Mar 14, 2013

Red Dotticure

Kiša i sneg u sred marta... To definitivno nisam očekivala. Sneg još i mogu da podnesem nekako, ali kišu mrzim. Zbog nje nemam volje ni za šta, i gubim inspiraciju. Jedino što je lepo raditi dok pada kiša je spavanje :). Moja neinspirisanost me je danas dovela do tackastog manikira. Ne secam se kada sam ga zadnji put radila. Imam jednu torbicu koja ima ovakav dezen, pa mogu da kažem da me je i ona inspirisala. 
Koristila sam : Essence - A Piece of Forever, Catherine Arley #08 i Miss Sporty - Black Berry.

Rain and snow in the middle of March... I definitely didn't see that coming. I can handle snow somehow  but rain, I hate. Because of it I don't feel like doing anything, and I'm loosing inspiration. Only thing that is nice to do while it's raining is sleeping :). I was so without inspiration today that I did dotting mani. I can't remember when I did it last time. I also have a little bag with this design, so I can say that I was inspired by it.
I used : Essence - A Piece of Forever, Catherine Arley #08 and Miss Sporty - Black Berry.

dotticure red
dotticure red 2
dotticure red 3
dotticure red 4
dotticure red 5

Kako na vas utiče ovo vreme?

How do you feel about this weather?


  1. Skorz simpaticno! :) Svidja mi se kombinacija zlatne i bordo.

    1. Da, i meni se mnogo dopalo kako se slazu. Moracu uskoro jos nesto smisliti sa tim bojama.

  2. Love this look - and wish we had some of your snow here - it's been one of the driest winters ever here I can recall - we are going to be in for water shortages this summer I am sure. We usually get 18-26" of rain at least but have had less than 10" here.

    1. We had a lot of snow last two years. And we never had that much snow in the middle of March like we did last weekend. Maybe we could work on a swap, sun for snow? :)

  3. jutros je izašlo sunce, nakon mislim tjedan dana kiše koja bi padala više od pola dana, puše bura pa nije baš toplo ali srce mi pjeva :D
    manikura dobro izgleda, sviđaju mi se boje :D

    1. Snega niste imali? Nas je bas zatrpao. Sva sreca pa se sad topi, i zbog sunca sam mogla da obucem prvi put ove godine koznu jaknicu :)
