Mar 29, 2014

Twin Post with The Polished Fangirl – Mandarin Fish

Danas ću vam pokazati moj prvi Twin Post. Twin post se događa jednom mesečno, kada svaka od nas koje se pridružimo dobija svog "blizanca" i temu na koju treba da naprave isti manikir. 
Ovog meseca, moj "blizanac" je Erika sa bloga The Polished Fangirl, a tema koju smo dobile je tropska riba. Nakon razgledanja svih mogućih vrsta tropskih ribica (nisam mogla da poverujem koliko ima prelepih riba) odlučile smo se za print kakav ima Mandarin riba.
Koristila sam : Essence - Doc, Gade - Stunning Sapphire, i Gade - Pool Party.

Today I'm going to show you my first Twin Post. Twin Post happens once in a month, and each of us get their "twin" and the theme for manicure. 
This month, my "twin" is Erika from The Polished Fangirl blog, and theme that we got is tropical fish. After looking into a lot of tropical fishes (I couldn't believe how many gorgeous fishes are there), we decided for Mandarin fish print. 
I used : Essence - Doc, Gade - Stunning Sapphire, and Gade - Pool Party.

mandarin fish 3mandarin fish 2mandarin fish

Obavezno pogledajte i kako je Erika napravila ovaj isti dizajn, ali i teme koje su druge devojke dobile, kao što je zmijski print, tigar print, zebra print...

Be sure to check out how Erika made this design, and also the themes that other girls did, like snake print, tiger print, zebra print... 

Mar 28, 2014

Matching Manicure - Distressed Mani

U nedelju je tema za Matching Manicure, kao što ste verovatno već videli, bila Distressed. Ako još uvek niste čule za ovu tehniku, odlično objašnjenje imate u tutorijalu koji je napravila Sarah sa bloga Chalkboard nails. U nedelju nisam bila u mogućnosti da napravim ovaj manikir, međutim, tema mi se toliko dopala, da sam je uradila prvom prilikom. A nakon ovoga, dopada mi se još više, i jedva čekam da isprobam nove kombinacije boja. 

On Sunday theme for Matching Manicure was, as you probably already seen, Distressed. If you still haven't heard about this technique, there is a great explanation in tutorial made by Sarah from Chalkboard nails blog. On Sunday, I couldn't do this mani, but I liked it so much that I did it first time I could, today. And after this, I like it even more, and I can't wait to try new color combinations. 

distressed mani 3distressed mani 2distressed mani

Ako još uvek niste videle, obavezno pogledajte šta su devojke napravile. Nema šanse da ostanete ravnodušne.

If you still haven't, be sure to check out what girls made. There is no way that you won't love it.

Mar 17, 2014

Matching Manicure–Butterflies

Današnja tema za Matching Manicures su leptiri. Već duže vreme imam u planu da pokušam da napravim manikir sa neonskim leptirima koji je robin mouses napravila u ovom tutorijalu, tako da je ovo bila savršena prilika. Prateći njen tutorijal, stvarno je bilo lako nacrtati ove leptire. Nisam mogla da odolim, tako da i moji leptirići svetle u mraku.
Koristila sam Miyo - Black, Ebalay #003, Ebalay #002, Ebalay #006, Ebalay #009, FlorMar N002, Catherine Arley #709, Primark Beauty - Neon Yellow, Primark Beauty - Neon Pink i Essence - Flowerfields.

Today theme for Matching Manicures is butterflies. For a while now I have in plans to try to make manicure with neon butterflies that Robin Mouses made in this tutorial, so this was a perfect opportunity. Following her steps, it was really easy to draw this. I couldn't resist, so my butterflies also glow in the dark.
I used Miyo - Black, Ebalay #003, Ebalay #002, Ebalay #006, Ebalay #009, FlorMar N002, Catherine Arley #709, Primark Beauty - Neon Yellow, Primark Beauty - Neon Pink and Essence - Flowerfields.

butterflies 3
butterflies 2butterfliesbutterflies glow 3butterflies glow 2butterflies glow

Ne zaboravite da pogledate i leptiriće koje su devojke crtale danas :).

Don't forget to check out butterflies that girls drew today :).

Mar 9, 2014

Matching Manicure - Vintage

Kada sam napokon saznala šta Vintaž predstavlja (što je tema ovonedeljnog Matching Manicure-a), počela sam da istražujem kakva je to moda bila prve polovine XX veka. Moram reći da ja nikada tako nešto ne bih nosila :). Prva inspiracija bile su mi četiri dame, sa velikim neobičnim šeširima, međutim to je bio neuspešan pokušaj. Sledeća inspirativna slika je bila mnogo lakša, uzorak tkanine iz 1930ih godina. 

When I finally found out what is Vintage (which is the theme of this week Matching Manicure), I started searching on google what was fashion trends in the first half of 20th century. I have to say that I would never wear something like that :). My first inspiration was four ladies, with huge unusual hats, but it was a failiure. Next inspiration photo was much easier, fabric pattern from 1930s.

(source :

Ovo je bilo veoma lepo, jednostavno i brzo za napraviti. Koristila sam Essence - Happy i akrilne boje. 

This was very nice, simple and quick to make. I used Essence - Happy and acrylic paints.

vintage nail art 4vintage nail art 3vintage nail artvintage nail art 2

Ne zaboravite da pogledate i šta su ostale devojke crtale danas :).

Don't forget to check out what other girls made today :).

Mar 2, 2014

Matching Manicure - Saran Wrap

Nisam koristila Saran Wrap tehniku baš dugo. A volim je. Zabavna je i nikada ne znam šta će na kraju ispasti. Zbog ovih prolećnih dana koje smo imali ove nedelje, odlučila sam da je napravim moj prvi cvetni manikir ove godine. Koristila sam : Classics - 135, Essence - The One and Only, Miyo - Black, Gina Tricot Beauty - Bright Peach i pločicu BM - 221.

I haven't used Saran Wrap technique for a really long time. And I like it. It is fun and I never know what it will turn out in the end. Because of these spring days that we had this week, I decided to make my first flower mani this year. I used : Classics - 135, Essence - The One and Only, Miyo - Black, Gina Tricot Beauty - Bright Peach and BM-221 stamping plate. 

saran wrapsaran wrap 4saran wrap 3saran wrap 2

Pogledajte i kako su ispali Saran Wrap manikiri ostalih devojaka. Ja sam oduševljena!

Check out how other girls made Saran Wrap mani. I was speechless.

Giveaway Winners

I spent last week verifying entries, and the winners are...

f428yU on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs
(source :

First Prize goes to Marta Śniegocka
Second Prize goes to Ruth Gistelinck
Third Prize goes to Colleen Fearn

Congratulations to the winners. I have already sent email to Marta, and as soon as she reply with her choice of award, I will email Ruth and Colleen.