Sep 27, 2011

Colorful linear glitter

Ne znam za vas, ali ja kada vidim neki lak, vec zamisljam ideje za nail art, ukoliko je glitter, na koju podlogu cu uraditi swatch… Ovog puta, bila sam bez ideja. Jednostavno, kupila sam Golden Rose Paris Nail Lacquer #70 zato sto se sjajio sa police. I sada kada je doslo vreme da uradim swatch, nisam znala sta cu kao bazu. Zeleci da vam pokazem sve njegove vrline i mane, nalakirala sam ga na 5 razlicitih boja.
Pre nego sto pocnem sa spamom slikama : ono je providan lak sa zlatkastim shimmerom, i sa mnogo linearnih glitera (da, izgleda kao dlakav :D). Kada ga okrecem u ruci levo desno, mogu videti celu dugu koja se na slikama bas i nije uhvatila. Ali prilicno je strava :). Aplkacija je bila laka i nisam imala nikakvih problema, a probala sam ga sa jednim i 2 sloja. Meni se vise svidja sa 2 sloja, ali svi smo mi razliciti :).

I don’t know for you, but every time I see a polish, I already have some nail art ideas, or if it’s glitter, on which base I will swatch it… This time, I was without a single idea. Simply, I bought Golden Rose Paris Nail Lacquer #70 only because it was shining from the shelf. And now when it’s time to swatch it, I didn’t know which base to use. I wanted to show you all it’s good and bad sides, so I polished it on top of 5 different colors.
Before I start with picture spam : this is a clear nail polish, with gold shimmer, with lots of linear glitters (yes, it looks like it’s hairy :D). When I swing a bottle left and right, I can see whole rainbow. It’s pretty cool :). Application was nice and smooth, and I tried with 1 and 2 coats. I prefer it with 2 coats, but we are all different from each other :).
L –> R : Maybelline Mini Colorama – French White; Essence – In the Jungle; Essence – Love of Pink;
Golden Rose Paris #106, Essence – Bad girl

1 coat of Golden Rose Paris Nail Lacquer #70

2 coats of Golden Rose Paris Nail Lacquer #70

2 coats of Golden Rose Paris Nail Lacquer #70 with flash

Kao sto mozete videti, jako je bilo tesko uslikati ove glitter i njihovu razlicitu boju. Ali mi se svidja :D.
Stiglo mi je iz Born Pretty Store-a jos brdo ovakvih glittera u kutijicama, pa mislim da cu se uskoro uhvatiti muckanja :).
As you can see, it was really hard to catch this glitters and their different color. But I love it :D.
I got from Born Pretty Store lots of this kind a glitters, so I think I will soon start to shake some bottles :).

Sep 24, 2011

Swatch: Golden Rose–Chameleon Effect 21

Zar ne mrzite kada imate velika ocekivanja u vezi nekog (laka za nokte) i puf! Nista. Znam da ni onaj prosli Chameleon nije bio dobar, ali ovaj se cinio kao malo vise pigmentisan. Ali nije. Trebala su mi 4 sloja da bi dostigla punu pokrivenost sa moram priznati, veoma dobrom cetkicom. Ako nista drugo, barem su vreme susenja i aplikacija bili laki. Tako da nije dugo trajalo, a koliko ja vidim – nece ni on na mojim noktima.
Don’t you just hate when you have big expectations about something (nail polish) and boom! Nothing. I know that last Chameleon wasn’t good either, but this one seems to be little bit more pigmented. But it isn’t. I needed 4 layers to achieve fully coverage and I have to admit, with a really good brush. At least time of drying and application was easy. So it didn’t take long time, and as far as I see – it wouldn’t take long time on my nails either.




Kako sto i vidite, boja je lepa, ali… Iako sam slikala pod razlicitim uglovima, pod suncem i u senci – nista. Jos uvek ni K od Kameleon. Mislim da cu za sada da prestanem da tragam za ovim lakovima. Ili oni ne valjaju ili na mojim noktima ne valjaju.
Imate li vi srece sa Chameleon lakovima? Stvarno mi se svidja efekat koji bi oni trebali da postignu, tako da, ako imate iskustvo sa nekim podelite ga :)

As you can see, color is nice, but… although I took pictures from different angles, on sun and in shade – nothing. Still not even C of Chameleon. I think I’ll stop searching for these polishes for now. They are not good or maybe they’re not good on my nails.
Do you have luck with Chameleon polishes? I really like effect that they suppose to make, so, if you have experience with some, share it :)

Sep 22, 2011

New Blog Design & Today’s haul

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Verovatno ste do sad primetile novi dizajn bloga. Mnogo sam se mucila, i na kraju sam prepustila kreativnim rukama Lalice sa bloga Nails for Fun, i ona je napravila fenomenalan make-over celog bloga za jako malo vremena. Hvala joj od srca!
Takodje, napravile smo i bloglovin’, tako da me sad mozete pratiti i tako :). Samo kliknite na dugme na sidebaru.

