- hipoalergena formula bez formaldehida, toluena i kamfora
- savršena pokrivenost već od prvog sloja
- brzo se suši
- otporan na krzanje i udarce
- žuti nokti – ne!
A evo moje misljenje. Sto se tice formaldehida, toluena i kamfora – to pise i na bocici, tako da cu pretpostaviti da je tacno. Sto se tice pokrivenosti, nije mi jasno zasto sve kompanije pisu da je savrsena pokrivenost sa jednim slojem, kad svi znamo da nije tako u vecini slucajeva? Pokrivenost mu je savrsena sa dva sloja, sto je jako dobro. Prvi sloj se osusio za manje od 2 minuta, ali se zato drugi sloj susio 10-15 minuta, a svi znamo koliko se toga moze pokvariti za to vreme :), Namerno nisam koristila Fast Dry TC kako bih mogla da utvrdim brzinu. Da li je otporan na krzanje i udarce? Za sada jeste. Ali mislim da nece ni docekati da se okrzne na mojim noktima :). Kada ga budem skidala, dopisacu da li su zuti nokti :). Iskreno ni ne bojim se da ce biti zuti, vise me je strah da ne budu zeleno-plavi.
Najbitnije – boja. Zasto je tako cudna? Pa, zato sto ni sama nisam sigurna koja je. U jednom momentu je tamno zelen sa plavkastim shimmerom, u drugom momentu je vec plav sa crvenkastim shimmerom, a onda opet, nekad je skoro crn. Mislim da je duochrome, i zato ga je bilo jako tesko uslikati. Od preko 50 slika, uspelo je samo 4, iako mislim da ni one ne oslikavaju pravu boju. Jednostavno, da bi ga razumele, morate da ga probate :).
Today I have for you swatch of most unusual polish that I ever seen. Aura – On the Edge totally confused me with it’s color, so I was even thinking about not doing review. I didn’t know what to tell you. Now that I've collected all impressions in my head, I have something to say, but to understand it you have to try it. Here's what manufacturers say about him:
- Hypoallergenic formula, formaldehyde free, toluene free and camphor
- Provides perfect coverage after first layer is applied
- Dries quickly
- Is resistant to chipping and breaking
- No yellow nail plates!
And here's my opinion. As for formaldehyde, toluene and camphor – that’s written on the bottle to,so I'll assume that's true. As for coverage, I do not understand why all companies write “the perfect coverage after a single layer”, as we all know that it’s not usually true? The coverage is perfect with two layers, which is very good. The first layer was dry in less than two minutes, but the 2nd one dried about 10-15 minutes, and we all know that there is many way to spoil it during this time :). I didn’t used Fast Dry TC so that I could determine the speed of drying. Is it resistant to chipping and breaking? For now it is. But I think it will not stay on my nails long enough to be chipped :). When I remove it, I will edit this post to tell you about yellow nail plates :). I don’t think they will be yellow, I am more afraid not to be green/blue.
The most important thing - color. Why is it so strange? Well, it’s because I'm not sure which is. At one moment, it is dark green with a bluish shimmer, in another moment it’s blue with reddish shimmer, and then again, sometimes almost seems black. I think it’s duochrome and so it was very difficult to take pictures of it. I took over 50 pictures, and there was only 4 of them that I think they reflect the true color. Simply, to understand it, you have to try it :).
Jeste li ga probale?
Did you tried it?
Au,bas mi se svidja..a obecah sebi da necu vise gomilati lakove..bio je takav neki cudan i na ljubicasto ako se dobro secam
ReplyDeleteMeni je zelo všeč!
ReplyDeleteja volim duokrome lakove...nisam probala ni jedan aura lak, mislim da ih nema u zagrebu
ReplyDeletekoliko znam aure nema u hrvatskoj, što je šteta jer sam vidila neke krasne swatcheve, među kojima i ovaj :-D
ReplyDeleteI like the range of colour in this polish :)
ReplyDeleteNisam probala ni jedan njihov lak,a ovaj mi je prekrasan O_O!!!
ReplyDeleteBaš je zanimljiv!
ReplyDelete@MyPerfectLounge taj ljubicasti nisam videla, al trazicu ga :). Zaintrigirala si me :)
ReplyDelete@Biba i meni :)
@Ines&NC nema u hrvatskoj, iako ne znam zasto. Ima u Srbiji, BiH, i Makedoniji samo.
@Nail Stories yeah, it's amazing :)
@Nina mislim da ti je vreme :P
@Biberlee ja i dalje ne mogu da prestanem da ga gledam :D
That is such a gorgeous polish colour! Seriously pretty =]
ReplyDeletePozdrav :)
ReplyDeleteLak je potpuno neobican... Slican sam videla na policama Essence-a, ali ga nisam kupila upravo jer sam bila zbunjena :D
Evo sad nadjoh onaj ljubicasti o kome sam pricala s tim da mnooogo lepse izgled na noktima nego u bocici