Jun 30, 2013


Poslednjih dve nedelje prošle su kao jedan dan. Imala sam ispite, noći i dane sam provodila učeći, a u onim pauzama, igrajući se sa mojim novim krznenim bebicama-mačićima. Jedini manikir koji mi je stajao za to vreme na fotoaparatu je ovaj, sa linijama i šarama, a u međuvremenu, nokti su mi bili jednobojni. 
Za ovaj manikir, sećam se da sam koristila akrilne boje, Essence - Did Someone Say Nude? i gomilu lakova toplih boja. 

Last two weeks were like a day for me. I had my finals, I spent days and nights studying, and in breaks, I played with my new fur babies - kitties. Only mani that was on my memory card all this time was this, with lines and dots, and in the meantime, my nails were plain colored. 
For this mani, I remember that I used acrylic paints, Essence - Did Someone Say Nude? and bunch of warm colored nail polishes. 

stripes and dots
stripes and dots 2
stripes and dots 3
stripes and dots 4
stripes and dots 5

Jedva čekam da pregledam vaše blogove i vidim šta sam propustila. 
Narednih dana očekujte jedan post o lakićima koji su stigli poštom, moj rođendanski poklon i iznenađenje koje sam imala, kao i swatch jednog laka koji sam dobila a napravljen je samo za mene. 
I naravno, da vas podsetim, od sutra, Google Reader nestaje, tako da ne vredi više da me pratite preko GFC. Kao odličnu zamenu, preporučujem Bloglovin'. 

I can't wait to look at your blogs and see what have I missed. 
In the next days, expect a post about nail mail, my birthday present and surprise that I got, and also a swatch of a polish that I got that is made just for me.
And of course, to remind you, since tomorrow Google Reader is retiring, you wouldn't be able to read blogs with it anymore. I recommend using Bloglovin' instead.

Jun 17, 2013

Did You Ever See an Elephant Fly?

Јoš jedna od vaših ideja koja je uspešno realizovana. Pre par dana, Zvezdana sa bloga Shooting Star je predložila da nacrtam Damba, a ja vama prvo predlažem da obavezno posetite njen blog, njene slike su fantastične i bukvalno joj svaka boja savršeno stoji na noktima. 
Priznajem, padalo mi je na pamet ranije da nacrtam Damba, međutim, izgledalo je toliko komplikovano. Čak i ovo što ću vam pokazati, je drugi pokušaj u danu. Ovog puta i Dambo i mišić Timoti izgledaju preslatko i koliko god se trudila, ne vidim grešku. 
Koristila sam : Miyo - Yellow, Color Line #12, Elegant #360, Essence - Bonnie i akrilne boje. 

Another your idea that was successfully implemented. Few days ago, Zvezdana from Shooting Star blog suggested me to draw Dumbo, and first I would like to suggest to you to visit her blog, because her pictures are amazing and literally every color looks great on her nails. 
I admit, it crossed my mind somewhere in the past to draw Dumbo, but it looked so complicated. Even this one that I'm going to show you was second attempt in one day. This time, both Dumbo and mouse Timothy looks adorable and I really try to see some mistakes, but I just don't see them. 
I used : Miyo - Yellow, Color Line #12, Elegant #360, Essence - Bonnie and acrylic paints.   

dumbo nail art
dumbo nail art 2
dumbo nail art 3
dumbo nail art 4

Da li ste volele da gledate Damba? Imate li ideju za sledeći nail art sa crtanim junacima?

Did you like to watch Dumbo? Do you have an idea for next nail art with cartoon characters?

Jun 16, 2013

Pastel Multiple Stamping

Pastelne boje su ovog proleća bile popularne, a pošto nam je ostalo još oko nedelju dana do početka leta, red bi bio da i ja napravim barem jedan pastelni manikir ove godine. Odlučila sam se za svetlo ljubičasti lak Essence - The One And Only, a zatim sam pravila višestruke pečate sa različitim pastelnim lakovima (Essence - Bad Girl, China Glaze - Turned Up Turquoise, Essence - My Yellow Fellow) i pločicom BM - 221. 

