Nov 30, 2012

Sexy stockings nail art :)

Obozavam kada nail art nastane spontano, bez imalo razmisljanja :). Tako je i danas bilo... Dok sam pila jutarnju kafu, uzela sam lak koji mi je bio najblizi, theBalm - Orange you Glad you're not Blue, a vec oko podne uzela sam da crtam. Bez ikakve ideje u glavi nacrtala sam crnu mrezu po noktima akrilnom bojom, dodala par tackica sa Ebalay - Golden Iridescent i odjednom, svidelo mi se to sto je ispalo :). Podseca me na neke sexy mrezaste carapice ;).

I love when my nail art come spontaneously, without any thinking about it :). That's what happened today... While I was drinking my morning coffee, I took nail polish that was near me, theBalm - Orange you Glad you're not Blue, and about noon, I started drawing. Without any idea in my head, I drew black net on nails with acrylic paint, added few dots with Ebalay - Golden Iridescent and suddenly, I liked what turned out :). It reminds me on some sexy stockings ;).


Kada bi sada nesto menjala, to bi bila neka tamnija crvena boja umesto koralne, ali ni ovako ne izgleda lose. Sta vi mislite?

If I could change something now, it would be some darker red color instead of coral, but this isn't that bad. What do you think?

Nov 29, 2012

Do you really need Peel-off base coat?

Pretpostavljam da ste vec cule za Peel-off bazu koju je Essence napravio kao deo Ready for boarding kolekcije? Od skoro, ova baza je deo i njihovog stalnog asortimana (pretpostavljam da je u pitanju isti lak, ali druga bocica). Imala sam priliku da kupim ovaj lak i smatrala sam da ce mi olaksati muke prilikom skidanja laka kao i ustedi aceton... Ali koliko je bas tako? 
Na bocici pise da treba nalakirati nokte ovim lakom, sacekati da se osuci (kada predje iz bele u bezbojnu boju), a zatim normalno nalakirati drugi lak. Kada zelite da ga skinete, navodno, samo odignete malo gornji deo i povucete ceo lak sa nokta. A evo kako je to izgledalo kod mene...

I assume that you already heard about Peel-off base that Essence made as a part of Ready for boarding collection? Since recently, this base is also part of their continuous range (I will assume that it's the same polish, just different bottle). I had opportunity to buy this polish and I really thought that it will be easier during taking off nail polish and that I can save some acetone... But is it really like that?
On the bottle it says that you need to polish your nails with this nail polish, wait for it to dry (to cross from white to transparent color), then normaly apply another nail polish. When you want to take it off, reportedly, just push up upper part a little bit, and peel off entire nail polish from your nail. And here's how it looked...


To nikako ne lici na jedan komad laka po noktu... Kada krenete da povucete lak, on lepo zapocne, ali onda se pocne truniti pa ponekad morate i da grebete po noktu da bi lak spao. Ono sto sam primetila da pomaze je odizanje laka ne samo od gore nego i sa svih ivica...

That definately doesn't look like one peace of polish per nail... When you start peeling off nail polish, it goes smooth, but then it starts to fall apart and sometimes you even have to scratch your nail so polish can peel off. It helps when you start peeling your polish not only from the top, but from all edges of nail...


Posto su mi nokti dugacki, nije mogao uopste da skine lak sa vrhova noktiju...

Since my nails are really long, it couldn't peel off polish from tips...


Mislite da je ovo do sada bilo lose? Cekajte da cujete sledeci deo. Ne smete uopste prati ruke/sudove/tusirati se (da ne pominjem pranje kose)... Cak i ako imate 5-6 slojeva laka iznad peel off baze, evo sta se dogadja kada dodju u kontakt sa toplom vodom.

You think that these information so far were bad? Wait to see next part. You can't wash your hands/dishes/take a shower (not to mention washing hair) at all... Even if you have 5-6 coats of nail polish on top of peel-off base, here's what's happening when they come in contact with warm water.


Ako vec niste napravile gresku kupujui ovaj lak, nemojte. Ako jeste, ne brinite, moze posluziti za lakove sa sljokicama koji su muka za skidanje svakako. U koju grupu spadate? Imate li mozda razlicita iskustva sa ovim lakom?

If you haven't already made mistake and bought this nail polish, than don't. If you did, don't worry, you can always use it with glitter nail polishes because they are hard to take off anyway. In which group do you belong? Do you maybe have different experiences with this nail polish?

Nov 28, 2012

Puprle & Pink combination? Why not?!

Ljubicasta boja laka za nokte je jedna od mojih omiljenih, i zato sam bila presrecna kada je stigao na moju adresu od Lak se zove Myviven Shimmering Nail Polish (MA03) - Grape Purple. Posle tri tanka sloja laka, potpuno se prekrio nokat, i pojavila divna ljubicasta boja sa srebrnkastim shimerom. Ono sto mi se jos veoma svidelo kod ovog laka je cep. Nije plastican, klasican, vec je gumen pa ga je lakse drzati nego kod ostalih lakova. 
Naravno, dodala sam i mali nail art :). Pink sarice, i pink srca sa theBalm - A Fuschia Too Many i theBalm - I'll Pink to That i theBalm - Magenta Disposition.

