Mar 31, 2013

Happy Easter Everybody

Iako ne volim baš da jedem jaja, volim Uskrs zbog sve one ostale hrane (posebno torte i šunkice). Toliko sam jela da ne mogu ni da vam opišem, zato ću danas iskoristiti ovo malo prostora na internetu da vam, svima koji danas slavite Uskrs, poželim srećan praznik :). 
Za današnji manikir, koristila sam : Zoya - Sweet, Golden Rose Paris #214, theBalm - Sky Blue Right Past you, Catrice - New York, Aura - Dig that Gold, i akrilne boje. 

Although I don't really like to eat eggs, I like Easter because of all other food (especially cakes and ham). I ate so much today that I can't even describe you, and that's why I'm gonna use this space today, just to wish to all of you who are celebrating Easter today, happy holiday :).
For my manicure today, I used : Zoya - Sweet, Golden Rose Paris #214, theBalm - Sky Blue Right Past you, Catrice - New York, Aura - Dig that Gold, and acrylic paints. 

happy easter
happy easter 2
happy easter 3
happy easter 4

Šta najviše volite kod Uskrsa?

What do you like most about Easter?

Mar 30, 2013

Bunny and Ducks

Uskrs je sutra, a ja sam skoro i zaboravila na njega. Setila sam se juče kada smo trebali da farbamo jaja. Farba mi je malkice uništila prste, a sirće uticalo da mi nokti budu slabiji što je uzrokovalo pucanje noktiju (bolje i to nego jaja :) ). Skratila sam ih koliko sam mogla, a danas sam na brzinu nacrtala Uskršnji manikir. Ljubičasti zeka koji pomalo liči na medu, sa dva žuta pačeta u travi.
Koristila sam : Essence - I Like, FlorMar N014 i akrilne boje.

Easter is tomorrow, and I almost forgot about it. I remembered yesterday when we needed to paint the eggs. Paint ruined my fingers a little bit, and acid caused my nails to be weaker and that's when braking happened (nails, not eggs :) ). I shortened them as much as I could, and today I did quick Easter manicure. Purple bunny that looks a little bit like bear, with two yellow ducks in the grass. 
I used : Essence - I Like, FlorMar N014 and acrylic paints. 

easter bunny with chickens
easter bunny with chickens 2
easter bunny with chickens 3
easter bunny with chickens 4

Šta mislite? Kakvi su vam planovi za sutra ako slavite Uskrs?

What do you thing? What are your plans for tomorrow?

Mar 29, 2013

There is Something About Love

Osećam da bih ovaj post trebalo da počnem sa jednim izvinjenjem i jednim objašnjenjem. Naime, svesna sam da me u zadnje vreme nije bilo ovde toliko često, ali postoje dobri razlozi, a jedan od njih je i vezan za nokte. Započela sam nešto što ću smeti da vam pokažem tek za nekih nedelju dana (pravilo je da ni sliku ne smem nigde objaviti do tada), proživljavam poslednji semestar na fakultetu (i krenulo me je dobro), i još nekoliko stvari je tu. Pokušavam sve da uskladim, ali potrebno mi je da dan traje barem 40h da bi uspela u tome. Hvala vama koji ste ostali ovde, a vidim da imam i nekoliko novih pratioca, njima želim dobrodošlicu.
Da počnem sad nešto u vezi noktiju? Još jedne vodene nalepnice koje su stigle iz Vodene nalepnice su jedino što stižem da stavim na nokte tako da ih definitivno preporučujem ako nemate puno vremena za nail art. Koristila sam Essence - Sleepy i vodene nalepnice

I feel like I should start this post with one appology and one explanation. I'm aware that I wasn't here lately but there are good reason, and one of them is nail related. I started doing something that I will show you in about a week (one of the rules is that I can't publish picture of it anywhere before that date), I'm going on last semester on college (and it's going good), and there are also few more random reasons. I'm trying to do everything, but I need to day lasts at least 40 hours so I could achieve that. Thank you for staying here, and I also see that I have few new followers, welcome.
Should I start now with something that is nail related? Another water decals that came from Water decals are only thing that I wear on my nails lately because of the lack of time, and I definitely recommend them if you don't have time for nail art. I used : Essence - Sleepy and water decals


There is something about love
There is something about love 2
There is something about love 3
There is something about love 4
There is something about love 5

