Apr 18, 2013

Just another one with One Stroke

Smatram da se sve može naučiti, samo je potrebna vežba. One stroke tehnika je po meni najlepša tehnika crtanja po noktima, i divim se onima koji je perfektno izvode. Pokušala sam već nekoliko puta da crtam ovom tehnikom i bilo je više-manje neuspešno. A da budem iskrena, i teško. 
Od Born Pretty Store-a sam dobila ovaj set četkica, koji sadrži četkicu za one stroke, za akril i za gel tehniku. Moram vam reći, bez prave četkice je nemoguće izvesti one stroke na noktima. Ova četkica je najbolja koju sam do sada probala i sa njom je stvarno lako raditi. Naravno, još uvek mi preostaje mnogo vežbe da bi bilo savršeno.  

I believe that you can learn anything, you just need to practice. In my opinion, one stroke technique is the prettiest technique of nail art, and I admire to those who can do it perfectly. I tried several times to draw with this technique and it was more or less unsuccessful. And to be honest, it was hard. 
I got this set of brushes from Born Pretty Store that has brushes for one stroke, acryl and gel technique. I have to tell you, without a perfect brush, you can't do one stroke on your nails. This brush is the best that I have tried so far and it is really easy to work with it. Of course, I still have to practice a lot to make it perfect. 


Uz malo akrilne boje, prave četkice i malo vode, evo šta sam uspela da napravim. 

With acrylic paint, right brush and a little bit of water, here's what I made.

one stroke attempt
one stroke attempt 2
one stroke attempt 3
one stroke attempt 4
one stroke attempt 5

Da li ste probale ovu tehniku? Imate li neke stvarno dobre tutorijale za početnike (oni koje sam ja pronašla na youtube-u nisu baš sasvim početnički)?
Ako vam treba prava četkica za one stroke, stvarno preporučujem ovaj set četkica. Već imam onaj set od 15 četkica, ali nijedna od njih nije ona koja vam je potrebna za ovu tehniku. Ovaj set možete naći na sajtu Born Pretty Store-a za oko 340 dinara. Ne zaboravite i kupon kod za 10% popusta : KQL91

Have you tried this technique? Do you have any good tutorial for beginners (those that I found on youtube aren't really for beginners)?
If you are searching for right brush for one stroke, I really recommend this set. I already have that set of 15 brushes, but neither one of them is good for this technique. You can find this set on Born Pretty Store for $3.91. Don't forget to use coupon code for 10% off : KQL91.

This review contains a product sent to me by the company’s PR for my review. I do not accept compensation for reviews and all my opinions are honest and objective.For more information, please read my Disclosure Policy.


  1. Krasno ti je uspelo. Jaz sem že tudi probala to tehniko, ampak se mi ne zdi najlažja, je pa po moje res potrebna samo vaja, da se naučiš. :)

    1. Hvala :). Moram vezbati jos, ali ima vremena :). Samo nam Youtube moze pomoci :)

  2. pa super ti je ispalo, predobro izgleda, sviđa mi se efekt :D

    1. Hvala :). Znas da ja ne mogu da se smirim dok nije savrseno :)

  3. Meni se sviđa kako je ispalo. Maćuhice? :)

    Moj nail polish blog nails-and-more.blogspot.com

    1. Drago mi je :). A ovo Maćuhice nisam skontala :/
