Danas, totalno suncan dan, ali opet ne pretoplo. Moje omiljeno vreme. Pala mi je pamet misao da jos uvek ove godine nisam videla nijednog leptira, a prolece je i zvanicno doslo. Verovatno vec pretpostavljate sta mi je na noktima :). Prvo, zuta boja. Neki kazu da ona oznacava ljubomoru, ali za mene, to je boja Sunca. Dva sloja the Balm - Hella Yella, i preko toga jedan sloj Catherine Arley holographics #801. Napravila sam i swatcheve ova dva, ali posto je sunce vec bilo zaslo, morala sam da slikam u lightbox-u, i to nije ispalo bas realno. Drugi put :). Uglavnom, nakon toga sam htela da pokusam da napravim leptirice sa pecatima, ni to nije ispalo kako treba. Onda sam uzela tackalo u ruke, i popravila ih da izgledaju onako kako sam ja zamislila.
Today, totally sunny day, but again, not too warm. My favourite weather. It crossed my mind that I haven't seen any butterflies this year, and spring is officially here. You probably already know what is on my nails :).
First, yellow color. Some people says that yellow means jealousy, but for me, it's a color of Sun. Two coats of the Balm - Hella Yella, and on top of it one coat of Catherine Arley #801. I made swatches of these two, but Sun has been already down, so I had to take pictures in my light-box, and that didn't really turned out realistic. Another time :). Anyway, after that I tried to make butterflies with stamping plates, and didn't worked out either. Then I finally took my doting tool in hands, and I fixed them to look exectly how I pictured them in my head.
Da li se vama svidja? Jeste li videli nekog leptira ove godine?
Do you like it? Have you seen any butterflies this year?