Feb 9, 2014

Matching Manicure–Valentine’s Day

Već više od 10 dana sigurno znam da je tema današanjeg Matching Manicure-a Dan Zaljubljenih. I naravno, morala sam da čekam poslednji dan. Ne bi ni to bio problem, da nisam prespavala pola dana, a zatim morala na brzinu nešto da nacrtam dok je još uvek bilo dnevnog svetla napolju. Izbor je bio logičan i potpuno spontan. Naime, kroz celu osnovnu i srednju školu, nisam znala da nacrtam ništa. Apsultno ništa. Osim srca sa krilima. A njih, njih sam crtala gde god sam imala priliku. Ovo mi se ipak čine da su jedna od lošijih...

For more than 10 days I know that theme for Matching Manicure today is Valentine's Day. And of course, I had to wait the last day. That wouldn't be so big problem if I hadn't slept over half of the day, and then had to draw something really quickly while there were still some daylight outside. Choice was logical and completely spontaneous. Throw whole my middle and high school, I didn't know to draw. Absolutely nothing. Except hearts with the wings. And them, I drew wherever I had a chance. This one seems to me one of the bad ones...

matching manicures valentines day 4matching manicures valentines day 3matching manicures valentines day 2matching manicures valentines day

Ne zaboravite da pogledate šta su devojke danas nacrtale :). Dobila sam stvarno dosta inspiracije, a budući da do Dana Zaljubljenih ima još 6 dana, nije kasno da i vi i ja iskoristimo tu inspiraciju.

Don't forget to check out what girls made today :). I really got a lot of inspiration, a since there are still 6 days left until Valentine's Day, it's not to late for you and I use that inspiration. 


  1. odlična manikura, ovako poletna srca odavno nisam vidjela :D

  2. Aaaaa, preslatki su!!!
    I meni bude sjećanja na školske dane :)

  3. Baš su fora! Iii imaju krilaaa! :) :)

  4. Skroz dobra ideja, kao da će svakog časa poleteti!!

  5. Mislim da smo svi crtali srculencad sa krilima :D Meni je ovo preslatko =^.^=
