Jan 31, 2012

Biggest Nail Mail ever!

Zbog broja za pracenje posiljke, znala sam da ce danas biti divan dan. Ustala sam rano, stala na prozor i cekala. Kad odjednom, prodje postar i ode. Nista ne ostavi. Pola sata kasnije, kada sam vec odustala od cekanja paketa, stize kombi poste, i moj paketic od the Balm-a. Bez carine. Nakon sto sam ga vec pocela silom otvarati, setila sam se da bi mogla i da uslikam :D. Prilicno je lepo bilo sve umotano, u bubble wrap i novine.

Because of a tracking number, I knew that today is going to be a nice day. I got up early, stand by the window and waited. When suddenly, postman came. But he didn't had anything for me. Half an hour later, when I already gave up of waiting for package, Post Van was in front of my house with my package from the Balm. Without any custom fees. After I already started opening it, I remembered that it will be nice to take some pictures :D. Everything was wrapped nicely, in bubble wrap and newspaper.

BenQ Corporation

Kada sam povadila sve napolje, evo sta je bilo u sredini.

When everything was out of the box, here it is what was in the middle. 

BenQ Corporation

Videla sam crvene mrlje, i pomislila sam da se sve prosulo usput. Na srecu, samo jedan lak je bio puko, i obojio polovinu ostalih. Bolje da vam ga sad pokazem, pa da posle predjem na lepse stvari :).

I saw red stain, and I thought that everything spilled out. Luckily, only one polish cracked and color half of others. It's better to show you now, so we can move to nicer things :)

BenQ Corporation
the Balm (Hot Ticket) - That's red-icilous

Kutija broj jedan sadrzi 6 lakova...

Box number one had 6 nail polishes...

BenQ Corporation

BenQ Corporation

Kutija broj dva jos 6...

Box number two, 6 more...

BenQ Corporation

BenQ Corporation

Kutija broj tri je ona sa jednim polomljenim lakom... Tako da ima 5.

Box number three is the one with one broken nail polish... So there is 5.

BenQ Corporation

BenQ Corporation

Kutija broj cetiri, jos 6 :)

Box number four, six more :)

BenQ Corporation

BenQ Corporation

Kutija broj pet, pet lakova. Ne znam da li je ovde trebalo da bude pet ili je jedan "nestao" u transportu.

Box number five, five polishes. I don't know is there suppose to be five of them, or one is "missing" in transport.

BenQ Corporation

BenQ Corporation

Konacno, kutija broj sest, sa 6 lepotana :)

Finally, box number six, with 6 beauties :)

BenQ Corporation

BenQ Corporation

A evo ih i svi zajedno...

And here they are all together...

BenQ Corporation

BenQ Corporation

Ocekujte "the Balm" spam ovih dana :)

Expect "the Balm" spam these days :).

Jan 30, 2012

Haul in last 10 days

Zadnjih 10ak dana pokupovala sam mnogo toga. Ali tesim sebe da i nije tako mnogo posto nije sve za mene :D. Pripremite se na spam slikama.

In last 10 days I bought a lot of things. I keep telling myself that it isn’t that much because it’s not all for me :D. Prepare yourself for picture spam.

BenQ Corporation
A evo i po grupama onih koji su za mene :).

And here are those that are for me, divided in groups :).

BenQ Corporation
Essence (Vampire’s Love) – Hunt me if you can, Essence (Vampire’s Love) – The Dawn is Broken

BenQ Corporation
Essence (Denim Wanted!) – I love my jeans, Essence (Urban Messages) – Nightline

BenQ Corporation
Essence (C&G) – Icy Princess, Essence (C&G) – Red-y to go

BenQ Corporation
Essence (Special Effect! toppers) – Purplicious & Time for Reflection & Mystic Mermaid

BenQ Corporation
Essence (Multidimension) – Coconut Kiss, Essence (Multidimension) – Found My Love

BenQ Corporation
Farmasi – 88, Farmasi – 72, Farmasi – 85

BenQ Corporation
S-he – 135, FlorMar (True Color) – 005

Sta mislite o mom ulovu? Imate zelju da uradim swatch nekog posebnog?
What do you think about my haul? Any specific that you want me to swatch it?

Jan 28, 2012

Bugs Bunny with Bootie Babe–Hella Baloo

Kao veliki fan plave boje uopste, Hella Baloo sam zavolela cak i pre nego sto sam ga isprobala. Bio je potreban samo jedan sloj da izgleda perfektno. I dalje nisam mogla da se suzdrzim od smeha dok sam ga lakirala,zbog bocica. Obozavam ih :D.