You have probably already notices new blog design. I had I lot of trouble with it, and at the end, I let my blog to creative hands of Lalica from Nails for Fun blog, and she did amazing make-over of the whole blog for a short period. Thank you from heart!
Also, we made bloglovin’, so you can follow me now with that too :). Just click on the button on sidebar.
Sada haul… Nisam kupila nijedan lak vec mesec dana, a red je bilo da se malo potrose pare :). Tako da sam kupila 12 lakova, za cela 2 minuta. Decko me zeza kako je to retka osobina : potrositi toliko para za tako malo vremena :D.

And now haul… I didn’t bought any nail polish for a month already, so it was natural that it’s time to spend some money :). So I bought 12 polishes in 2 minutes. My boyfriend said there’s small amount of people who can spend so many money in such a short time :D.

Golden Rose Paris Nail Lacquer – 106, 70, 214

Golden Rose Pretty Color 173, Aura 55, Golden Rose Pretty Color 141

Essence Twins – Gabriella & Troy, Essence Special Effect Topper Circus Confetti

Essence C&G : Choose Me, Where is the Party?, Sweet as Candy

Pogresila sam sto sam uzela Aura 55, zato sto je vec imam ali sam totalno zaboravila na nju. Tako da ce je verovatno biti u sledecem giveawayu :). Sweet as Candy je za moju mamu, posto ona uglavnom samo taj koristi i vec je ispraznila celu jednu bocicu. Obecala je da ce napisati recenziju jednom, zato sto jednostavno taj lak nije za mene :D. Sa svime ostalim sam prezadovoljna i jedva cekam da ih isprobam.
Sta ste vi kupile u zadnje vreme? I kazite mi vase misljenje o novom dizajnu bloga?

I made a mistake when I bought Aura 55, because I already have it and I totally forgot about it. So it will probably be in next giveaway :). Sweet as Candy is for my mother, because it’s the one of few that she use and she already emptied one whole bottle. She promised she’ll write review, just because that polish is not for me :D. With everything else I’m over satisfied, and I can’t wait to try them out.
What did you bought lately? And tell me your opinion about new blog design?

Sep 18, 2011

Date with glitters

Danas za vas imam Golden Rose 318, simpatican providan lak sa plavim, zelenim i srebrnim glitterom. Da sam znala da cu njega koristiti, probala bih ga na tamniju podlogu, ali dosao je nekako usput. Nalakirala sam prvo Essence – Date me, imajuci u planu da isprobam one stroke tehniku crtanja posto napokon imam cetkice za to. Srecom, prvo sam probala po papiru i videla da nije tako lako kao sto izgleda, pa sam odustala (ali vezbam svaki dan). Nisam imala ideja za crtanje neceg drugog, tako da je ovaj GR bio savrseno brzo resenje. Aplikacija je laka, i nanela sam samo jedan sloj i vec je izgledalo lepo. Glitteri se na suncu presijavaju od zelene, preko plave do srebrne i svidja mi se kako izgleda. Samo da je podloga bila tamnija…

Today I have for you Golden Rose 318, cute clear base polish with blue, green and silver glitters. If I knew that I will use it, I would use darker base, but it came suddenly. I polished first Essence – Date me, planning to try out one stroke drawing, because I finally have brushes for it. Luckily, I tried it first on paper, and I saw it isn’t that easy that it looks, so I gave up (but I practice every day). I didn’t had idea for drawing something else, so this GR was perfect quick solution. Application was easy, and I applied only one coat and it looks pretty. Glitters are green, over blue, till silver depending on light, and I love how it looks. I should just use darker base…




Sledeci put, obecavam da cu staviti tamnu podlogu, pa ce glitteri biti upecatljiviji. Sta vi mislite?

Next time, I promise I will put dark base, so glitters will be more visible. What do you think?