Pastel colors were so popular this spring, and since we have about a week left until summer starts, I had to make at least one pastel manicure this year. I decided for light purple nail polish Essence - The One And Only, and then I made multiple stamping with different pastel nail polishes (Essence - Bad Girl, China Glaze - Turned Up Turquoise, Essence - My Yellow Fellow) and plate BM - 221.

pastel multistamping leopard print
pastel multistamping leopard print 2
pastel multistamping leopard print 3
pastel multistamping leopard print 4

Da li vi volite pastelne boje?

Do you like pastel colors?

Jun 15, 2013

Recipe for Amazing Nail Art

Šta ispadne kada pomešate sjajno i mat, onda dodate malo neonskih boja i na to dodate malo malo duohrom efekta? Verujte mi, ovaj recept je sjajan. Možda sam trebala dodati još neki hologramski detalj da sve to začinim još malo ali i ovako izgleda divno. 
Koristila sam : Essence - Romeo, Black acrylic paint, Ebalay A08, Flormar N002, Flormar N008, Flormar N014, Rapsodi #191 i Isabelle Dupont #282. 

What do you get when you mix shiny and matte, and then add a little bit of neon colors and on top of it you add some duochrome effect? Trust me, this recipe is grate. Maybe I could add some holographic details to spice it all a little bit more, but it definitely looks amazing this way. 
I used : Essence - Romeo, Black acrylic paint, Ebalay A08, Flormar N002, Flormar N008, Flormar N014, Rapsodi #191 and Isabelle Dupont #282. 

mix of finishesmix of finishes 2
mix of finishes 3
mix of finishes 4
mix of finishes 5

Šta mislite? Da li vam se dopada?

What do you think? Do you like it?

Jun 13, 2013

Birthday Holographic with Bows

Danas mi je rodjendan, pa sam napravila nokte koji mi mame osmeh na svakom koraku :). Ako postoji jedna stvar za kojom sam načisto poludela tokom zadnjih godinu dana, to su holo lakovi za nokte. Jedan od njih, koji se priključio mojoj kolekciji zahvaljujući uskršnjem menjanju lakova i poklonu od drage Lise, je Depend #2036. Predivan plavo-zeleni hologramski lak koji na suncu (kojeg, na svu sreću, danas ima), prikazuje ceo jedan spektar boja. 

Today is my birthday, so I made nail art that makes me smile all day :). If there is a one thing that I totally went crazy for in a last year, it is holographic nail polishes. One of them, who joined my collection during Easter nail polish swap as a gift from lovely Lisa, is Depend #2036. Gorgeous bluish-green holographic nail polish that on a sun (luckily, we are having a sunny day) shows whole color spectrum. 

Depend 036
Depend 2036
Na vrh ovoga, nacrtala sam mašnicu i tačkice još jednim hologramskim lakom, ovog puta zlatnim China Glaze - It's my turn!

On top of it, I drew a little bow and dots with another holographic nail polish, this time, golden China Glaze - It's my turn!

gold holo bow on a green depend holo
gold holo bow on a green depend holo 2
gold holo bow on a green depend holo 3

Priznajem, bilo kakav poklon će biti savršen ako je holo i ako ima mašnicu :). Uskoro ću vam pokazati koja sva iznenađenja i poklone koji su me dočekali :). Koji je savršeni poklon za rođendan za vas?

I admit, any kind of present is perfect if it is holo and has bow on it :). Soon I will show you all those surprises and presents that I got :). What is perfect birthday present for you?

Jun 10, 2013

Jacob's Protection with Holo Stamping

Kada se pojavila Essence Twilight Breaking Down II kolekcija, kupila sam ih sve, a do sada sam isprobala samo onaj zlatni (koji mi se inače najmanje svideo pre nego što sam ih kupila) i to samo za neke zlatne detalje kod crtanja ili eventualno za pečatiranje. U zadnje vreme, više koristim svetle lakove, što je za mene čudno, ali danas sam odlučila da pređem na tamnu stranu i isprobam Essence - Jacob's Protection. Oduševio me je sa svojom dubinom, tamnom skoro crnom bazom i tonom plavog shimmera. Pošto sam u tom momentu uhvatila i mali zrak sunca koji se probio kroz tamne oblake, pečatiranje noktiju mi je prvo palo na pamet (zbog brzine) uz holo lak Catherine Arley #801 i pločicu BM-212.

