Jun 10, 2013

Jacob's Protection with Holo Stamping

Kada se pojavila Essence Twilight Breaking Down II kolekcija, kupila sam ih sve, a do sada sam isprobala samo onaj zlatni (koji mi se inače najmanje svideo pre nego što sam ih kupila) i to samo za neke zlatne detalje kod crtanja ili eventualno za pečatiranje. U zadnje vreme, više koristim svetle lakove, što je za mene čudno, ali danas sam odlučila da pređem na tamnu stranu i isprobam Essence - Jacob's Protection. Oduševio me je sa svojom dubinom, tamnom skoro crnom bazom i tonom plavog shimmera. Pošto sam u tom momentu uhvatila i mali zrak sunca koji se probio kroz tamne oblake, pečatiranje noktiju mi je prvo palo na pamet (zbog brzine) uz holo lak Catherine Arley #801 i pločicu BM-212.

When Essence Twilight Breaking Down II collection showed up in stores, I bought them all, and until today I only tried out gold one (which I didn't like at all before I bought it) and only used it for some gold details on drawings or for stamping. Lately, I prefer to use lighter polishes, which is odd for me, but today I went again on a dark side and tried out Essence - Jacob's Protection. It is so deep, with dark, almost black base and tone tonnes of blue shimmer. And then I saw that small sunshine rain between dark clouds, I thought about stamping nails (because I can do it fast) with holo nail polish Catherine Arley #801 and plate BM-212.

jacob's protection with orange stamping
jacob's protection with orange stamping 2
jacob's protection with orange stamping 3
jacob's protection with orange stamping 4
jacob's protection with orange stamping 5

Izgleda mi kao neka svetlucava čipka. Da li vam se dopada? Jeste li gledale Twilight filmove?

It looks like some shiny lace. Do you like it? Have you seen Twilight movies?


  1. Pretty! I can't believe I have owned this polish for months and still have tried it yet!

    1. Thank you :). Try it out, it is so gorgeous :).

  2. predobra kombinacija <3
    i ja pošizila sa ovim lakovima, imam dva a jedan još uvijek čeka na prvo lakiranje, shame on me :(

    1. Ma, najgore sto mi uopste nije zao sto sam ih kupila (a desava se :D). Al eto, ne stizu na red.

  3. Wow, looks great <3

    Lovely greetz from germany.

    Ina :*
