Danas slavim Bozic opet.
Mnogo sam vremena provela razmisljajuci sta je to sto izdvaja Srbiju pri slavljenju Bozica, od ostalih zemalja, i nisam dosla do pravog odgovora. Shvatila sam da svi, bez obzira u kojoj zemlji zivimo, bez obzira koje smo nacionalnosti, vere itd... slavimo na slican nacin. Ono sto mislim (ako nisam u pravu, ispravite me) da je karakteristika Balkanskih naroda tokom Bozicnih praznika je sadjenje zita oko svece. Zato je moj nail art danas takav, u duhu Bozica mojih naroda.
Today I celebrate Christmas again.
I spent a lot of time thinking about what is unique in Serbia during Christmas celebration, and I couldn't find an answer. I realized that, no matter in which country do you live, no matter what is your nationality, religion etc... we all celebrate on similar way. But I think (if I'm wrong, correct me) that planting wheat around the candle is characteristic for Balkan people, during a Christmas celebration. So my nail art today is like that, in spirit of Christmas in my of the Europe.
Jako je bilo tesko ovo nacrtati. Ako ne mozete prepoznati, na druga dva nokta su venci suvog cveca.
U svakom slucaju, mozda ste i primetile da sam skratila nokte, vreme je bilo za to. Ali ne zalim, brzo ce porastiti :). Narednih par dana, cim sredim slike, pokazacu vam par toga sto sam uradila ove nedelje, dok sam jos uvek imala duze nokte.
I da ne zaboravim, Srecan Bozic svim mojim pravoslavnim citaocima :)
It was really hard to draw this. If you can't recognize, on other two nails are wreath made of dry flower.
Anyway, maybe you noticed that I shorted my nails, it was time to do that. But I don't regret, they will grow fast :). In the next couple of days, as soon as I transfer photos from camera, I'll show you few things that I did this week, while I still had longer nails.
I almost forgot, Merry Christmas to all my Orthodox readers :)
Prekrasno draga!
ReplyDeleteSretan Bozic tebi i tvojoj obitelji!
Super su.Srećan Božić:)
ReplyDeleteThese are so beautiful! Merry Christmas! :D
ReplyDeletesretan ti božić :-D
ReplyDeletenokti su mi super, nisu ti ni sad prekratki... i još su uvijek duži od mojih :-(