Purple color of nail polish is one of my favourite, and that's why I was really happy when it came to my addess from Polish name is Myviven Shimmering Nail Polish (MA03) - Grape Purple. After three thin coats of nail polish it's completly opaque, and you can see gorgeous purple color with silverish shimmer. The thing I also liked with this nail polish is cap. It's not made of classic plastic material, it's made of rubber so it's easier to hold it. 
Of course, I added a nail art :). Pink lines and pink hearts with  theBalm - A Fuschia Too Many i theBalm - I'll Pink to That i theBalm - Magenta Disposition.


Da li vam se dopada lak? A nail art?
Ako zelite ovakav lak, mozete ga kupiti na sajtu Samo za vas, tu je i 10% popusta uz kod : BLGA343MA10

Do you like this nail polish? What about nail art? 
If you want this nail polish, you can find it on There is also a coupon code for you, with which you can have 10% off : BLGA343MA10

This review contains a product sent to me by the company’s PR for my review. I do not accept compensation for reviews and all my opinions are honest and objective.For more information, please read my Disclosure Policy.

Nov 27, 2012

Turquoise Glitter Sandwich

Nastavljam sa gliterima :). Ideja je bila da napravim gliter sendvic, ali ocigledno, od ovog "malog" broja lakova koje imam, retko koji je jelly. Zato sam krenula ovim redom... Miss Sporty - Hypnotic Turquoise koji ste mogli da vidite pre par meseci ovde... Zatim, prvi put isprobane Essence sljokice iz Snow White kolekcije - Prince Charming. 

Continuing with glitters :). Idea was to make a glitter sandwich, but obviously, in this "small" amount off nail polishes that I own, there are almost none with jelly finish. I started with Miss Sporty - Hypnotic Turquoise that you could see few months ago here... Then, first time tried on Essence glitters from  Snow White collection - Prince Charming. 


Ovaj princ i nije toliko los, ali mu ipak nedostaje jos ovih tamno plavih sestouganih glitera. Tu je na scenu stupio Essence - Glorious Aquarius koji ih ima punoooo :).

This prince isn't that bad, but I think there are really small amount of those dark blue hexagonal glitter. That's why I applied Essence - Glorious Aquarius over it, it's full of them :). 


A onda, momenat kada se sve upropasilo. Ne znam zasto sam mislila da je ovaj lak jelly... Nije. Disney Villains - Ursula (42) je prelep, sa mnogo sitnih holo sljokica ali nije jelly... Srecom, i dalje se vide pomalo oni silni gliteri od ranije ;). 

And then, a moment when I ruined everything. I don't know why I tought that this nail polish is jelly... It's not. Disney Villains - Ursula (42) is beautiful, with lots of tiny holo shimmer but it doesn't have jelly finish... Luckily, you can still see some of those glitters from earlier ;).


Da li vam se dopada? Imate li neki (ne tako skup, a relativno dostupan za kupiti) lak sa jelly finishom da preporucite?

Do you like it? Do you have any (not expensive, and available to buy) nail polish with jelly finish to recommend?

Nov 26, 2012

Is Christmas already in the air?

Neplanirano sam uzela "godisnji odmor" od bloga i noktiju uopste, jer sam bila bas neraspolozena. Nisam znala kako da to promenim, pa sam jednostavno sacekala i dopustila da se samo od sebe popravi. Pogodite sta me je podiglo? Nail Mail :). Da sam znala da ce me lakici u posti toliko obradovati, porucila bi nesto ranije ;). Ovog puta, nije toliko bitno sto je paket stigao vec sta je u paketu. Ono sto mi je trebalo za predstojece praznike : zeleni gliteri :).
Lak je MyViven Nail Lacquer - Green Dot & Star (MYVIVEN-SG34) iz U pitanju su zelene sljokice uz par zvezdica u providnoj bazi. Ispod njega sam nalakirala Essence - Bashful koji ste mogli da vidite OVDE.
MyViven - Green Dot&Star mi se dopada kao ideja, iako sam imala malih problema prilikom nanosenja. Sve ide savrseno dok ne pozelite da uhvatite zvezdicu. Cini mi se kao da ih ima mnogo manje u odnosu na ove sestougaone glitere.

I took a unplanned "break" from blogging and nails, because I was in a really bad mood lately. I didn't know how to change it, so I just waited and let it fix itself. Guess what increased my mood? Nail Mail :). If I knew that nail mail will change my bad mood, I would order something sooner ;). This time, it isn't that important that package came, it's about the things that were in a package. A nail polish that I really needed for upcoming holidays : green glitters :). 
Nail polish is MyViven Nail Lacquer - Green Dot & Star (MYVIVEN-SG34) from It's full of green glitters and few stars in clear base. Under it, I applied Essence - Bashful that you can see HERE.
I really like MyViven - Green Dot&Star as an idea, although I had some issues with applying it. Everything is perfect until you want to catch a star. It seems to me that there are really small amount of stars compared to big amount of hexagonal glitter. 


