Mar 11, 2013

Red, Pink and Orange Tulips

Verujem da je 8. mart koji je sada već iza nas, praznik za koji se proda najviše cveća. Skoro svaka ženska osoba koju sam srela taj dan je nosila cveće u rukama. Ja nisam ljubitelj cveća, preferiram čokoladu ali to me ne sprečava da crtam cveće na noktima :). Ovog puta, lale.
Koristila sam : Farmasi #02, Primark - Neon Yellow, Catherine Arley #267, Primark - Neon Green i akrilne boje. 

I believe that Women's Day which was few days ago is the day when flowers are most selling product. Almost every woman that I saw that day had a flower in her hand. I'm not a fan of flowers, I prefer chocolate but that doesn't stop me to draw flowers on nails :). This time, tulips. 
I used : Farmasi #02, Primark - Neon Yellow, Catherine Arley #267, Primark - Neon Green and acrylic paints.

tulips 2
tulips 3
tulips 4

Volite li cveće? Šta ste dobile za 8. mart?

Do you like flowers? What have you got for Women's Day?


  1. Volim sveze seceno cvece, pogotovo ljiljane. :)

  2. You make me wish even more that the spring would come now!

  3. Krasni so. Pri nas še niso začeli cveteti, ampak komaj čakam, da bodo. :)

  4. Ja ne volim da mi ljudi kupuju sečeno cveće, uvek mi nekako bude žao :) Ako mora da bude cveće, neka bude neko u saksijici, mada smatram da ima dosta alternativa za kreativne ljude :)
