Feb 23, 2014

Matching Manicure - French Manicure

French manikir je nešto što jednostavno ne volim da vidim. Ni na svojim noktima, ni na tuđim. Možda zato što je previše dugo "u trendu" ili možda zato što je postao klasika. U svakom slučaju, nisam želela da propustim ovonedeljni Matching Manicure pa sam se prilagodila većini :). Odlučila sam se za srebrnkasto šljokičastu/elegantno crnu kombinaciju, međutim loše vreme mi je upropastilo ovaj šljokičasti deo koji se uporno ne želi pokazati. Zbog toga je tu jedna mutna slika uslikana sa blicem koja vam može dočarati kako to treba da izgleda :).
Koristila sam : Essence - Super,Man i Miyo - Black.

French manicure is something that I don't like to see. Neither on my nails, nor on someone else. Maybe it's because it is to long "in" or maybe because it is too classy. Anyway, I didn't want to skip this weeks Matching Manicure so I did it :). I decided for silvery glitter/elegant black combination, but bad weather ruined that glitter part that didn't want to show up. That's why there is also one blurry picture taken with flash, so you can see how that is suppose to look like.
I used : Essence - Super,Man and Miyo - Black.

french mani 2french manifrench mani 3french mani 1

Ne zaboravite da pogledate french manikire koje su devojke danas pravile na linkovima ispod :).
Što se tiče moje nagradne igrice, još uvek proveravam podatke, tako da možete očekivati proglašenje dobitnica u naredna dva dana.

Don't forget to check out french manicures thay girls made today on links under :).
And about my giveaway, I'm still checking entries, so you can expect winners announcement in the next two days. 

Feb 16, 2014

Matching Manicure–Geometric shapes

Iz liste slika "mojih budućih inspiracija za nail art" koje čuvam u jednom folderu, uzimajući u obzir da je današnja tema Geometrijski oblici, jedva sam uspela da pronađem pravi. Nisam baš dobra u crtanju stvari ravnih ivica. Što možete primetiti i danas :). Kvadratići idu od pravih do izduženih, od malih ka velikim. Šljokice su ipak malo ublažile stvar i napravile optičku iluziju.
Korsilta sam : Catrice - Spruced Up, narandžastu akrilnu boju i theBalm - Sugar Coat It.

From list of pictures from "my future nail art inspirations" that I keep in one folder, considering that today theme is Geometric shapes, I could barely find one that can match. I'm not really good at drawing things with straight edges. Which you can notice today :). Squares goes from straight to stretched ones, from little to big ones. Glitter over it was good, because it made something like optical illusion from this.
I used : Catrice - Spruced Up, orange acrylic paint and theBalm - Sugar Coat It.

diamonds 4diamonds 3diamonds 2diamonds 5diamonds

Ne zaboravite da pogledate šta su devojke danas nacrtale, i ako već niste, prijavite se na moju nagradnu igru. Završava se za 3 dana. 

Don't forget to check out what girls drew today, and also, If you didn't already, enter my giveaway. It ends in 3 days.

Feb 14, 2014

Subtle Way to say Happy Valentine's Day

Iako se stvarno trudim da slavim ljubav svakog dana, Dan Zaljubljenih za mene je poseban praznik. Potrebno je ponekad videti sva ta crvena srca u izlozima, medvediće i "I love you" na hiljadu jezika na mnoštvu predmeta. Labudovi su za mene oduvek bili jedni od simbola ljubavi. Zato je ovo suptilan način da vam poželim srećan Dan Zaljubljenih. 
Koristila sam : Catrice - New York, Flormar #431, theBalm - Silver Spoon Me i akrilne boje.

Although I really try to celebrate love each day, Valentine's Day is a really special holiday for me. Sometimes it is nice to see all those hearts in the stores, teddy bears, and "I love you" on thousand languages on lot of products. Swans were always one of the symbols of love for me. That's why this is subtle way to wish you all happy Valentine's Day. 
I used : Catrice - New York, Flormar #431, theBalm - Silver Spoon Me and acrylic paints.  
subtle way to say Happy Valentine 4subtle way to say Happy Valentinesubtle way to say Happy Valentine 2subtle way to say Happy Valentine 3

Kako vi provodite Dan Zaljubljenih?

How are you spending Valentine's Day?

Feb 9, 2014

Matching Manicure–Valentine’s Day

Već više od 10 dana sigurno znam da je tema današanjeg Matching Manicure-a Dan Zaljubljenih. I naravno, morala sam da čekam poslednji dan. Ne bi ni to bio problem, da nisam prespavala pola dana, a zatim morala na brzinu nešto da nacrtam dok je još uvek bilo dnevnog svetla napolju. Izbor je bio logičan i potpuno spontan. Naime, kroz celu osnovnu i srednju školu, nisam znala da nacrtam ništa. Apsultno ništa. Osim srca sa krilima. A njih, njih sam crtala gde god sam imala priliku. Ovo mi se ipak čine da su jedna od lošijih...