Da li vam se dopadaju? 
Ove vodene nalepnice za nokte možete naći na sajtu za otprilike nekih 240 dinara. Tu je uvek i 10% popusta za moje čitaoce : nailsfromfairytale

Do you like them?
You can find these water decals on web page for $2.82. And there is always a coupon code for my readers : nailsfromfairytale

Mar 22, 2013

Fan Brush Art with a Holo Sparkle

I pored jakog vetra koji smo danas imali, pojavilo se na trenutak sunce i omogućilo mi da vam pokažem manikir koji sam danas napravila sa fan četkicom (to je ona što liči na lepezu). Nisam ni znala da pink i zelena mogu izgledati toliko dobro u kombinaciji. Koristila sam lakove : Catrice - Jade is Not My Name, Jade - Energy i Zoya - Sweet. 

Beside strong wind that we had today, Sun showed up for a moment and made it possible for me to show you mani that I made today with a fan brush. I had no idea that pink and green can look so good combined. I used nail polishes : Catrice - Jade is Not My Name, Jade - Energy and Zoya - Sweet. 

fan brush with holo
fan brush with holo 4
fan brush with holo 3
fan brush with holo 2

Da li vam se dopada crtanje lepezastom četkicom? Ja ga obožavam, a naročito mi je drago što konačno znam svrhu ove četkice.

Do you like art made with fan brush? I love it, especially because I finally know purpose of this brush. 

Mar 21, 2013

Chunky Holo Bluebell and Random Hearts

Danas ću vam pokazati još dva nova proizvoda koja su mi stigla ove nedelje. Prvi je lak za nokte, Kleancolor - Chunky Holo Bluebell.Ovaj lak mi je već duže vreme bio na listi želja, i jedna divna osoba je odlučila da mi ispuni tu želju (više o tome krajem meseca kada budem pisala o novitetima). Chunky Holo Bluebell sam nalakirala pre theBalm - Nothing Rhymes with Purple, i mnogo mi se svidja kako izgleda. Jedina stvar koja me malo muči kod njega je miris koji je nešto jači nego obično kod lakova. 

Today I'm going to show you two more products that came this week. First one is nail polish, Kleancolor - Chunky Holo Bluebell. This nail polish was on my wishlist for a while, and one very nice person decided to fulfill me that wish (more about that on the last day of the month). I layered Chunky Holo Bluebell over theBalm - Nothing Rhymes with Purple, and I really like how it looks. Only thing I don't like about it smell which is stronger than usual. 

kleancolor chunky holo bluebell
kleancolor chunky holo bluebell 3

Poželela sam da ukrasim još malo ovaj lak, dodajući mu srcaste dekoracija za nokte koji su stigli sa sajta Za nekih 450 dinara dobijete 50 srca koja možete da zalepite na nokte. Moram reći da su mi se ova srca stvarno svidela dok su još uvek bila upakovana u kesicu. Njihova boja je prelepa.
Ipak, nakon što sam ih stavila na nokte, shvatila sam da mi ne odgovaraju. Imam pomalo zaobljene nokte (mislim da većina ljudi ima takve) a ova srca su ravna, što im onemogućava da se zalepe za nokat svojom punom površinom. Baš zbog toga, otpali su posle prvog pranja ruku.

I wanted to decorate this nail polish by adding heart nail studs that came to me from For $5.00 you get 50 hearts that you can stick on your nails. I have to say that I really liked these hearts while they were still packed. Their color is gorgeous. 
But, after I putted them on my nails, I realized that they don't work. I have a little bit rounded nails (I believe most people has them too) and these hearts are flat, and it's impossible for them to stick to my nails. Because of that, they fell of after I washed my hands.

kkcenterhk heart decoration
kkcenterhk heart decoration 2
kkcenterhk heart decoration 5
kleancolor chunky holo bluebell 4

Naravno, ostatak srca neću baciti. Smatram da bi odlično izgledali na mobilnom telefonu :). 
Ako vam se dopadaju ova srca, možete ih naći na sajtu zajedno sa još milion dekoracija za nokte uključujući i lakove :). Kupon kod za 10% popusta je : nailsfromfairytale . 

Of course, I won't throw them away. I believe that they will look great on my cellphone :). 
If you like these hearts, you can find them on web page with many other nail decorations including nail polish :). Coupon code for 10% off is : nailsfromfairytale .

This review contains a product sent to me by the company’s PR for my review. I do not accept compensation for reviews and all my opinions are honest and objective.For more information, please read my Disclosure Policy.