Pa,sta mislite? Da li imate ovakav ili slican lak? 
Ako ga zelite, pored mnogo drugih stvari, mozete ga naci u Jos kad iskoristite kupon od 10% popusta sa kodom : BLGA343MA10, pobedile ste :).

So, what do you think? Do you have this or similar nail polish?
If you want it, together with all kind of different stuff, you can find it in If you use coupon for 10% off : BLGA343MA10, it's definitively a win-win situation :).

This review contains a product sent to me by the company’s PR for my review. I do not accept compensation for reviews and all my opinions are honest and objective.For more information, please read my Disclosure Policy.

Nov 12, 2012

Gorgeous Green with Flowers

Lenjost koju osecam zadnjih par dana je neopisivo velika. Nista mi se ne radi, a nokti stoje "golisavi"... Kako bi podigla sebi malo raspolozenje, odlucila sam se za zelenu varijantu. Essence - Bashful iz Snow White kolekcije je toliko predivan, tamno zelen sa zlatkasto-zelenim shimerom, i pokriva iz 2 sloja. Mislim da je ovo najlepsi zeleni lak koji imam (naravno, holo i duochrome lakovi se ne racunaju ;) ).

Laziness that I feel in the last few days is so huge. I don't feel like doing anything, and my nails were naked... To achieve a better mood, I decided to wear something green. Essence - Bashful from Snow White collection is so gorgeous, dark green with golden-greenish shimmer and it's opaque in 2 coats. I believe that this is pretties green nail polish that I own (of course, holo and duochrome nail polishes don't count ;) ).


Cvetici su nastali sasvim spontano, jer sam krenula da crtam neke svetlo zelene oblike koje sam zabrljala pa sam ih prepravila u lisce :). Nazalost, sunce je vec bilo skoro zaslo kada sam zavrsila pa su slike malo losije. 

Flowers were made spontaneously, because I started drawing some light green objects and they were messy. So I fixed them and turned then into leaves. Unfortunately, it was already dark outside so pictures are little bit bad. 


Kako ste vi raspolozene ovih dana? Koja boja popravlja vase raspolozenje?

What's your mood these days? Which color can fix your bad mood?

Nov 7, 2012

FlorMar DC02 : And all those MANs

Nova FlorMar Duo2XChrome kolekcija jos nije stigla kod nas, ali to me nije sprecilo da kupim jedan u Rumuniji. Odabrala sam da to bude DC02 (da, ljudi iz kompanije FlorMar ocigledno jos uvek nisu naucili da daju imena lakovima) zato sto je izgledao neobicno i za razliku od ostalih, jedinstveno. Pogledajte kako se boje prelivaju u bocici... shvaticete zasto sam se zaljubila.

New FlorMar Duo2XChrome collection still hasn't arrived in Serbia, but that didn't stopped me to buy one in Romania. I chose DC02 (yes, people that work in FlorMar obviously still haven't taught to give names to polishes) only because it looks unusual and, unlike others, unique. Take a look at all those colors in the bottle... you can see why I fell in love.

BenQ Corporation

Na noktima je vec malo drugacije. Nema te svetlo ljubicaste nijanse ili barem ja nisam uspela da je vidim. Boja FlorMar DC02 se preliva iz zlatne u tamno zelenu, ukljucujuci i sve nijanse izmedju ove dve boje. Dovoljno da mi se svidi. Ono sto mi je smetalo kod ovog laka je cetkica koja nekako uvek ostavi trag za sobom. Posle dva sloja laka, nokat je bio potpuno prekriven, ali sam morala da nalakiram i treci kako bi "prikrila tragove" koje cetkica uporno ostavlja... 

It's kind of different on nails. There isn't any light purple shade or at least I don't see it. Color of FlorMar DC02 goes from gold to dark green, including all shades in between of those two colors. Enough for me to like it. What bothered me most with this nail polish is brush, it always somehow leave traces behind. After two coats of nail polish, nails were completely covered, but I have to polish another coat, just to cover all those traces that brush left.


Dok sam cekala da se lak osusi, gledala sam seriju Smallville koja me je navela na razmisljanje... Znate ono, SpajderMEN, BetMEN, SuperMEN, X-MEN... i jos mnostvo onih kojima se "ime" zavrsava na MEN. A tu su i sve te njihove devojke koje samo cekaju da im jedan od njih priskoci u pomoc. Da li su prave devojke stvarno jake (i jace od svih tih "MEN"-ova) ili smo u dubini duse i mi one koje cekaju jednog koji ce nam priskakati u pomoc? 

While I was waiting for polish to be dry, I watched TV show Smallville and it made me thinking... You know that story, SpiderMAN, BatMAN, SuperMAN, X-MAN... and all of those that have a "name" finished with "MAN". And there are all their girls who just wait for some of them to jump and help them. Are real life girls really that strong (and stronger than all those "MAN"s) or are we somewhere deep down still wait for someone to rescue us?


Sta mislite o laku i nail art-u? I naravno, volela bih da cujem vase razmisljanje o mom razmisljanju ;).

What do you think about nail polish and nail art? And of course, I would love to hear your thoughts about my thinking ;).