih dana :)
Yesterday I bought 2 more Golden Rose Nail Art polishes. I will try them these days :)
Feb 4, 2011
Don't judge on one look :)
Evo i nekih mojih noktića od ranije.
Ne zamerite što poneki imaju greške, sve smo se mi na greškama učile :)
Here is some pictures of my nails from earlier.
Some of them have mistakes, but we all learn on mistakes :)
Farmasi 29 & Aura 203
Colors of Benetton :) . Farmasi 29 & Golden Rose 234 & Farmasi 19 & Classics 164
Golden Rose 339 & Golden Rose 242 & Golden Rose Nail Art 123 & Golden Rose Nail Art 110
Golden Rose 227 & Golden Rose 242
no name pink polish & black stamping :)
Golden Rose 227 & Aura 124
Golden Rose 339& Golden Rose 234
Kao što možete primetiti, koristim uglavnom Golden Rose lakove, i obožavam nijanse plave i pink boje.
Koje marke vi koristite i koje boje lakova volite?
As you can notice, I mostly use Golden Rose polishes, and I love all kind of blue and pink.
What brands do you use, and what is your favourite polish colour?
Farmasi 29 & Aura 203
Colors of Benetton :) . Farmasi 29 & Golden Rose 234 & Farmasi 19 & Classics 164
Golden Rose 339 & Golden Rose 242 & Golden Rose Nail Art 123 & Golden Rose Nail Art 110
Golden Rose 227 & Golden Rose 242
no name pink polish & black stamping :)
Golden Rose 227 & Aura 124
Golden Rose 339& Golden Rose 234
Kao što možete primetiti, koristim uglavnom Golden Rose lakove, i obožavam nijanse plave i pink boje.
Koje marke vi koristite i koje boje lakova volite?
As you can notice, I mostly use Golden Rose polishes, and I love all kind of blue and pink.
What brands do you use, and what is your favourite polish colour?
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