Sep 15, 2011

Coral with black dots

Prvo da vas obavestim : uveliko radim na velikim promenama dizajna bloga i nadam se da ce biti gotovo sledece nedelje :). Teze je nego sto sam mislila ;).
A sad nokti… Mama mi je kupila 2 Golden Rose laka, a danas cu vam pokazati prvi. #237 je koralno crvena boja, koja na direktnom suncu postaje narandzasta, a u senci crvena. Ovaj lak je dosta dobro pigmentisan, i kao manji broj takvih GR, nanosi se u 2 sloja. Mislim da mu ni treci ne bi bio suvisan, ali sam zelela da mu bar nesto dodam. Cetkica je prilicno dobra, tako da je aplikacija bila laka i bez vecih problema. Sto se tice vremena susenja, kako bih izbegla skupljanje laka od strane SV, cekala sam… i to citavih 3-4 minuta :).. Nije lose za ovako jeftin lak :). Ne moram ni da vam govorim da sam dodala crne tackice :). Pogledajte :) :

First to let you now : I am working for a while on big design changes on blog, and I really hope it will be over next week :). It’s harder then I thought ;).
And now nails… My mum bought me 2 Golden Rose polishes, and today I’m going to show you first one. #237 is coral red, that became orange when it’s on sun, and red in the shade. This polish is pretty good pigmented, and as small number of those kind of GR, it applies with 2 coats. Brush is really good, so application was smooth and without any troubles. As for time of drying, I wanted to avoid shrinking by SV, so I waited… only 3-4 minutes :). Not bad for cheap polish :). I don’t even have to tell you that I added black dots :). Check it out :) :




Kada malo bolje pogledam, nekako lici na bubamaru. Da li vam se svidja?
Sta mislite o novom watermarku? Da li trebam nesto da promenim?

When I look better, it kinds of look like a ladybug. Do you like it?
What do you think about new watermark? Should I change something?

Sep 10, 2011

Eine Kleine Nachtmusik

U nedostatku novih ideja, i u paru sa Piano nail art, napisala sam note :). Da, bukvalno pisala i mogu vam reci da nije bilo tako tesko. Nisam zelela da budu nasumicne, nego da imaju neki smisao, tako da su mi nokti postali : Mala nocna muzika (Eine Kleine Nachtmusik u originalu). Evo kako je to ispalo : 

In the lack of new ideas, and matching with Piano nail art, I wrote a music sheets :). Yes, I literally wrote it, and it wasn’t that hard. I didn’t wanted to be random, so my nail became : "A little Night Music" (originally Eine Kleine Nachtmusik). And here’s how this turned out :




Malo opustanja uz moju inspirativnu muziku :)

Relaxing with my inspirational music :)

Eine Kleine Nachtmusik - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Nego, kako vam se svidja kako su ispale note?

Anyway, how do you like how the music sheets turned out?

Sep 7, 2011

Aura – On the Edge : Swatch & Review

Danas za vas imam swatch najneobicnijeg laka koji sam videla. Aurin On the Edge me je potpuno zbunio sa njegovom bojom, da sam se cak razmisljala da ne radim recenziju. Nisam znala sta bih vam rekla. Sad kad sam sabrala utiske, imam ponesto da kazem, ali da bi ga razumele morate da ga probate. Evo sta kazu proizvodjaci o njemu :
   -  hipoalergena formula bez formaldehida, toluena i kamfora
   -  savršena pokrivenost već od prvog sloja
   -  brzo se suši
   - otporan na krzanje i udarce
   - žuti nokti – ne!                                                           

A evo moje misljenje. Sto se tice formaldehida, toluena i kamfora – to pise i na bocici, tako da cu pretpostaviti da je tacno. Sto se tice  pokrivenosti, nije mi jasno zasto sve kompanije pisu da je savrsena pokrivenost sa jednim slojem, kad svi znamo da nije tako u vecini slucajeva? Pokrivenost mu je savrsena sa dva sloja, sto je jako dobro. Prvi sloj se osusio za manje od 2 minuta, ali se zato drugi sloj susio 10-15 minuta, a svi znamo koliko se toga moze pokvariti za to vreme :), Namerno nisam koristila Fast Dry TC kako bih mogla da utvrdim brzinu. Da li je otporan na krzanje i udarce? Za sada jeste. Ali mislim da nece ni docekati da se okrzne na mojim noktima :). Kada ga budem skidala, dopisacu da li su zuti nokti :). Iskreno ni ne bojim se da ce biti zuti, vise me je strah da ne budu zeleno-plavi.

