Hi girls. Sorry for low number of posts in the last 2 weeks, but it’s time for exams, and that is my priority. These nails I did about 10 days ago, but I didn’t had time to show you them. Finally I saw collection Secrets of the Past (Essence) in stores here, but I only liked blue one, I Meet you in Budapest. The plan was to try out only him…
Onda mi je bilo dosadno, izgledao je previse usamljen na noktima, pa sam nacrtala ananas (ne znam zasto ananas, cak ni ne volim da ga jedem)…
Then I got bored, he looked so lonely on the nails, so I decided to draw a pineapple (I don’t know why pineapple, I don’t even like to eat it)…
A onda mi je bilo jos dasadnije. Ne izgleda bas nesto lepo kad je crtez samo na cetvrtom noktu, to mi je previse klise. Tako da sam u nedostatku ideje napisala “potpis bloga”.
And then I got more bored. It doesn’t like nice when the draw is on ring finger only, it’s too usual. So, in the lack of idea, I wrote a “Blog signature”.
Pa, jos sutra, i jedno vreme ce biti bez ucenja, tako da cu imati vise vremena za noktice. Pozelite mi srecu
So, when the tomorrow pass, there will be no studing for a while, so I will have more time for my nails. Wish me luck