Mar 15, 2012

Random Spring Nail Art

Izvinite sto nisam postovala zadnjih par dana... imala sam mnogo obaveza, a i internet me je nesto zezao. Ove nokte sto sam danas napravila, ni ne svidjaju mi se nesto, ali nisu toliko bas lose da bi me bilo sramota da ih objavim :D. Podloga je the Balm - I drink my Coffee Matte and Black, a cvetici su akrilnim bojama.

Sorry for not posting last few days, I had lot of things to do, and I also had some internet troubles. This nail art that I did today, I didn't really like, but they are not that bad for being ashamed to publish :D. Base color is the Balm - I drink my Coffee Matte and Black, and flowers were made with acrylic paints. 

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Polako, ali sigurna padam u prolecno raspolozenje. Sta mislite o ovim cveticima?

Slowly, I'm falling into spring mood. What do you think about this flowers?


  1. Cute ali zasto crna podloga? :D Mada zanimljivo. :D Mogla bih da izvalim neke sale ali ajde necu. :3