Mar 20, 2013

Sweet Love

Moje poštansko sanduče je ovaj mesec konstantno puno. Toliko toga je stiglo, a toliko malo vremena imam da sve to i isprobam. Jedan od lakova za nokte koji mi je stigao u pošti je i Zoya - Sweet. Roza boja kao stvorena za male devojčice, koja potpuno prekriva nokat u 2 sloja. A iza paketa u kojem se nalazio ovaj lak krije se jedna divna priča koju ćete čuti na kraju ovog meseca (nikad ne znam šta još može da se pojavi u mom sandučetu). 

My mail box is constantly full this month. So many things arrived, so I have so little time to try it all out. One of the polishes that came in the mail is Zoya - Sweet. Pink color that it looks like it is made for little girls, and it is fully opaque in 2 coats. And about package that contained this nail polish, there is a lovely story about it, but I'll tell you on the last day of the month (you never know what else can show up in my mail box till then).

zoya - sweet

A u jednom od ostalih paketa, nalazile su se vodene nalepnice koje su stilgle iz Dobila sam tri dizajna vodenih nalepnica, kao i još neke ukraščiće a danas ću vam pokazati (po meni) najlepše, Lover Heart. Vodene nalepnice su stigle perfektno zapakovane (do sada nisam viđala ovakvo pakovanje), ali bez uputstva za upotrebu. Srećom, prošli put kada sam koristila vodene nalepnice, napravila sam par greškica i na njima učila. 

And in one of the other packages, there were water decals that came from I got three designs of water decals and also some nail decoration, and today I'll show you (if you ask me) the prettiest, Lover Heart Water Decals. Water decals came perfectly packed (I never saw this type of packaging before), but without instructions how to use them. Luckily, last time when I used water decals, I made some mistakes and I learned on them.

kkcenterhk water decals
he was a boy and she was a girl
he was a boy and she was a girl 2
he was a boy and she was a girl 3
he was a boy and she was a girl 4
he was a boy and she was a girl 5

Sve ovo mi izgleda toliko slatko. A vama?
Ovakve vodene nalepnice za nokte možete naći na sajtu za otprilike nekih 240 dinara. Tu je uvek i 10% popusta za moje čitaoce : nailsfromfairytale

All this look so sweet to me. And you?
You can find this water decals on web page for $2.82. And there is always a coupon code for my readers : nailsfromfairytale

This review contains a product sent to me by the company’s PR for my review. I do not accept compensation for reviews and all my opinions are honest and objective.For more information, please read my Disclosure Policy.

Mar 19, 2013

Snow Storm

Volim da se igram sunđerom po noktima. Ponekad možete tako da dobijete neverovatan manikir, a ponekad... Ponekad se desi i da preterate. Želela sam danas da napravim galaksiju na noktima, ali mi se slučajno omaklo, i nastala je prava snežna oluja. Ako ništa drugo, barem ide uz sav onaj sneg koji smo imali proteklog vikenda :).

I love to play with sponge on nails. Sometimes you can get amazing mani by doing it, and sometimes... Sometimes you can do it too much. I wanted today to make galaxy nail art, but I just kept sponging until it was too much. Instead of galaxy nails, I got snow storm nails. At least it goes together with all that snow that we had last weekend :).

Just another day with sponge
Just another day with sponge 2
Just another day with sponge 3
Just another day with sponge 4

Da li ste uživale u poslednjim snežnim danima ove zime? 

Have you enjoyed in last snow days this winter?

Mar 17, 2013

Neon Butterflies

Danas sam se vratila u dobro raspolozenje, u boje, u sunce, u proleće. Pored cveća koje nam stiže u proleće, tu su uvek u šareni leptirići. Obožavala sam da ih jurim kada sam bila mala :). Ipak, sad kako sam starija, više volim one leptiriće u stomaku :). Ovo je bila i dobra prilika da isprobam set neonskih lakova koje sam kupila u Primark prodavnici u Beču.
Koristila sam : Catherine Arley #08, Primark - Neon Yellow, Primark - Neon Green, Primark - Neon Pink, Primark - Neon Red, theBalm - Silver Spoon Me i Aura - Disco Princess. 

