Pre nego sto pocnem sa spamom slikama : ono je providan lak sa zlatkastim shimmerom, i sa mnogo linearnih glitera (da, izgleda kao dlakav :D). Kada ga okrecem u ruci levo desno, mogu videti celu dugu koja se na slikama bas i nije uhvatila. Ali prilicno je strava :). Aplkacija je bila laka i nisam imala nikakvih problema, a probala sam ga sa jednim i 2 sloja. Meni se vise svidja sa 2 sloja, ali svi smo mi razliciti :).
I don’t know for you, but every time I see a polish, I already have some nail art ideas, or if it’s glitter, on which base I will swatch it… This time, I was without a single idea. Simply, I bought Golden Rose Paris Nail Lacquer #70 only because it was shining from the shelf. And now when it’s time to swatch it, I didn’t know which base to use. I wanted to show you all it’s good and bad sides, so I polished it on top of 5 different colors.
Before I start with picture spam : this is a clear nail polish, with gold shimmer, with lots of linear glitters (yes, it looks like it’s hairy :D). When I swing a bottle left and right, I can see whole rainbow. It’s pretty cool :). Application was nice and smooth, and I tried with 1 and 2 coats. I prefer it with 2 coats, but we are all different from each other :).
L –> R : Maybelline Mini Colorama – French White; Essence – In the Jungle; Essence – Love of Pink;
Golden Rose Paris #106, Essence – Bad girl
1 coat of Golden Rose Paris Nail Lacquer #70
2 coats of Golden Rose Paris Nail Lacquer #70
2 coats of Golden Rose Paris Nail Lacquer #70 with flash
Kao sto mozete videti, jako je bilo tesko uslikati ove glitter i njihovu razlicitu boju. Ali mi se svidja :D.
Stiglo mi je iz Born Pretty Store-a jos brdo ovakvih glittera u kutijicama, pa mislim da cu se uskoro uhvatiti muckanja :).
As you can see, it was really hard to catch this glitters and their different color. But I love it :D.
I got from Born Pretty Store lots of this kind a glitters, so I think I will soon start to shake some bottles :).