May 28, 2013

Stamping and Dotting

Ponekad, kada nemate baš inspiracije, pečatiranje vaših noktiju je savršeno rešenje. Pomoću njega, čak možete napraviti i nešto potpuno neobično i za vas neočekivano. Moj dan danas, počeo je sa lakiranjem ovog koralnog laka theBalm - Coral Reef-ined. Nisam imala inspiraciju za nikakvo crtanje, a tek par sati kasnije, setila sam se mojih Bundle Monster pločica koje nisam koristila već neko vreme. Napokon, nakon milion puta promenjenog mišljenja, izabrala sam uzorak sa pločice BM - 209 i lak Miyo - Black. Prošlo je malo više od sat vremena, kada su mi se moji nokti učinili dosadnim, pa sam crne tačkice promenila u šarene. A evo i koje sam sve lakove upotrebila za to : Catrice - Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy, Catherine Arley #08, theBalm - Hella Yella, Essence - Date Me, Essence - Divalicious Red, theBalm - Lilac Any Sence i theBalm - Magenta Disposition. 

Sometimes, when you feel uninspired, stamping your nails is a perfect solution. With it, you can even make something completely oddly and for you unexpected. My day started with painting my nails with theBalm - Coral Reef-ined. I didn't have inspiration for drawing, and few hours later, I remembered my Bundle Monster plates that I haven't used for a while. Finally, after I changed my mind for about a million times, I chose pattern from plate BM - 209 and nail polish Miyo - Black. More than an hour later, I thought about how boring my nails are, so I changed black dots into rainbow dots. And here is the list of all polishes that I used for it : Catrice - Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy, Catherine Arley #08, theBalm - Hella Yella, Essence - Date Me, Essence - Divalicious Red, theBalm - Lilac Any Sence and theBalm - Magenta Disposition. 

colorfull dots
colorfull dots 2
colorfull dots 3
colorfull dots 4
colorfull dots 5

Šta vi pravite na noktima kada nemate inspiraciju?

What do you do with your nails when you are uninspired?


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  2. Mnogo mi se dopada kako ti je ovo ispalo! :)

  3. Predivno izgleda :) Ovaj koralni lak mi se mnogo dopada.

  4. super, čini se skroz jednostavan dizajn ali baš je efektan, love it <3

    1. Isplatilo se razmisljanje kako da dam neki svoj pecat ovim pecatima :D

  5. Prav luštno izgleda. :)

  6. odlicno izgleda :) ja kad nemam inspiraciju trazim nesto na internetu
