Dec 31, 2011

Happy New Holo Year

Za veceras, posto nisam imala vremena da realizujem moju stvarno dobru novogodisnju ideju, odlucila sam da isprobam nove lakove. Kao tamnu podlogu, odabrala sam Look By Bipa #101 (ima on i pravo ime, ali ga jos uvek nisam uparila sa lakovima iz palete boja sa interneta). Posto je u pitanju tamno ljubicasta/tamno plava boja, ne mozete je ne voleti. Veoma je laka za aplikaciju i nanosi se u 2 tanka sloja.

For tonight, because I didn’t had time to realize my really good new year idea, I decided to try out new polishes. As dark base color, I chose Look by Bipa #101 (it has a true name too, but I still haven’t find a match from color chart online). Since it’s a dark purple/dark blue color, you can’t dislike it. It’s very easy to apply and opaque in two thin coats.

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Posto nisam zelela da opet stavljam Circus Confetti, dva dana za redom, setila sam se mog novog najboljeg prijatelja Essence – Hello Holo. Kada sam ga prvi put videla, zaljubila sam se. A sada, kada sam ga prvi put isprobala, volim ga. Pogledajte zasto Smile

Since I didn’t want to wear Circus Confetti, two days in a row, I remembered my new best friend Essence - Hello Holo. When I saw it for the first time, I fell in love. And now, when I tried it, I love it. Check out why Smile 

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Ovo je definitivno moj omiljeni Top Coat od sad.
Zelim vam da se lepo provedete veceras. Srecna vam Nova Godina!

This is definitely my favorite Top Coat from now on.
I wish you to have a nice time tonight. Happy New Year!

Dec 30, 2011

New Year with (Circus) Confetti

Obozavam da isprobavam nove marke lakova. Zamislite moju srecu kada sam u Lilly-ju videla da je Aura napravila novu kolekciju. Bila sam dobra (i bez para) tako da sam uzela samo dva. Nije mi se svidelo sto su skoro sve boje roze, crvene, i sve one nijanse izmedju roze i crvene. Bila je samo jedna ljubicasta, i ona je moja. Kao i jos jedna pink, ali o njoj cemo drugom prilikom.
Moj novi ljubicasti drug se zove Twenty One #10. Nanosi se u dva sloja, malo se duze susi, ali zato ostavlja za sobom predivnu boju. 

I love trying out new polish brands. Imagine my luck when I saw in Lilly that Aura made new collection. I was good (and without money) so I took only two. I didn't liked shades because there were all red, pink, and shades between red and pink. There was only one purple, and it's mine. And one pink too, but we'll talk about it next time.
My new purple friend's name is Twenty One #10. It applies in two coats, it dries kind a slow, but it leaves behind itself beautiful color.

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A kao probu za moje novogodisnje nokte, nalakirala sam preko ovog laka Essence - Circus Confetti. Kupila sam ga jos odavno, ali eto, nije bilo prilike da ga upotrebim ranije.

And as a test for my New Years nails, I polished Essence - Circus Confetti over it. I bought it long time ago, but, there wasn't opportunity to use it before. 

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Posto je 31. uvek ludi dan, mozda necu stici da nalakiram nokte opet, a ako stignem, ne sumnjajte, vec imam jako dobru ideju :)

Since 31st is always a crazy day, I might not be able to polish my nails again, but if I do, don't doubt, I already have really great idea :)

Dec 29, 2011

Essence Twins–Edward & Bella

Danas za vas imam jedne Twinse, Edwarda i Bellu. Kada sam ih donela kuci, mama je rekla kako ih vec imam, ali nemam :D. Stvarno sam pocela da kupujem lakove koje vec posedujem, ali to je samo zato sto ne mogu da zapamtim koje imam, a koje bih volela da imam :). Pa, ajmo na Bellu. Ona je veoma laka za aplikaciju, i nanosi se iz dva sloja. Mislim da su ovi novi Twinsi bolji od prvih, posto sam obicno imala problema sa starim bazama. Bella se susi brzo, ali ju je jako tesko uslikati, cak i u light boxu.

