Apr 15, 2014

Busy Bee

Danas sam veoma vredna pčelica, tako da sam odlučila da vam pokažem nove vodene nalepnice koje su mi stigle iz Born Pretty Store-a. U pitanju su pčelice

I have been a really busy bee today, so I decided to show you new water decals that arrived from Born Pretty Store. Sheet full of bees.

bee water decals

Uputstvo za upotrebu se nalazi na poleđini kartona sa nalepnicama, međutim, pošto mi nije bilo baš najjasnije (google translate je očigledno uradio svoje pre štampanja), može se reći da sam pratila korake 1-3 a zatim samo premazala top coat-om.

Instructions for use are on the back of the sheet with decals, but, since I didn't really understand them (obviously Google Translate had something to do with it), you can say that I followed steps 1-3 and them just applied top coat.

how to use water decals

Usput sam htela da isprobam još jednu tehniku koju sam videla ne nekim blogovima, ali nisam mogla da se setim kako se tehnika zove niti kako se radi. Sećam se samo da je podrazumevala upotrebu vizit kartica, tako da sam pokušala da napravim kockice na polu-suvom laku koristeći staru vizit karticu. Nije savršeno, ali može da prođe kao zamena za košnicu. 

I also wanted to try out one more technique that I saw on some blogs, but I couldn't remember name of it or how to do it. Only thing I remember is that included usage of business cards, so I tried to make squares on half-dry nail polish using an old business card. It's not perfect but it still looks almost like bee hive.

busy bee manicurebusy bee manicure 2busy bee manicure 3busy bee manicure 4

Znate li o kojoj tehnici je reč i gde mogu da nađem tutorijal za nju? Da li vam se dopadaju moje pčelice u košnici?
Ove nalepnice možete pronaći na sajtu BornPrettyStore-a za nekih 155 RSD a poštarina je uvek besplatna. Ako iskoristite kod KQL91 možete dobiti čak i 10% popusta. 

Do you know anything about this technique and where can I find real tutorial for it? Do you like my bees in the hive?
You can find these water decals on Born Pretty Store for $1.86 and shipping is always free. If you use coupon code KQL91 you can even get 10% discount. 

This review contains a product sent to me by the company’s PR for my review. I do not accept compensation for reviews and all my opinions are honest and objective.For more information, please read my Disclosure Policy.


  1. Very cute! I love the honeycomb effect!

  2. Tehnika je nail quilting.

  3. Zanimljivo, kao da hoda po saću :D

    1. Plan je bio da izgleda kao da lete, ali to je to :)

  4. Ovo mi je odlično!!!
    Moram priznati da sam ja uništila 2-3 vodene naljepnice prije nego sam se tuka sjetila pogledati uputstva na poleđini :)))
