Danas sam opet proslavila Božić :). Biću iskrena, neću vas puno zamarati, jer sam umorna od toliko hrane i pića. Samo ću vam pokazati manikir koji sam danas nosila... China Glaze - Ruby Pumps, a preko njega predivne šljokice Models Own - Disco Inferno....
Today I celebrated Christmas again :). I'll be honest, I won't bother you with lot of words, because I'm tired of so much food and drink. I'm just going to show you mani that I wore today... China Glaze - Ruby Pumps, and gorgeous glitter on top of it Models Own - Disco Inferno...
... i naravno, Srećan Božić svima vama koji ga danas slavite :).
...and of course, Merry Christmas to all of you that are celebrating it today :).
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