Najbitnije – boja. Zasto je tako cudna? Pa, zato sto ni sama nisam sigurna koja je. U jednom momentu je tamno zelen sa plavkastim shimmerom, u drugom momentu je vec plav sa crvenkastim shimmerom, a onda opet, nekad je skoro crn. Mislim da je duochrome, i zato ga je bilo jako tesko uslikati. Od preko 50 slika, uspelo je samo 4, iako mislim da ni one ne oslikavaju pravu boju. Jednostavno, da bi ga razumele, morate da ga probate :).
Today I have for you swatch of most unusual polish  that I ever seen. Aura – On the Edge totally confused me with it’s color, so I was even thinking about not doing review. I didn’t know what to tell you. Now that I've collected all impressions in my head, I have something to say, but to understand it you have to try it. Here's what manufacturers say about him:
- Hypoallergenic formula, formaldehyde free, toluene free and camphor
- Provides perfect coverage after first layer is applied
- Dries quickly
- Is resistant to chipping and breaking
- No yellow nail plates!

And here's my opinion. As for formaldehyde, toluene and camphor – that’s written on the bottle to,so I'll assume that's true. As for coverage, I do not understand why all companies write “the perfect coverage after a single layer”, as we all know that it’s not usually true? The coverage is perfect with two layers, which is very good. The first layer was dry in less than two minutes, but the 2nd one dried about 10-15 minutes, and we all know that there is many way to spoil it during this time :). I didn’t used Fast Dry TC so that I could determine the speed of drying. Is it resistant to chipping and breaking? For now it is. But I think it will not stay on my nails long enough to be chipped :). When I remove it, I will edit this post to tell you about yellow nail plates :). I don’t think they will be yellow, I am more afraid not to be green/blue.
The most important thing - color. Why is it so strange? Well, it’s because I'm not sure which is. At one moment, it is dark green with a bluish shimmer, in another moment it’s blue with reddish shimmer, and then again, sometimes almost seems black. I think it’s duochrome and so it was very difficult to take pictures of it. I took over 50 pictures, and there was only 4 of them that I think they reflect the true color. Simply, to understand it, you have to try it :).





Jeste li ga probale? 

Did you tried it?

Sep 6, 2011

Black stripes

Danas sam lakirala nokte 4 puta, pokusavajuci da napravim nesto sto ce nadmasiti ono od juce, ali nije mi se svidelo ni jedno. Ocigledno, danas mi nije dan. Evo poslednjeg (ostali mi se nisu svideli cak ni toliko da ih uslikam)…

Today I polished my nails 4 times, trying to make something better than yesterday one, but I didn’t like nothing that I made. Obviously, today is not my day. Here’s the last one (I even didn’t pictured first three, I really didn’t liked them)…

Essence – Bad girl, Essence – Break Through, Essence – Love of pink, Golden Rose Nail Art - 115



Nije tako lose, ali ne svidja mi se sto su mi linije mnogo neravne. Sta vi mislite?

It’s not that bad, but I don’t like the lines are so uneven. What do you think?

Sep 5, 2011

My new masterpiece

Po prvi put posle duzeg vremena, prezadovoljna sam nail artom koji sam napravila. Stvarno mislim da je remek delo. Bila je noc ucenje, a crtanje mi je doslo u pauzama. I prelepo mi je :). Pogledajte :)

First time after a while, I am over satisfied with nail art that I made. I really think it is masterpiece. It was a studying night, and drawing came in the pauses. And I think it’s beautiful :). Check it out :).

Essence – Date me (Cute as Hell Collection), Essence – Love of Pink, Black & White acrylic paint, SV Top Coat




Zelim jos ovakvih noci :). Da li vam se dopada?

I want more this kind of nights :). Do you like it?

Sep 3, 2011

Weird nails

Imala sam dobru ideju, koja nije uspela. Ne znam ni sto sam mislila da ce biti lepo, ali nema veze :). Pogledajte :

I had a good idea, that didn’t worked out. I don’t even know why I thought that it will be nice, but never mind :). Check it out :

Isabelle Dupont 412, Golden Rose Nail Art 116 & Essence Love of Pink



Moj zakljucak je : na prvi pogled izgleda neuredno. Na drugi pogled izgleda nekako neobicno lepo. A na treci pogled kao da je dete crtalo. Tako da moj savet (a na neki nacin i molba) – ostanite na drugom pogledu :D.
Koji je vas zakljucak?

My conclusion is : on first glance it looks messy. On second glance it seems strange but still kind a nice. And on third glance it looks like some child drew it. So my advice is – stay on the second one :D
So, what is your conclusion?