Jan 18, 2012

Bootie Babe swatches : Lime So Fine & Electric Lemon & Brink of Pink

Znam da je mnogo vas jedva cekalo ovo kao sto sam i ja. Nisam se zaustavila na jednom, vec sam morala da  tri laka da isprobam i obozavam ih. Sva tri laka su iz Neon kolekcije.
Prvi, zeleni neonski, sa naizgled veoma poznatom od ranije bojom. Cini mi se kao da sam videla vec mnogo ovakvih. U svakom slucaju, posto nisam od pocetka razmisljala samo sam nastavljala da mazem sloj po sloj, i tako do cetvrtog. A i dalje se vide vrhovi noktiju. Posle toliko slojeva, lak, kao da nije mogao nikako da se osusi, nego je postao gelast. Moja greska a recicu vam i zasto. Ipak, pogledajte prvo kako izgleda :)

I know many of you couldn't wait for this, and so am I. I didn't stopped on one, I had to try out three polishes and I love them. All three are from Neon Collection.
First, neon green, that seems kind a familiar. I think I saw many other brands has this kind of green. Anyway, since I didn't thought about it on time, I applied coat after coat, and did that until there were 4 coats. And you can still see tips. After all those coats, polish was kind a gelish and just couldn't dry at all. It's my mistake and I will tell you why. Just, take a look at picture first to see how it looks :)

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Pa, moja greska je bila u tome sto nisam postovala jedno pravilo koje imam kada su u pitanju neonski lakovi. Oni su po svojoj strukturi uglavnom slabo pigmentisani, i stvarno im je potrebna bela podloga. Tako da sam na palcu i kaziprstu lakirala samo sledeci, Electric Lemon, i trebalo mu je 5 slojeva. Na ostala tri nokta, nalakirala sam beli Maybelline Colorama - French White i nakon njega, trebalo je samo 2 sloja. Sa susenjem sam opet imala istu situaciju, ova dva nokta gde nije bilo bele podloge su postala gelasta, ali ostala tri su se normalno i prilicno brzo osusila. 

So, my mistake was in that I didn't respected rule that I have when it comes to neon nail polishes. I think they all mostly have low pigmentation, and they really need white background. So I polished on my thumb and my index finger only with next one, Electric Lemon, and it took me 5 coats. On other three nails, I polished white Maybelline Colorama - French White, and after it, it only took 2 coats of Electric Lemon. With drying I had same situation like before. These two nails where there was not white base became gelish, and other three dried normally and pretty fast too.

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Na kraju, moj omiljeni od ova tri, Brink of Pink. Ponovila sam proceduru sa belom podlogom, i sa njom je trebalo 2 sloja. Bez nje 4 sloja. 

At the end, my favourite from those three, Brick of Pink. I did that thing with white base again, and with it, it took 2 coats. Without white bas, 4 coats. 

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Moj plan je bio da ih danas isprobam sve, ali sam imala problem da otvorim plavi i ljubicasti (da, imam jako slabe ruke). Onaj svetlo rozi, sam odlucila da nateram mamu da isproba, posto to stvarno nije moja boja, a njoj je jako svidja. Tako da, sledece nedelje mozete ocekivati ostala tri :). Kako vam se svidjaju moji Bootie Babe lakovi do sada?

My plan was to try them all today, but I had a problem with opening blue and purple one (yes, I have weak hands). That light rose one, I decided to give my mum to review it, since it's really not my color, and she love it. So, next week you can expect next three of them :). How do you like my Bootie Babe polishes so far? 

This review contains a product sent to me by the company’s PR for my review. I do not accept compensation for reviews and all my opinions are honest and objective.For more information, please read my Disclosure Policy.


  1. Brick of pink mi je najbolji :)

  2. boje mi se sviđaju, ali mi se ne sviđa to što su jako prozirni...i bočice mi se sviđaju ;))

  3. bočice sam već iskomentirala, sad mi se sviđaju i boje ;-D
    zelena je moj favorit :-D
