Apr 27, 2014

Twin Post–Cool Colors

Još jedan Twin Post. Ovog meseca, moj blizanac se Hannah sa bloga the Dalai Lama's Nails a zadatak koji smo dobile su hladne boje. Čini mi se kao da nijedna od nas dve nije imala nešto posebno inspiracije, pošto nam je bilo teško da smislimo šta ćemo da radimo. Na momenat smo i odustale, a onda se ipak odlučile da napravimo optičku iluziju sa brojevima.

Another Twin Post. This month, my twin is Hannah from the Dalai Lama's Nails and we got cool colors as our task. It seems to me like either of us didn't have too much inspiration, because it was really hard to think of something that we can do. On moment, we even gave up, and then decided to do optical illusion with numbers. 


Da li ste uspele da vidite sve brojeve? Pogledajte i ostale blogove, izmedju ostalog korišćene su i tople boje, pastelne boje...

Have you seen all numbers? Check out these blogs, you can also see nails with warm colors, pastel colors and other...

1 comment:

  1. Nice, hehe I can just about make out all the numbers ;-)