Today I got back into a good mood, into colors, into Sun, into Spring. Besides flowers that we see on Spring, there are always a lot of colorful butterflies. I loved to chase them when I was kid :). Although, since I'm older, I now prefer those butterflies in stomach :). This was also a good opportunity to try out set of neon nail polishes that I bought in Primark store in Vienna. 
I used : Catherine Arley #08, Primark - Neon Yellow, Primark - Neon Green, Primark - Neon Pink, Primark - Neon Red, theBalm - Silver Spoon Me and Aura - Disco Princess. 

neon butterflies
neon butterflies 2
neon butterflies 3
neon butterflies 4

Da li volite da gledate leptiriće oko cveća? Da li vam se dopada nail art?

Do you like to look at butterflies around flowers? Do you like this nail art?

Mar 14, 2013

Red Dotticure

Kiša i sneg u sred marta... To definitivno nisam očekivala. Sneg još i mogu da podnesem nekako, ali kišu mrzim. Zbog nje nemam volje ni za šta, i gubim inspiraciju. Jedino što je lepo raditi dok pada kiša je spavanje :). Moja neinspirisanost me je danas dovela do tackastog manikira. Ne secam se kada sam ga zadnji put radila. Imam jednu torbicu koja ima ovakav dezen, pa mogu da kažem da me je i ona inspirisala. 
Koristila sam : Essence - A Piece of Forever, Catherine Arley #08 i Miss Sporty - Black Berry.

Rain and snow in the middle of March... I definitely didn't see that coming. I can handle snow somehow  but rain, I hate. Because of it I don't feel like doing anything, and I'm loosing inspiration. Only thing that is nice to do while it's raining is sleeping :). I was so without inspiration today that I did dotting mani. I can't remember when I did it last time. I also have a little bag with this design, so I can say that I was inspired by it.
I used : Essence - A Piece of Forever, Catherine Arley #08 and Miss Sporty - Black Berry.

dotticure red
dotticure red 2
dotticure red 3
dotticure red 4
dotticure red 5

Kako na vas utiče ovo vreme?

How do you feel about this weather?

Mar 11, 2013

Red, Pink and Orange Tulips

Verujem da je 8. mart koji je sada već iza nas, praznik za koji se proda najviše cveća. Skoro svaka ženska osoba koju sam srela taj dan je nosila cveće u rukama. Ja nisam ljubitelj cveća, preferiram čokoladu ali to me ne sprečava da crtam cveće na noktima :). Ovog puta, lale.
Koristila sam : Farmasi #02, Primark - Neon Yellow, Catherine Arley #267, Primark - Neon Green i akrilne boje. 

I believe that Women's Day which was few days ago is the day when flowers are most selling product. Almost every woman that I saw that day had a flower in her hand. I'm not a fan of flowers, I prefer chocolate but that doesn't stop me to draw flowers on nails :). This time, tulips. 
I used : Farmasi #02, Primark - Neon Yellow, Catherine Arley #267, Primark - Neon Green and acrylic paints.

tulips 2
tulips 3
tulips 4

Volite li cveće? Šta ste dobile za 8. mart?

Do you like flowers? What have you got for Women's Day?

Mar 10, 2013

Glittery Monarch Butterfly

Iako se malo teze skida sa noktiju, China Glaze - It's Trap-eze je toliko divan lak (da, morate ga imati) da sam uhvatila sebe kako samo smisljam nail art kombinacije sa njim. Kao podlogu, napravila sam saran wrap tehnikom kombinaciju pink i plave boje, sa Essence - Free Hugs i Essence - Bella. Zatim sa nalakirala dva sloja China Glaze - It's Trap-eze i nosila to celo pre podne :). Za vece, odlucila sam da jos malo ulepsam svoje nokte, te sam dodala par linijica crnom akrilnom bojom koje predstavljaju leptirova krila, i par tackica sa Essence - Free Hugs. 

Although you can say that China Glaze - It's Trap-eze is a little bit hard to take off, it is so gorgeous (yes, it's a must have) that I realized that I often think about different nail art combinations with it. As base, I made combination of pink and blue with Essence - Free Hugs and Essence - Bella using saran wrap technique. Then I applied two coats of China Glaze - It's Trap-eze and wore that for a half of day :). For evening, I decided to twist it a little bit, so I added few lines with black acrylic paint that represent butterfly wings and few dots with Essence - Free Hugs. 

glitter rainbow butterfly wing
glitter rainbow butterfly wing 2
glitter rainbow butterfly wing 3
glitter rainbow butterfly wing 4

Da li vec imate ovaj lak? Da li vam se dopada nail art?

Do you already have this nail polish? Do you like this nail art?