Today I have for you one of the Twins, Edward and Bella. When I brought them home, my mum told me that I already have them, but I don't :D. I really started buying some that I already own, but that's just because I can't remember which I have, and which I would love to have :). So, let's go to Bella. She is very easy to apply, and opaque in two coats. I think those new Twins are better then first ones, because I usually had trouble with base colors. Bella dries really quick, but she is so hard to take a picture, even in light box. 

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Edward je topper, pun glitera, sto mi nikako nije jasno. Po meni, "zenski" deo Twinsa je trebao biti glitter. Edward sadrzi mnogo zelenkastih sitnih glittera, kao i manji broj malih cirkona. 

Edward is a topper, full of glitters, and that's what I don't understand. If you ask me, "female" part of Twins should be glitter. Edward has lots of tiny green glitters, and also a small amount of tiny rhinestones.

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Jeste li isprobale Bellu i Edwarda? Koji su vam Twinsi najlepsi?

Have you tried Bella and Edward? Which of the Twins is prettiest for you?

Dec 27, 2011

Vienna haul

Da vas upozorim, nije mnogo. Isla sam sa deckom, bio je veoma razuman i ulazio je sa mnom u svaku jednu parfimeriju na koju smo naisli, ali vremenom mi je bilo zao, i odustala sam. Police u parfimerijama su uglavnom bile skoro prazne, lakova nije bilo mnogo, ali sam uspela da ulovim dosta toga :). Nije mnogo, ali dovoljno je da ne moze da stane u jednu sliku, tako da... Evo sta sam kupila :)

First to warn you, it's not much. I went with my boyfriend, he was very reasonable and he went with me in every single drogerie that we saw, but eventually, I was sorry for him, and I gave up. Shelves were mostly empty, there wasn't many polishes, but I bought a lot :). It's not much, but it's not small enough to fit in one picture, so... Here is what I bought :)

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BenQ Corporation

A sada izbliza... Kao sto vidite, skoro sam popunila moju Twins kolekciju, fale mi jos samo Carry&Mr.Big.
b.pretty i Look by BIPA su (koliko ja znam) Austrijski brendovi. Look by BIPA ima i neverovatno duochromove, ali su bili rasprodati. Isto kao sto je i Essence - Vampire Love kolekcija bila...

And now close look... As you can see, I almost have all Twins, I just need to buy Carry&Mr.Big.
b.pretty i Look by BIPA are (as far as I know) Austrian brands. Look by BIPA has some amazing duochromes, but they were sold out. Like Essence - Vampire Love LE was too...

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Essence Twins - Romeo & Julia 

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Essence Twins - Chuck & Blair

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Essence Twins - Bella & Edward

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Essence - Luxury Secret

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Essence Nail Art Special Effect topper : Hello Holo

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b.pretty Silver Spruce & b.pretty Phantom & b.pretty Lilac dreams & b.pretty Canopy

BenQ Corporation
b.pretty Forest & b.pretty Yellow

BenQ Corporation
Look by BIPA nail quickie 101 

Sigurna sam da ce ovi lakovi proci svi kao podloga nekom nail art-u u skorije vreme, ali ako zelite da napravim post sa swatchem nekog od ovih, kazite koje zelite da vidite :).

I'm sure that all this polishes will be base color with nail art soon, but if you want me to make post with swatch of some, let me know which one do you want to see :)

Dec 26, 2011

Vienna before Christmas

Kao sto verovatno vec znate, prosli vikend sam bila u Becu. Taj grad ce mi ostati u secanju kao predivan i magican. Ovo mi je bilo prvi put da sam u poseti nekom gradu pred Bozic, tako da sam ostala odusevljena svim tim ukrasima, dekoracijama, Bozicnim sajmovima... Bukvalno, tamo se sve sjaji, gde god da pogledate.

As you probably know, last weekend I was in Vienna. That city will stayed forever in my memory as beautiful and magical. This was the first time I visited some city right before Christmas, so I was amazed with all those ornaments, decorations, Christmas fairs.... Literally, whenever you look, everything shines.

