Mar 28, 2014

Matching Manicure - Distressed Mani

U nedelju je tema za Matching Manicure, kao što ste verovatno već videli, bila Distressed. Ako još uvek niste čule za ovu tehniku, odlično objašnjenje imate u tutorijalu koji je napravila Sarah sa bloga Chalkboard nails. U nedelju nisam bila u mogućnosti da napravim ovaj manikir, međutim, tema mi se toliko dopala, da sam je uradila prvom prilikom. A nakon ovoga, dopada mi se još više, i jedva čekam da isprobam nove kombinacije boja. 

On Sunday theme for Matching Manicure was, as you probably already seen, Distressed. If you still haven't heard about this technique, there is a great explanation in tutorial made by Sarah from Chalkboard nails blog. On Sunday, I couldn't do this mani, but I liked it so much that I did it first time I could, today. And after this, I like it even more, and I can't wait to try new color combinations. 

distressed mani 3distressed mani 2distressed mani

Ako još uvek niste videle, obavezno pogledajte šta su devojke napravile. Nema šanse da ostanete ravnodušne.

If you still haven't, be sure to check out what girls made. There is no way that you won't love it.


  1. Esta nueva técnica es genial, tengo que practicar.

  2. odlično izgleda, drago mi je da si je ipak stigla napraviti :D
