Jan 2, 2012

Ornaments decorated with Nail Polish

Moj prvi post ove godine, nece biti u vezi sa noktima. Mozda se secate da sam vam pre par dana rekla kako moja mama, decko i ja pravimo ove godine poklone, tj crtamo po ukrasima za jelku. Nas projekat je bio uspesan, i svima su se svideli. Za crtanje smo koristili akrilne boje i mnogo lakova za nokte. Pa pogledajte kako je to ispalo...

My first post this year won't be nail related. Maybe you remember that I told you few days ago how my mum, boyfriend and I are making presents this year, drawing on tree ornaments. Our project was successfull, and everybody loved it. For drawing we used acrylic paints and lots of nail polishes. So check out how that turned out...

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Sta mislite o nasim crtezima? Za sta sve vi upotrebljavate lakove za nokte (osim za nokte)? Ja ih koristim u jako mnogo svrha. Pisacu jednog dana o tome.

What do you think about our art? For what do you use nail polishes (except for nails)? I used them in many purposes. I'll write about it one day.


  1. These are so beautiful! I love them!! :D If I had an infinite supply of my nail polish colours I would definitely use them for paint!

  2. wooow super su kuglice!

  3. Svaka čast, kuglice su vam genijalne :)

  4. e šta ti je ovisnost - kad je nestalo noktiju one po kuglicama ;-D
    super su ti kuglice, pametna ideja :-D

  5. it turned really good! it looks like someone professional made them lol, like the ones you see in the store haha looks really good, so original!
    Like 2 months ago I used nail polish in my science project to make some details to the robot like the eyes and the mouth( yeah me and my friends had to make a robot smh)it turned soo pretty :)