For more than 10 days I know that theme for Matching Manicure today is Valentine's Day. And of course, I had to wait the last day. That wouldn't be so big problem if I hadn't slept over half of the day, and then had to draw something really quickly while there were still some daylight outside. Choice was logical and completely spontaneous. Throw whole my middle and high school, I didn't know to draw. Absolutely nothing. Except hearts with the wings. And them, I drew wherever I had a chance. This one seems to me one of the bad ones...

matching manicures valentines day 4matching manicures valentines day 3matching manicures valentines day 2matching manicures valentines day

Ne zaboravite da pogledate šta su devojke danas nacrtale :). Dobila sam stvarno dosta inspiracije, a budući da do Dana Zaljubljenih ima još 6 dana, nije kasno da i vi i ja iskoristimo tu inspiraciju.

Don't forget to check out what girls made today :). I really got a lot of inspiration, a since there are still 6 days left until Valentine's Day, it's not to late for you and I use that inspiration. 

Feb 4, 2014

Is it my 3rd Blogoversary already?


Zvanično je. Nails From Fairy Tale je stara 3 godine. Volela bih da zahvalim svima vama koji ste bili tu, čitale sve što sam pisala, komentarisali na moje postove, i zapravo gledali u moje nokte. Da mi je neko rekao pre 3 godine da ću i dalje pisati ovaj blog i posle 3 godine, ne bih mu verovala. Sigurno niste ovde zato što želite da čujete koliko sam zahvalna, pa hajde da pređemo na giveaway.
Postoje tri pakovanja nagrade : Holographic (moj omiljeni), Glitter i Duochrome. Prvi pobednik kojeg izvuče Rafflecopter bira prvi svoju nagradu, drugi drugu, a treći dobija šta preostane. Giveaway je otvoren za sve, i traje do 18. februara 2014 u ponoć. Samo unesite svoje podatke u Rafflecopter ispod. 

It’s official. Nails From Fairy Tale is 3 years old. I would like to thank all of you who have been here, read everything I wrote, commented on my posts, and actually looked at my nails. If someone told me three years ago, that I would do this 3 years, I would never believed. You’re probably not here now because you want to read how thankful I am, so let start with giveaway.
There are 3 packs of prize : Holographic (my favourite), Glitter, and Duochrome. First winner that Rafflecopter picks will get first pick, second winner second pick and third one will get what is left. This giveaway is open internationally and will end 18th Feb 2014 in midnight. Just enter in the Rafflecopter bellow.

Duochrome prize is made of 3 Miss Sporty nail polishes : Aurora Borealis, Beetle Wings, and Fiery Blaze. I also bought this for myself so expect to see them here soon.
miss sporty
Glitter prize is made of 5 Essence nail polishes : Glorious Aquarius, Only Purple Matters, Super,Man!, Cool Breeze, and Glitter on Me.
Holographic prize is my favourite. It is made of 3 rare China Glaze polishes from old collections : L8R G8R, It’s my turn!, and TMI. 
china glaze a Rafflecopter giveaway

Feb 2, 2014

Matching Manicure - Waterfall

Waterfall je tema ovonedeljnog Matching Manicure-a. Ne mogu reći da sam bila previše oduševljena, ne volim ja baš ove... nazvaću ih opuštene varijante. Kada linije nisu prave, meni taj manikir nikako ne uspe.
Mada bi možda uspelo da : 
* sam koristila drugu boju za podlogu
* sam koristila manje boja za waterfall linije
* nisam koristila šljokice na vrhovima noktiju
* mi je ruka bila malo smirenija.
Toliko možda, ali ipak je ispalo ovako kako jeste. 

Waterfall is the theme of this week Matching Manicure. I can't say I liked it, because I'm not really into these... I'm going to call them relaxed manicures. When lines aren't straight, I'm not good at it. Maybe it would be better if :
* I used different colour for base colour
* I used less colours for waterfall lines
* I didn't use glitter 
* my hand were a little bit less shaky.
So many maybes, but it turned out like it is.

waterfall manicurewaterfall manicure 3waterfall manicure 2waterfall manicure 4

Devojke su, sa druge strane, napravile toliko divne waterfall manikire, da su me naterale da još jednom pokušam ovu tehiku, ali o tome drugi put. Pogledajte :

Girls, on the other hand, made so gorgeous waterfall manicures, that they made me want to try this technique one more time. Take a look :