Apr 12, 2012

Trying to make Unicorn Puke dupe

Mozda ste primetile da ja nemam wishlistu. Iskreno, bolje mi je bez nje, zato sto mi se misljenje stalno menja, pogotovo kad vidim koliko cesto izlaze novi lakovi. Ali, jedan lak mi je vec par meseci u wishlist-i (u glavi), i svesna sam da ga nikad necu imati,...Cult Nails - Unicorn Puke. Vec duze vreme, ja kombinujem lakove, pokusavam da napravim neki koji je barem slican, i konacno sam uspela. 
Koliko sam uspela da vidim na swatchevima na netu, podloga Unicorn Puke-a je ljubicasta. Pored milion ljubicastih koje imam, ovaj mi se cinio najslicnijim. Color Line #90, dva sloja.
Na to, dodala sam jedan sloj Golden Rose Scale Effect #02.

Maybe you noticed that I don't have wishlist. To be honest, I'm better without it, because I always change my mind, especially when I see how often new collections comes out. But, one nail polish is in my wishlist (in my head) for a few months now, and I'm aware that I will never have it,...Cult Nails - Unicorn Puke. For a while now, I combine nail polishes, trying to make something that is most similar with it, and I finally succeeded.
As I could see on swatches online, base of Unicorn Puke is purple. Between lots of purple that I have, this one seems most similar. Color Line #90, two coats.
On top of it, I layered one coat of Golden Rose Scale Effect #02.

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Da li se vama svidja Unicorn Puke? Da li ga imate? Sta mislite, jesam li uspela da dobijem barem slicnu boju?

Do you like Unicorn Puke? Do you have it? What do you think, is my color at least similar with it?


  1. Wow, this looks great! :)

  2. Unicorn Puke has green in it and has more flakies, they look more dense, plus the base to UP is a purple jelly but you're on the right track!

  3. I don't think I have anything similar to this, it looks such an interesting colour!
