Feb 15, 2013

Let me hit you with Cupid's Arrow

Koliko vas je Kupidonova strela pogodila za ovaj Dan Zaljubljenih? Znam da je ovaj dan bio juce, ali danas cu vas ovom Kupidonovom strelom samo bocnuti i podsetiti da se nail art takmicenje na temu "Rodjendan"/"Dan Zaljubljenih" zavrsava za devet dana. Pred vama je vikend, tako da predlazem da ga iskoristite crtajuci nesto ljubavno na svojim noktima :). A mozete mi i poslati nesto sto ste vec nacrtale i objavile :).
Koristila sam : Essence - Coconut Kiss, Elegant #360, Farmasi #02 i akrilne boje.

How many of you have been struck by Cupid's arrow this year? I know Valentine's Day was yesterday, but today I'm just going to hit you by Cupid's arrow and remind you that nail art contest with theme "Birthday"/"Valentine's Day" finish in nine days. You can use this weekend to draw something lovely on your nails :). Or you can just send me something that you already drew before and posted about it :).
I used : Essence - Coconut Kiss, Elegant #360, Farmasi #02 and acrylic paints. 

cupid nail artcupid nail art 2 cupid nail art 3 cupid nail art 4

Vec sam dobila nekoliko fantasticnih manikira, i verujte mi, i vi i ja cemo imati tezak zadatak da se odlucimo koji su najbolji :).

I already got some fantastic manicures, and trust me, both you and I will have a difficult task to decide which ones are the best :).