Jun 28, 2012

June Haul and Nail Mail

Nakon poste pocetkom juna koju ste mogli da vidite ovde, bila sam mnogo vredna :). Mojoj kolekciji pridruzili su se svi ovi lakovi koje vidite na slici. Kupila sam ih jos, ali su za drugaricu, swap ili rodjendansku grupu u kojoj sam. 

After nail mail from the begging of June which you could see here, I got more :). Those polishes you can see on picture, joined my nail polish collection this month. I bought more of them, but they are either for a friend, for swap or for a Birthday Group I'm in. 

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Treceg juna, bila sam sa mamom u Bosni na jednodnevnu ekskurziju. Bila je nedelja, tako da sam pronasla samo jednu prodavnicu koja je radila, ali u njoj nije bilo puno lakova (koje vec ne posedujem). Zato sam uzela samo dva...

On the June 3rd, I was with my mother in Bosnia on a one day trip. It was Sunday, so I found only one opened store, but there was not really a big amount of polishes (that I don't already own). So I took only two of them...

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Essence - Blue Addicted, Catrice - Heavy Metallilac 

Onda, za moj rodjedan, iznenadila me je drugarica koju sam i upoznala preko ljubavi prema lakovima. Ucinila me je veoma srecnom, i poklonila mi ovaj lak koji sam vec jako dugo zelela....

Then, for my birthday, my friend, that I met through love for nail polish, surprised me. She made me really happy, and gifted me this nail polish that I wanted for so long...

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FlorMar (SuperShine Miracle) - U18

Vikend nakon toga, mama mi je bila u poseti, pa smo otisle da pokupujemo hranu u Madjarskoj. Tamo sam opet pronasla jeftine lakove :).

Weekend after that, my mother visited me, and we went on a grocery shopping in Hungary. I found again some cheap polishes there :).

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Farmasi #41, Farmasi #80, Farmasi #02, Farmasi #37

Pre tri dana, otisla sam u prodavnicu, da kupim potrebstine za kucu, i tamo nasla Golden Rose lakove. Neke od njih sam vec imala, ali su mi pri kraju.

Three days ago, I went in a store, to buy some things for home, and I found there Golden Rose nail polishes. Some of them I already owned, but I was running low with them.

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Golden Rose Nail Art #110, Golden Rose Nail Art #107, Golden Rose Nail Art #111, Golden Rose Pretty Color #159, 
Golden Rose Nail Art #124, Golden Rose Nail Art #125, Golden Rose Nail Art #121

A juce... Ne pamtim kada sam kupila toliko lakova odjednom. Decko mi je isao za Bosnu, pa sam mu se pridruzila. Pretpostavljate zbog cega :). Pronasla sam CM prodavnicu, i ostala tamo poprilicno dugo :). Iskreno, samo zbog ove prodavnice, vracam se uskoro opet tamo :). 

And yesterday... I can't remember when I bought that many polishes at once. My boyfriend went in Bosnia, so I joined him. You can guess why :). I found a CM store, and stayed their for a while :). To be honest, only because of this store, I'm gonna return there soon :).

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Essence - Andy You're a Star, Essence - You've Got the Art, Essence - Grand-Plie in Black, Essence - Mystic Wish

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Essence - Blood Orange Smoothie, Essence - Divalicious Red, Essence - Princess Peach, Essence - Catwalk Pink

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Catrice - Easy Peasy, Lemon Squeezy!, Catrice - Iron Mermaiden, Catrice - Jade is not my Name,Catrice - Up in the Air, 
Catrice - Pool Party at Night, Catrice - MAN, GO Tango, Catrice - Run Forest Run!

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Catrice - Beam Me Scotty!, Catrice - Moonlight Express, Catrice - Spruced Up, Catrice - Prismatic Top Coat, Catrice - New York

Sta ste vi kupile ovog meseca? Ja vec imam otprilike u glavi redosled isprobavanja ovih lakova, ali ako zelite neki da vidite ranije, slobodno mi kazite :).

What did you bought this month? I already have in mind order of swatching this polishes, but if you want to any of them sooner, feel free to let me know :)