As a big fan of blue color, I fell in love with Hella Baloo even before I tried it out. It needs only one coat to look perfect. As last time, I couldn't stop smiling while I was applying it, because of bottle. I love them :D

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Posto se Hella Baloo brzo osusio, mogla sam da crtam :). Razmisljala sam, i zbog istih inicijala B(ootie)B(abe) i B(ugs)B(unny), iliti Dusko Dugousko, odluka je brzo pala :). Naravno, morala sam mu dodati i sargarepicu i Elmera, nespretnog lovca kog nekako nikad nisam volela kada sam bila mala. Mislim, zasto bi neko hteo da upuca zeca? :D

Since Hella Baloo dried really fast, I could draw :). I was thinking, and because of the same initials B(ootie)B(abe) and B(ugs)B(unny), I decided really easy :). Of course, I had to add him a carrot and Elmer, clumsy hunter that I never liked when I was little. I mean, why would anybody want to shoot a rabbit? :D 

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Sta mislite o mom novom plavom laku? Jel vam se svidja Dusko Dugousko? :D
Inace, Amra sa Let's polish some nails i ja smo smo napravile grupu za sve nas zavisne od lakova i noktica uopste, gde cemo moci da se savetujemo oko toga sta kupiti, sta ne kupiti, gde su dobri giveaway-ovi, ko nudi free shipping za ovamo i mnogo toga jos interesantnog :). Ako zelite, kliknite na link i pridruzite nam se : http://www.facebook.com/groups/342499282438895/

What do you think about my new blue polish? Do you like Bugs Bunny? :D

This review contains a product sent to me by the company’s PR for my review. I do not accept compensation for reviews and all my opinions are honest and objective.For more information, please read my Disclosure Policy.

Jan 26, 2012

Essence - Mystic Mermaid

Posle Hello Holo, shvatila sam da moram da kupim jos Essence-ovih Special Effect Toppera. Prvi na listi bio je Mystic Mermaid (znam da je izbacen iz prodaje, ali ja sam ga nekako nasla u prodavnici). Posto je ipak u pitanju lak za layerovanje, ja sam ga nalakirala preko belog Isabelle Dupont - 203.
U bocici mozete videti mnogo plavog i rozikastog shimmera koji se i na noktima vidi pod odredjenim uglom. Ono sto me je prijatno iznenadilo je, da je kad se osusi glatak i ujednacen. Ocekivala sam da ce biti potreban Top Coat, ali ne. Na slici je jedan sloj Essence- Mystic Mermaid preko belog laka.

After Hello Holo, I realized that I have to buy more Essence Special Effect Toppers. First on my list was Mystic Mermaid (I know it is discontinued, but somehow I found it in store). Since this is layering polish, I applied it over white Isabelle Dupont #203.
In a bottle you can see plenty of blueish and pinkish shimmer that is also visible on nails when you look at them at certain angle. I was pleasantly surprised with that it dries smooth and evenly. I expected I would need of Top Coat, but no. On picture is one coat of Essence - Mystic Mermaid over with nail polish.

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Nakon celog dana nosenja, uvece sam odlucila da mu nacrtam par cvetica akrilnim bojom :).

After wearing it all day, in the evening I decided to draw few flowers with acrylic paint :)

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Sta mislite o ovome? Koji je vas omiljeni Special Effect Topper?

What do you think about this? What is your favourite Special Effect Topper?

Jan 25, 2012

Random Swatches

Posto vidim da sam vas zainteresovala sa najjeftinijim lakom za nokte koji postoji (a da ja znam), odlucila sam da vam danas pokazem i preostala dva koja sam kupila. 
Farmasi #31 je boje trule visnje sa sitnim srebrnkastim shimmerom. Ima malo jaci miris, ali ne toliko jak da ga ne mozete podneti. Na slici je jedan (da,jedan!!!) sloj. 

Since I see I interested you with cheapest nail polish ever (as far as I know), I decided to show you today other two that I bought. 
Farmasi #31 is maroon colored nail polish with tiny silverish shimmer. It has a little bit stronger smell, but it's not that strong so you can't handle it. On picture is one (yes,one!!!) coat.

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Zeleni, Farmas #88, mi se uopste ne svidja. Ocekivala sam nesto spektakularno, a dobila sam obican sedefasti lak na kom se vidi svaki potez cetkice koji napravim. Na slici su dva sloja.

Green, Farmasi #88, I don't really like at all. I expected something spectacular and I god regular frost nail polish on which you can see every move of a brush that I made. On picture there is two coats. 

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Treci nije Farmasi, ali ipak pripada grupi lakova koje sam kupila u zadnjih nedelju dana. Essence - Coconut Kiss nije u prodaji vise (ali ja sam ga nasla, ne pitajte kako, ne znam ni ja sama), i privukao me je jos dok je stajao na polici u prodavnici. Pod onim neonskim svetlima, ucinilo mi se da ima duochrome efekat, i da se presijava na pink. Ne presijava se. U pitanju je jos jedan sedefasti lak klasicne bele boje, koji se lakira u 3 sloja.

