Feb 16, 2014

Matching Manicure–Geometric shapes

Iz liste slika "mojih budućih inspiracija za nail art" koje čuvam u jednom folderu, uzimajući u obzir da je današnja tema Geometrijski oblici, jedva sam uspela da pronađem pravi. Nisam baš dobra u crtanju stvari ravnih ivica. Što možete primetiti i danas :). Kvadratići idu od pravih do izduženih, od malih ka velikim. Šljokice su ipak malo ublažile stvar i napravile optičku iluziju.
Korsilta sam : Catrice - Spruced Up, narandžastu akrilnu boju i theBalm - Sugar Coat It.

From list of pictures from "my future nail art inspirations" that I keep in one folder, considering that today theme is Geometric shapes, I could barely find one that can match. I'm not really good at drawing things with straight edges. Which you can notice today :). Squares goes from straight to stretched ones, from little to big ones. Glitter over it was good, because it made something like optical illusion from this.
I used : Catrice - Spruced Up, orange acrylic paint and theBalm - Sugar Coat It.

diamonds 4diamonds 3diamonds 2diamonds 5diamonds

Ne zaboravite da pogledate šta su devojke danas nacrtale, i ako već niste, prijavite se na moju nagradnu igru. Završava se za 3 dana. 

Don't forget to check out what girls drew today, and also, If you didn't already, enter my giveaway. It ends in 3 days.


  1. Jao, baklavice! podsjeća me na djetinjstvo. ja sam loša u bilo kakvom iscrtavanju tako da je moj nail art apstraktan :p

  2. Dopada mi se. Podseća me na Arlekina.

  3. ma daj, ja ovo ne bih nacrtala za tri dana, odlično je *.*

  4. Wow, savrsen manikir, bas je sladak!!!

  5. Predivni su :)

  6. I have been looking through your blog and all of your nails are great! These ones particularly stood out for me, gorgeous manicure ! :)

    I have nominated you for the Liebster Award, your questions can be found here http://www.nailsxo.com/2014/02/26/liebster-award/ along with the rules :) drop me a comment once completed, I'd love to read the q&a :) xx
