U poslednje vreme, sve neke lose stvari se dogadjaju u svetu koji nas okruzuje. Tako ponekad, pocnem da razmisljam o svemu tome, i postanem depresivna. Ponekad se zapitam kako se odbraniti od svega toga? Resenje je u osmehu. Zato stalno govorim sebi da ce sve biti kako treba, samo treba da nastavim da se smejem. Jer je osmeh ono sto ulepsava svet.
Za ovaj nail art koristila sam : theBalm - I Take My Coffee Matte and Black, Rapsodi #191, Primark - Neon Yellow, Primark - Neon Green, Primark - Neon Red, Catherine Arley #800, Catherine Arley #08, Rapsodi #187, theBalm - Silver Spoon Me, Essence - Free Hugs, Essence - Bella i FlorMar #423.
Lately I see that lot of bad things happens in the world around us. Sometimes, I start thinking about all of that, and became very depressive Sometimes I even ask myself how to defend from that? Solution is in smile. That's why I tell myself all the time that everything will be fine, I just need to keep on smiling. Because smile is what makes world a better place.
For this nail art, I used : theBalm - I Take My Coffee Matte and Black, Rapsodi #191, Primark - Neon Yellow, Primark - Neon Green, Primark - Neon Red, Catherine Arley #800, Catherine Arley #08, Rapsodi #187, theBalm - Silver Spoon Me, Essence - Free Hugs, Essence - Bella and FlorMar #423.
Sta vi mislite, kako mozemo svet uciniti lepsim? Koliko cesto dajete osmeh na dar?
What do you think, how we can make a world prettier? How often do you give someone a smile for free?
Smajlici su preslatki. Mislim da je sreca u malim stvarima i da se istim takvim i siri. Najsitniji gestovi kao sto je osmeh kasirki kada vas usluzuje ili nekom prolazniku na ulici kada vam se pogledi susretnu...Osmeh je zarazan, trebalo bi siriti tu zarazu! :D