Jan 17, 2012

Nail Mail : Bootie Babes

Danas me je postar veoma obradovao. Ne pamtim kada sam zadnji put dobila lakice postom, ali pokusacu to da promenim. Jako mi se svidja osecaj otvaranja paketica :D. Napokon mi je stigao paketic od Bootie Babe Cosmetics. Poslali su mi jos u oktobru, ali nazalost, paket se izgubio negde usput. Srecom, Mark je bio toliko dobar da mi posalje novi paket. I evo ga.
Prvo sto sam primetila, je da su se nasi carinici ponasali kao i obicno - pomalo divljacki. Jedna kutijica je bila pocepana (uspela sam da je nekako izlepim), dok su druge imale znakove nasilnog otvaranja. Prebolecu nekako. Ono sto bas i necu preboleti tako brzo, je to sto se jedan divan lak prosuo. Sreca pa nije ceo prosut, tako da ce i dalje biti upotrebljiv. 
I da vam kazem, obozavam sto svaki lak ima svoju kutijicu :)

Today, my postman brought me a package. I can't remember when was a last time I got nail mail, but I'll try to change that. I really like the feeling while I'm opening them :D. Finally I got my mail from Bootie Babe Cosmetics. They sent it in October, but unfortunately, it was lost somewhere in mail. Luckily, Mark was kind enough to sent me another one. And here it is.
First thing that I noticed, was that workers on customs service in my country were (as usual) - kind a violent. On of the boxes was ripped of (I manage to seal it up somehow), while others had a signs of violent opening. I'll get over it. Thing that I wont get over that fast is, that one beautiful polish was spilled. There is some polish left in it, so it's still useful.
And I must tell you, I really love thing that every polish has it own box :)

BenQ Corporation

Na vrhu svake kutijice nalazi se ime laka koji je unutra. U sustini, to je i prednost i mana. Prednost je to sto je veoma slatko, a mana je to sto nema imena napisanog na bocici. 

On the top of every box, there is name of nail polish that's inside. Basically, that is both advantage and disadvantage. Advantage is because it's really really cute, and bad thing is that there's no name of the polish written on a bottle.

BenQ Corporation

A evo sta se nalazi u kutijicama :). (pripremite se na spam slikama :P)

And here is what was inside of boxes :). (prepare yourself for picture spam :P)

BenQ Corporation

BenQ Corporation

BenQ Corporation

BenQ Corporation

BenQ Corporation

BenQ Corporation

BenQ Corporation

Pa, ako se pitate gde mozete kupiti ove lepote od lakova, to mozete uraditi na sajtu Bootie Babe Cosmetics po ceni od samo 300 RSD (3€), a ako odlucite da kupite pakovanje od 12 komada, onda vas izadje 225 RSD (2.25€) po laku, sto je stvarno odlicna cena. I ne brinite, salju cak i ove nase zemlje :).

So, if you wonder where you can buy this beauty nail polishes, you can do that on Bootie Babe Cosmetics

web site. Price is only 3€ (4$), and if you decide to buy a 12-pack, it's only 2.25€ (3$) per one polish, which is really an awesome price. And don't worry, they ship international :).

This review contains a product sent to me by the company’s PR for my review. I do not accept compensation for reviews 
and all my opinions are honest and objective.For more information, please read my Disclosure Policy.


  1. I'm just in love with this polish bottles ;) they are just to funny!!!!!!

    1. Me too :). When I see them, I always smile :).

  2. wooowpredivni su! jedva čekam da ih vidim na noktima

    1. Sad sam ih objavila, bar polovinu njih :). Nadam se da ce ti se svideti :)

  3. Oh my gosh !! there are very cuteeee :) i love your blog !! xOXO
    i wait u my blog !! see u later kisses :)


  4. These bottles... They always make me smile :)

  5. Bočice su mi preslatke. :)))

    A poznato mi je ovo sa poštom, dobro je dok te nisu maltretirali sa carinom, vjerujem da mene sigurno bi.

    1. Ma moji carinici su verovatno taj prvi paket i maknuli... A carinu nemaju na osnovu cega da mi naplate, nije dostiglo vrednost koja se carini.

  6. bočice izgledaju fantastično... samo sad jedva čekam swatcheve ;-D
