Zbog broja za pracenje posiljke, znala sam da ce danas biti divan dan. Ustala sam rano, stala na prozor i cekala. Kad odjednom, prodje postar i ode. Nista ne ostavi. Pola sata kasnije, kada sam vec odustala od cekanja paketa, stize kombi poste, i moj paketic od the Balm-a. Bez carine. Nakon sto sam ga vec pocela silom otvarati, setila sam se da bi mogla i da uslikam :D. Prilicno je lepo bilo sve umotano, u bubble wrap i novine.
Because of a tracking number, I knew that today is going to be a nice day. I got up early, stand by the window and waited. When suddenly, postman came. But he didn't had anything for me. Half an hour later, when I already gave up of waiting for package, Post Van was in front of my house with my package from the Balm. Without any custom fees. After I already started opening it, I remembered that it will be nice to take some pictures :D. Everything was wrapped nicely, in bubble wrap and newspaper.
Kada sam povadila sve napolje, evo sta je bilo u sredini.
When everything was out of the box, here it is what was in the middle.
Videla sam crvene mrlje, i pomislila sam da se sve prosulo usput. Na srecu, samo jedan lak je bio puko, i obojio polovinu ostalih. Bolje da vam ga sad pokazem, pa da posle predjem na lepse stvari :).
I saw red stain, and I thought that everything spilled out. Luckily, only one polish cracked and color half of others. It's better to show you now, so we can move to nicer things :)
the Balm (Hot Ticket) - That's red-icilous
Kutija broj jedan sadrzi 6 lakova...
Box number one had 6 nail polishes...
Kutija broj dva jos 6...
Box number two, 6 more...
Kutija broj tri je ona sa jednim polomljenim lakom... Tako da ima 5.
Box number three is the one with one broken nail polish... So there is 5.
Kutija broj cetiri, jos 6 :)
Box number four, six more :)
Kutija broj pet, pet lakova. Ne znam da li je ovde trebalo da bude pet ili je jedan "nestao" u transportu.
Box number five, five polishes. I don't know is there suppose to be five of them, or one is "missing" in transport.
Konacno, kutija broj sest, sa 6 lepotana :)
Finally, box number six, with 6 beauties :)
A evo ih i svi zajedno...
And here they are all together...
Ocekujte "the Balm" spam ovih dana :)
Expect "the Balm" spam these days :).