May 6, 2013

Lace on Nails

Sećate li se ove zlatno-srebrno-plave čipkice koju sam kupila na sajmu prošlog meseca? Trebalo mi je dugo vremena da je upotrebim, ponajviše jer sam se bojala problema koja ću imati dok je budem stavljala. Svesna sam da je čipka rastegljiva i nisam znala koliko će se tegliti na nokima. A i da budem iskrena, ne volim baš onaj trenutak kada se od mene traži da isečem nešto u dimenzijama svog nokta. Čipkica je ispala odlično na nokima, jedino me malo nervira osećaj kada je diram prstima, ali pretpostavljam da ću se navići. Lak ispod čipkice je Essence - Grumpy.

Do you remember that gold-silver-blue lace that I bought on fair last month? It took a while until I decided to try it, just because I was kind of scared of problems that I could have applying it. I'm aware that lace is really stretchy and I didn't know how much will it stretch on nails. And to be honest, I don't really like that moment when I need to cut something the same length like my nails art. Lace turned out really nice on nails, only thing I don't like is the feeling when I touch it with my fingers, but I guess I will get used to it. Nail polish under lace is Essence - Grumpy. 

gold and blue lace
gold and blue lace 2
gold and blue lace 4
gold and blue lace 5

Da li ste probale da nosite čipku na noktima? Da li vam se dopada kako izgleda?

Have you tried lace on nails? Do you like how it looks?


  1. cool izgleda, trenutno sam zaljubljena u strukturu na noktima pa bih ovo rado nosila :D

  2. Meni je potpuno neobicno, i stvarno mi se svidja, ali mislim da ce ovaj trend proci brze od trenda crackle i magnetic :D

  3. AnonymousMay 12, 2013

    Hi there! I am desperately looking for essence - grumpy from the snow white collection. It is the last one I need to complete my collection. Let me know if you are willing to sell it! I would love to make you an offer for it!

    Thank you
    Angela :)
