Sep 9, 2012

One Stroke attempt

Od kako sam prvi put videla nail art uradjen One Stroke tehnikom, zaljubila sam se. Odgledala sam toliko tutorijala na Youtube-u, i pokusavala da napravim nesto na papiru... bezuspesno. Danas sam nalakirala zuti theBalm - Hella Yella, i onda stala, bez ideje sta dalje. Akrilne boje, cetkica i tackalo... mislila sam da ce biti ruzno, i da ce me cak biti i sramota da vam pokazem, ali na kraju mi se svidelo. Cak sta vise, sto duze gledam u svoje nokte, sve mi se vise svidja.

Since first time I saw nail art done with One Stroke technique, I fell in love. I watched so many tutorials on Youtube, and tried to make something on a paper... but no luck. Today I polished my nails with yellow theBalm - Hella Yella, and then I stopped, with no idea about what to do next. Acrylic paints, brush and dotter... I thought it would be ugly, and that I will be too embarrassed to show you, but in the end, I liked it. More I watch them, more I like them :). 


Da li mislite da sam na dobrom putu da savladam ovu tehniku? Jeste li je vi probale? Ako jeste, dajte mi neki savet :).

Do you think I'm on a good way to learn this technique? Have you tried it? If you did, give me some advice :).


  1. Super je! Na odlicnom si putu :)

  2. You did a great job! Nice use of complimentary colors (yellow and blue)!!!!

    I found a great video from the creator of One Stroke that might help here: Donna Dewberry talks a little about mistakes that people make.

    The other think I've noticed is that painting on nails is slippery! This is because of the high gloss finish. You can practice on swatches of topcoat painted on a plastic page protector. Or you could paint a matte topcoat over your polish color, paint the flowers with acrylic paint and then seal in your art with a shiny topcoat.

    And then.....practice, practice, practice. :D You're off to an amazing start! You can only get better!


    1. Thank you so much. Your comment means a lot for me. I watched that video, and it helps a lot. Also, I have no idea that painting on matte base is easier, I will have to try that.

  3. prva liga, samo nastavi s vježbanjem i obavezno nam pokaži rezultat :-D
    ja sve odgađam, uvijek uleti nešto drugo...

    1. Hvala :). Ma i ja sam stalno nesto odgadjala, al eto sad da probam. Savet : nemoj probati na papiru, mnogo je teze nego na noktu :D
