May 1, 2013

Drag&Drop Flowers Tutorial

Srećan vam Praznik Rada drage moje :). Nadam se da ste provele divan dan. Za prvi dan u ovom mesecu, imam za vas davno obećani tutorijal za Drag&Drop tehniku. Verujte mi, nije teško i trebaće vam jako malo vremena da ovo napravite.
Slike su malo lošije jer sam sve morala da ih slikam u lightbox-u umesto na dnevnom svetlu (bila je noć kada sam ovo pravila) ali sam sigurna da ćete shvatiti kako to treba napraviti :). 
Ono što će vam trebati je : lak za nokte koji će biti podloga (kod mene je to Golden Rose #242), tri laka za cvetiće (kod mene su to Rapsodi #187, Essence - Flowerfields, i FlorMar #32) a od alata trebaće vam samo iglica/čačkalica. 

Happy International Workers' Day :). I hope you had a nice day. For the first day in this month, I have a long ago promiced tutorial for Drag&Drop technique. Trust me, it's not hard and you don't need much time to make it. 
Pictures are taken in a light box instead on a daylight (it was night when I did it) so they are not the best but I'm sure that you will understand how to do it :).
What you need is : nail polish that will be base color (mine is Golden Rose #242), three nail polishes for the flowers (I used Rapsodi #187, Essence - Flowerfields and FlorMar #32) and as tool you will need just a needle/toothpick.

flowers drag and drop

Nakon što nanesete baznu boju, nacrtajte mali cvet (ne mora biti savršen). Sačekajte oko tridesetak sekundi i povucite linije na laticama od iznutra ka napolje. Obrišite čačkalicu nakon svake latice. Kada završite sa ovim, primetićete malo vaše bazne boje pri sredini cveta a negde ćete čak videti i svoj nokat. Izgledaće malo lepljivo na početku, ali brzo se osuši, a nakon toga samo nanesite top coat i izgledaće savršeno :).

After you apply your base color, draw a small flower (it doesn't have to be perfect). Wait about thirty seconds and drag lines on the petals from inside to outside. Clean your toothpick before every petal. After doing this, you will see some color in the middle of the flower that is your base color and somewhere you could also see your nail. It will look tacky but after it is dry, apply a top coat and it will look great :).

flowers drag and drop 2
flowers drag and drop 3

Ovom tehnikom takođe možete praviti i zvezdice. Šta mislite? Ako isprobate, obavezno mi pokažite :).

With this technique you can also make stars. What do you think? If you try it, let me know :).


  1. Deluje lako kad objasnis ovako slikovito...nadam se da cu se snaci u iscrtavanju :D

    1. Probaj :). Najbitnije ti je da povuces linije pre nego sto se lak osusi i da ides od iznutra ka spolja :)

  2. djeluje trodimenzionalno, sviđa mi se :D

    1. drago mi je :). Nadam se da ces isprobati :)
