Oct 11, 2012

The Halloween Challenge – Witches

Ova vestica je dosla pomalo neocekivano... Crtala sam, i jednostavno se uklopila. U pocetku mi se cak nije ni dopao celokupan rezultat ali sto ga vise gledam, lepse mi je :). Tu su i sova, pauk, paucina, slepi misevi (sa BM-213 plocice), bundevica (sa BM-222 plocice), zastrasujuce drvo,mesecina i oci koje gledaju iz mraka :D. Gledajuci sve zajedno, tesko je razaznati, pa racunam da je bolje objasniti :). 

This witch came unexpected... I was drawing, and she had just fit in. For start, I didn't even like result, but the more I look at it, it's pretier :). There is also an owl, spider, cobweb, bats (from BM-213 plate), pumpkin (from BM-222 plate), scary looking tree, moonlight and creepy eyes that look at you from the dark :D. When you look at whole picture, it's hard to recognize them all, so I thought it would be better to explain :).


Sta mislite o mojoj vestici? Pogledajte i sta su druge devojke uradile :)

What do you think about my witch? Check out what other girls did :)