When Essence Twilight Breaking Down II collection showed up in stores, I bought them all, and until today I only tried out gold one (which I didn't like at all before I bought it) and only used it for some gold details on drawings or for stamping. Lately, I prefer to use lighter polishes, which is odd for me, but today I went again on a dark side and tried out Essence - Jacob's Protection. It is so deep, with dark, almost black base and tone tonnes of blue shimmer. And then I saw that small sunshine rain between dark clouds, I thought about stamping nails (because I can do it fast) with holo nail polish Catherine Arley #801 and plate BM-212.

jacob's protection with orange stamping
jacob's protection with orange stamping 2
jacob's protection with orange stamping 3
jacob's protection with orange stamping 4
jacob's protection with orange stamping 5

Izgleda mi kao neka svetlucava čipka. Da li vam se dopada? Jeste li gledale Twilight filmove?

It looks like some shiny lace. Do you like it? Have you seen Twilight movies?

White Flowers on Holo Base

Kada sam rano jutros lakirala nokte, odlučila sam se za hologramski lak, Catherine Arley #806. A onda sam pogledala kroz prozor i učinilo mi se da ćemo imati još jedan sivi dan sa puno kiše. Shvatila sam da se holo lepota verovatno neće ni videti, pa sam ga premazala sa China Glaze – It’s Trap-eze, mlečno belim lakom sa puno šarenih šljokica. Na sve to sam dodala nekoliko belih cvetića i crnih tačkica, i evo kako je ispalo...

When I painted my nails early in the morning, I decided to go with holographic nail polish, Catherine Arley #806. And then I looked through the window and it seemed to me like we will have another grey day with lot of rain. I realized that my holo nails won't show their true holoness, so I covered it with China Glaze – It’s Trap-eze, milky white nail polish with lot of colorful glitter. And on top of everything, I added few white flowers and black dots, and here it is...

white flowers on glitter
white flowers on glitter 2
white flowers on glitter 3
white flowers on glitter 4

Kao što možete predpostaviti, dan je bio sunčan. Možda bi lepše sve ovo izgledalo da sam ostavila samo holo narandžastu podlogu. Šta vi mislite?

As you can imagine, it was a sunny day. Maybe it would look prettier if I left holo orange base. What do you think?

Jun 8, 2013

Scooby Dooby Doo: Where Are You?

Trudim se da imam puno ideja za nail art (u slobodno vreme razmišljam o tome), ali i obožavam kada mi neka od vas da ideju :). Marry J sa bloga Marry's Raveland je prokomentarisala kako voli Skubija, i to mi je bio dovoljan podsticaj da probam da ga nacrtam :). Pokušaj je bio poprilično uspešan i stvarno mi se dopalo. Pored Skubija, nacrtala sam i motiv koji se nalazi na onom njihovom kombiju koji je mnogo simpatičan. 
Koristila sam : Miyo -.Yellow, Essence - Princess Peach, Elegant #360 i akrilne boje.

I really try to have a lot of nail art ideas (I think about it in my free time), but I love when someone of you give me an idea :). Marry J from Marry's Raveland blog commented how she loves Scooby Doo, and that was enough for me try to draw it :). My attempt was pretty much successful and I really liked it. Besides Scooby Doo, I also draw a pattern that is on their van which is pretty cute too. 
I used : Miyo - Yellow, Essence - Princess Peach, Elegant #360 and acrylic paints.

scooby doo nail art scooby doo nail art 2
scooby doo nail art 3
scooby doo nail art 4
scooby doo nail art 5

Šta mislite? Imate li vi neku ideju da predložite?

What do you think? Do you have any ideas which you want to share?