Third one is not Farmasi, but it still belong to the group of polishes that I bought last week. Essence - Coconut Kiss is not in sale anymore (but I found it, don't ask me how, I really don't know), and it attracted me from shelves in store. Under those neon lights, it seems to me that it have duochrome effect, and that other shade is pink. It doesn't. It is another nail polish with frost finish classic white color, that is opaque in 3 coats.

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Sta mislite o mojim Farmasi lakovima? Jeste li probale Coconut Kiss? Jel volite da nosite sedefaste lakove?

What do you think about Farmasi nail polsihes? Have you tried Coconut Kiss? Do you like to wear nail polishes with frost finish?

Jan 23, 2012

Farmasi with Funky French

Jednom mesecno idem u veliku kupovinu hrane i stvari za kucu, i mozete da zamislite moje prijatno iznenadjenje kada sam ovog puta videla da su poceli da prodaju i lakove za nokte. Samo jedan brend, Farmasi, samo desetak boja, ali ipak - cena je bila minimalna moguca. Bukvalno... Nikad do sada nisam videla lak koji kosta 30 din ( 0.3€) a da je prilicno dobrog kvaliteta. Zgrabila sam tri (posto nisam znala kakvi su), a ostale cu sledeceg puta :).
Danas sam isprobala plavi, Farmasi 85. Punu pokrivenost ovaj lak postize u 2 tanka sloja, cetkica je odlicna i prilicno ga je lako naneti.

Once a month I go in big food and stuff for home shopping. You can imagine my surprise when I saw this time, that they started selling polishes. Only one brand, Farmasi, only about 10 colors, but still - price is minimal. Literally... I have never seen until now nail polish that costs 0.3€ ( 0.37$) and it has pretty good quality. I grabbed three pieces (since I didn't knew are they worth any money) and I will buy rest of them next time :).
Today I tried out blue one, Farmasi 85. It's opaque after two thin coats, brush is grate and it's pretty easy to apply it.

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Onda sam odlucila da ga malo zacinim, i napravim funky french sa zutom akrilnom bojom. Zuto - plavo je definitivno najbolja moguca kombinacija po mom misljenju :). 

Then I decided to spice it up a little bit, and make funky french with yellow acrylic paint. Yellow - Blue is definitely the best color combination at my opinion :).

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Jeste li probale Farmasi? Sta mislite o njima?

Have you tried Farmasi? How do you like them? 

Jan 20, 2012

Starry Purple Tutorial

Pre nekih dve nedelje, pokazala sam vam moj prvi nail art ove godine Starry Purple. Nisam ga smatrala nista posebno specijalnim, i nisam mislila da ce vam se toliko dopasti, ali eto, nisam bila u pravu :). I drago mi je. Uglavnom, Tiana Bryant me je zamolila da napravim tutorial ovog nail art-a, tako da sam ga sa zadovoljstvom ponovila, uz male izmene :). 
Ovog puta, za baznu boju, koristila sam Essence - Midnight Rocker. A za ostalo, trebace vam : 
  • 4 glitter laka za nokte (ja sam koristila b.pretty - phantom, b.pretty - lilac dreams, b.pretty - canopy, i b.pretty - silver spruce)
  • zuta akrilna boja / zuti lak za nokte
  • igla / cackalica / tanko tackalo

About two weeks ago, I showed you my first nail art in this year Starry Purple. I didn't thought it was something special, and that you gonna like it that much, but I was wrong :). And I'm glad. Anyway, Tiana Bryant asked me to do tutorial for that nail art, so I did it with my pleasure, with some changes :).
This time, for base color I used Essence - Midnight Rocker. And for everything else - you will need : 
  • 4 glitter nail polishes (I used b.pretty - phantom, b.pretty - lilac dreams, b.pretty - canopy, and b.pretty - silver spruce)
  • yellow acrylic paint / yellow nail polish
  • needle / toothpick / thin dotter

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Korak 1. Preko nokta, u dijagonalnom pravcu povucite jednu tanku liniju glitterastim lakom.

Step 1. Over the nail, draw one thin line with glitter nail polish diagonally. 

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Korak 2. Sa drugim glitterastim lakom, nacrtajte liniju ispod prethodne.

Step 2. With different glitter polish, draw a thin line below previous one.

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Korak 3. Ponovite isto to jos dva puta sa razlicitim lakovima.

Step 3. Repeat the same step two more times with different nail polishes. 

