Nov 27, 2012

Turquoise Glitter Sandwich

Nastavljam sa gliterima :). Ideja je bila da napravim gliter sendvic, ali ocigledno, od ovog "malog" broja lakova koje imam, retko koji je jelly. Zato sam krenula ovim redom... Miss Sporty - Hypnotic Turquoise koji ste mogli da vidite pre par meseci ovde... Zatim, prvi put isprobane Essence sljokice iz Snow White kolekcije - Prince Charming. 

Continuing with glitters :). Idea was to make a glitter sandwich, but obviously, in this "small" amount off nail polishes that I own, there are almost none with jelly finish. I started with Miss Sporty - Hypnotic Turquoise that you could see few months ago here... Then, first time tried on Essence glitters from  Snow White collection - Prince Charming. 


Ovaj princ i nije toliko los, ali mu ipak nedostaje jos ovih tamno plavih sestouganih glitera. Tu je na scenu stupio Essence - Glorious Aquarius koji ih ima punoooo :).

This prince isn't that bad, but I think there are really small amount of those dark blue hexagonal glitter. That's why I applied Essence - Glorious Aquarius over it, it's full of them :). 


A onda, momenat kada se sve upropasilo. Ne znam zasto sam mislila da je ovaj lak jelly... Nije. Disney Villains - Ursula (42) je prelep, sa mnogo sitnih holo sljokica ali nije jelly... Srecom, i dalje se vide pomalo oni silni gliteri od ranije ;). 

And then, a moment when I ruined everything. I don't know why I tought that this nail polish is jelly... It's not. Disney Villains - Ursula (42) is beautiful, with lots of tiny holo shimmer but it doesn't have jelly finish... Luckily, you can still see some of those glitters from earlier ;).


Da li vam se dopada? Imate li neki (ne tako skup, a relativno dostupan za kupiti) lak sa jelly finishom da preporucite?

Do you like it? Do you have any (not expensive, and available to buy) nail polish with jelly finish to recommend?


  1. Joj, jadna ti kad krenes da skidas ovo :))
    Ja imam samo jedan jelly farmasijev i toliko..

    1. Sva sreca pa mi je peel-off baza bila ispod :). Koji je to Farmasi jelly? Njih mogu lako da nabavim :)

  2. Just make it yourself. Get 1 bottle of clear NP and add some drops of the color you want. Normally I add about 10 drops of color. Some needs more. it is so easy, and works.

    1. Thanks for advise. I had no idea that you could do that :).

  3. meni se konačan rezultat ipak više sviđa, djeluje mi kao ledena bajka :D

    1. Drago mi je :). A kada bolje pogledam, stvarno je kao neka bajka :)
