Oct 25, 2012

The Halloween Challenge - Blood/Gore/Spatter

Zadnjih par dana nisam kuci, i stvarno sam mislila da sam ponela od svake boje po jedan lak (pa po principu, smislicu nesto). Zamislite tragediju danas kada sam krenula da crtam za danasnju temu i skontala da nisam ponela nijedan crveni lak. Vreme je bilo lose a i lenjost je ucinila svoje, pa nisam otisla da kupim bilo koji crveni lak... Sad ukljucite svoje mastu i ne pustajte :D.
Podlogu cine dva sloja laka Essence - Grand-Plie in Black (neka mi neko objasni zasto ovaj lak do sada nisam isprobala, a imam ga vec sigurno 5 meseci?!). A onda sam probala da mesam lakove i dobijem crvenu. Verujte, jako je tesko (Upozorenje : ne radite ovo kod kuce :D). Konacna boja vise vuce na braon nego na "krv" crveno, tako da imate dve opcije : zamislite da je u pitanju crvena; ili zamislite da to nije krv vec zgrusana krv, skoro pa krasta :D.

Last couple of days I'm not at home, and I really thought that I brought one polish of each color (so I could manage almost anything). Imagine my tragedy today when I started drawing for today theme and figured out that I don't have any red polish with me. Weather was bad and I was little bit lazy so I didn't went to buy a new red polish... Now turn on your imagination and don't turn it off :D.
Base color is two coats of Essence - Grand-Plie in Black (somebody explain me, why I didn't use it before, and I have it for about 5 months already?!). And then I started mixing nail polishes hoping that I will get red color. Trust me, it's really hard (Warning : Do not try this at home :D). Final color is more brown than "blood" red, so you have two options : imagine that this is red color; or imagine that it's not fresh blood, it's more clotted blood, almost a scab :D.

IMG_0031c IMG_0033 copy IMG_0046 copy

Barem nije jako ruzno :). Devojke su danas bile mnooogo bolje od mene, pa ne zaboravite da pogledate njihove postove :).

At least, it's not that ugly :). Other girls were way better than me, so be sure to check their blog posts :).


  1. It may not look bloody, but it certainly looks like you dipped your nails in something gorey. Eeew!

    What a clever solution you came up with!

    1. Hehe, I never thought about it that way. That is really eeew :D.

  2. Plie mi je divan, manikir bas i ne %) Verovatno bi s' crvenim bilo mnogo bolje..a mozda je to zato sto nikako ne volim te blatnjave boje..:)

    1. A znam. Ni ja. Ni blatnjave, ni splatter, ni nista tako nedefinisano. Sta cu kad moram :D