Jun 6, 2013

Hello Kitty and Flowers

Danas za vas imam recenziju vodenih nalepnica koje sam dobila od Born Pretty Store-a. U setu dobijete jedanaest papirića na kojima su različiti dizajni vodenih nalepnica. Da budem iskrena, ovaj set sam izabrala najviše zbog Snežane i patuljaka, ali kada sam videla svo ovo divno cveće, predomislila sam se i odlučila da njega prvo isprobam. Pogledajte koje sve nalepnice dobijete u ovom setu :

Today, I have for you review of water decals from Born Pretty Store. In this set, you get eleven sheets with different designed water decals. To be honest, I chose this set mostly because of Snow White and Dwarfs, but when I saw this lovely flowers I changed my mind and decided to try that first. Take a look at all those water decals that you get in this set : 

IMG_0090 IMG_0092

Priznajem, bilo je teško čak i odlučiti se za neko od cveća, pošto su sva prelepa. Nekako sam ih izabrala, i ostala sam oduševljena. Na jednom noktu sam i nalepila Hello Kitty, koja mi je nekako simpatična iako ne volim baš preterano njen lik :). Ipak, priznajem da je ovo nail art koji je lep, a za njega je potrebno malo manje od pola sata vašeg vremena.

I admit, it was hard to decide for which flowers to use, since they are all pretty. I chose few, and I loved it. On one nail I even used Hello Kitty water decal, which is kind of cute considering that I don't like Hello Kitty :). I admit, this is nail art that is pretty and takes less then half an hour of your time.

born pretty store water decals flower hello kitty
born pretty store water decals flower hello kitty 2
born pretty store water decals flower hello kitty 3
born pretty store water decals flower hello kitty 4
born pretty store water decals flower hello kitty 5

Ovaj set vodenih nalepnica možete naći u Born Pretty Store za nekih 340 dinara što je odlična cena za broj manikira koje možete napraviti sa njima. Da li vam se dopada?
Ne zaboravite na kupon kod za 10% popusta : KQL91 .

You can find this set of water decals in Born Pretty Store for $3.78 which is a great price for a number of manicures that you can make with it. Do you like it?
Don't forget about coupon code for 10% off : KQL91. 

Jun 5, 2013

Guest Post at I Heart Pretty Polish

Danas sam u gostima kod Essie na blogu I Heart Pretty Polish. Evo delić onoga što možete videti tamo, a za ostatak kliknite na link : http://www.iheartprettypolish.com/2013/06/guest-post-from-marijana-at-nails-from.html.

Today I'm a guest at I Heart Pretty Polish blog written by Essie. Here is a part of what you can see there, and for rest of it, click on this link : http://www.iheartprettypolish.com/2013/06/guest-post-from-marijana-at-nails-from.html .

Starry Sky

Essie pravi neverovatne swatcheve lakova, i sigurna sam da će vam se njen blog svideti. 

Essie makes amazing swatches of nail polishes, and I'm sure you will love her blog.

Jun 2, 2013

Chip and Dale

Danas sam učinila sebe ponosnom  :). Nail art mi obično ide od ruke, ali uvek na kraju, kada gledam u slike nađem neke greške, nešto što bi, po meni, trebala da promenim. Nekada čak pronađem greške i mesecima kasnije. A i ako ste bile tu u mojim početnim danima sa nail art-om, sigurno se sećate Šilje koji nije imao uši :D. Danas sam crtala Čip-a i Dejl-a, slatke male veverice koje su radile sve što su mogle kako bi nervirale ostale Diznijeve junake u crtaćima. Čak i sada, što ih više gledam, to su mi više slađi :). 
Koristila sam : Essence - Naughty But Nice, Essence - Matryoshka Doll, Classic #322, Elegant #360 i akrilne boje. 

Today I'm so proud of myself :). My nail art usually goes good, but in the end, when I look at the pictures, I find mistakes, and some things that I would change. Sometimes, I even find mistakes after few months. And if you were here when I started with nail art, I'm sure you remember that Goofy that had no ears :D. Today I draw Chip and Dale, cute little chipmunks that did everything they could to annoy other Disney characters in cartoons. Even now, the more I look at them, more they are cute :).
I used : Essence - Naughty But Nice, Essence - Matryoshka Doll, Classic #322, Elegant #360 and acrylic paints. 

chip and dale nail art
chip and dale nail art 2
chip and dale nail art 3
chip and dale nail art 4
chip and dale nail art 5

Da li vam se dopada? Koji je vaš omiljeni crtani junak (potrebne su mi ideje za nail art :D)?

Do you like it? What is your favorite cartoon character (I need nail art ideas :D)?