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Korak 4. Sa zutom akrilnom bojom ili zutim lakom za nokte (lak koristite samo ako je stvarno dobro pigmentisan, ili preko bele akrilne boje) nacrtajte zvezdice. Ovog puta, ja sam crtala zvezdice i ispod i iznad linija. I jos malo da zacinim, preko ostalih noktiju sam nalakirala NYC - East Village. 

Step 4. With yellow acrylic paint or yellow nail polish (use nail polish only if it's really pigmented, or over white acrylic paint) draw stars. This time, I drew them both below and above the lines. And to spice it little bit more, over other nails I polished NYC - East Village.

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Nadam se da ce se, onima kojima je ovo bilo potrebno, ovo i svideti :). 
I moram da se pohvalim, osvojila sam 34 lakica na theBalm stranici :). Njihovo osoblje me je izabralo i jos ne mogu da poverujem. Jedva cekam da stignu :).

I hope that, those of you who needed this, will like it :).
And I have to brag, I won 34 nail polishes on theBalm page :). Their staff picked me and I still can't believe it. I can't wait to get them :).

Jan 18, 2012

Bootie Babe swatches : Lime So Fine & Electric Lemon & Brink of Pink

Znam da je mnogo vas jedva cekalo ovo kao sto sam i ja. Nisam se zaustavila na jednom, vec sam morala da  tri laka da isprobam i obozavam ih. Sva tri laka su iz Neon kolekcije.
Prvi, zeleni neonski, sa naizgled veoma poznatom od ranije bojom. Cini mi se kao da sam videla vec mnogo ovakvih. U svakom slucaju, posto nisam od pocetka razmisljala samo sam nastavljala da mazem sloj po sloj, i tako do cetvrtog. A i dalje se vide vrhovi noktiju. Posle toliko slojeva, lak, kao da nije mogao nikako da se osusi, nego je postao gelast. Moja greska a recicu vam i zasto. Ipak, pogledajte prvo kako izgleda :)

I know many of you couldn't wait for this, and so am I. I didn't stopped on one, I had to try out three polishes and I love them. All three are from Neon Collection.
First, neon green, that seems kind a familiar. I think I saw many other brands has this kind of green. Anyway, since I didn't thought about it on time, I applied coat after coat, and did that until there were 4 coats. And you can still see tips. After all those coats, polish was kind a gelish and just couldn't dry at all. It's my mistake and I will tell you why. Just, take a look at picture first to see how it looks :)

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Pa, moja greska je bila u tome sto nisam postovala jedno pravilo koje imam kada su u pitanju neonski lakovi. Oni su po svojoj strukturi uglavnom slabo pigmentisani, i stvarno im je potrebna bela podloga. Tako da sam na palcu i kaziprstu lakirala samo sledeci, Electric Lemon, i trebalo mu je 5 slojeva. Na ostala tri nokta, nalakirala sam beli Maybelline Colorama - French White i nakon njega, trebalo je samo 2 sloja. Sa susenjem sam opet imala istu situaciju, ova dva nokta gde nije bilo bele podloge su postala gelasta, ali ostala tri su se normalno i prilicno brzo osusila. 

So, my mistake was in that I didn't respected rule that I have when it comes to neon nail polishes. I think they all mostly have low pigmentation, and they really need white background. So I polished on my thumb and my index finger only with next one, Electric Lemon, and it took me 5 coats. On other three nails, I polished white Maybelline Colorama - French White, and after it, it only took 2 coats of Electric Lemon. With drying I had same situation like before. These two nails where there was not white base became gelish, and other three dried normally and pretty fast too.

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Na kraju, moj omiljeni od ova tri, Brink of Pink. Ponovila sam proceduru sa belom podlogom, i sa njom je trebalo 2 sloja. Bez nje 4 sloja. 

At the end, my favourite from those three, Brick of Pink. I did that thing with white base again, and with it, it took 2 coats. Without white bas, 4 coats. 

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Moj plan je bio da ih danas isprobam sve, ali sam imala problem da otvorim plavi i ljubicasti (da, imam jako slabe ruke). Onaj svetlo rozi, sam odlucila da nateram mamu da isproba, posto to stvarno nije moja boja, a njoj je jako svidja. Tako da, sledece nedelje mozete ocekivati ostala tri :). Kako vam se svidjaju moji Bootie Babe lakovi do sada?

My plan was to try them all today, but I had a problem with opening blue and purple one (yes, I have weak hands). That light rose one, I decided to give my mum to review it, since it's really not my color, and she love it. So, next week you can expect next three of them :). How do you like my Bootie Babe polishes so far? 

This review contains a product sent to me by the company’s PR for my review. I do not accept compensation for reviews and all my opinions are honest and objective.For more information, please read my Disclosure Policy.