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Bozicni sajam
Christmas Fair

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Stand sa sneznim kuglama
Store with snowballs

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Müller parfimerija
Müller Drogerie 

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Zabavni park Prater
Amusement Park Prater

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Jelka u gradskom parku
Tree in City Park

Ono sto ste verovatno vec shvatile o meni, je da sam u dusi jedno veliko dete. Najvise sam se obradovala poseti Zooloskom vrtu, i po prvi put videla pingvine, pande i koale. Kada me neko pita kako je bilo u Becu, prvo pricam o Zooloskom vrtu :)

What you have probably already realized about me, is that I'm still a big child in my heart. What was the best from my trip, was visiting the Zoo, and for the first time in my life, I saw Penguins, Koalas and Pandas. When somebody ask me what I saw in Vienna, this is the first thing I start to talk about :)

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Bilo je pet vrsta pingvina, ali ovi su mi najsladji :)
There was five kinds of penguins, but those were the cutest :)

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Beba Panda je non stop jela :)
Baby Panda was eating constantly :)

I da, uspela sam i da se zaljubim. Ove preslatke patuljaste vidre su okupirale moje srce. Volela bih ih kao kucne ljubimce :). 

And yes, I managed to fell in love. This cute Oriental small-clawed otters occupied my heart. I would love to have them as pets :) 

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Bozicna jelka u centru grada
Christmas tree in center of city

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Prva, i poslednja stvar koju sam videla - Bozicna jelka na Zeleznickoj stanici koja je oko 10 puta veca od mene :)
First, and last thing that I saw in Vienna - Christmas tree on Train Station that is about 10 times bigger then me :)

Naravno, kupila sam i neke lakove. O tome cemo sutra :)

Of course, I bought some polishes. But we'll talk about that tomorrow :)

Dec 25, 2011

Christmas Nails #24: For all of you who haven’t got (enough) presents :)

Za sve vas koje niste dobile danas (dovoljno) poklona, nista ne brinite. Na neki nacin sam ja kriva. Nas dimnjak je pomalo uzan, tako da me je jutros docekalo ovo kada sam pogledala :

For all of you who haven't got (enough) presents today, don't worry. It's kind a my fault. Our chimney is little bit narrow, so this is what I saw this morning when I looked : 

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Tako da, ako ih jos uvek niste dobile, verovatno ce pokloni malo kasniti ove godine :).
Srecan Bozic svima koji ga danas slavite!

So, if you haven't got them yet, presents will probably be little bit late this year :)
Merry Christmas to all of you who are celebrating it today!

Christmas Nails #23 : Santa's little helpers

Sto se vise blizi Bozic, to imam manje ideja. Dosta sam danas razmisljala sta da napravim, i ne mogu da verujem da sam sve vreme zaboravljala na Deda Mrazove male pomocnike - patuljke. Pogledajte kako oni izgledaju u mojoj glavi :)
Bazna boja je Essence - Luxury Secret.

As closest Christmas is, I have less good ideas. Today I thought a lot about what to make, and I can't believe that I forgot whole this time Santa's little helpers - elfs. Check out how they look in my head :)
Base color is Essence - Luxury Secret. 

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Srecno Badnje vece svima vama koji ga danas slavite :)

Merry Christmas Eve for all of you who is celebrating it :)

Dec 23, 2011

Christmas Nails #22 : Ho! Ho! Ho!

Ho!Ho!Ho! Jos malo pa ce Bozic :). Sutra idem kuci te ocekujte ovih dana izvestaj iz Beca i slike poklona koje smo moj decko, mama i ja ove godine sami pravile :).
A danas, danas se Deda Mraz verovatno polako sprema na put. Ostalo je jos jako malo vremena. Pokloni su vec spremni, sto je najvaznije :). Sigurna sam da ste videle Deda Mraza na mnogo noktiju ove godine, a evo i mog :)
Bazna boja je 2 sloja Essence - Tryin' to be cool, a preko njega NYC - East Village.

Ho! Ho! Ho! It's almost Christmas :). Tomorrow I'm going home, so expect these days report from Vienna and pictures of presents that my boyfriend, mum I and made this year :)
And today, today is Santa Claus probably preparing for his trip. There's only little time left. Presents are already ready, and that's most important :). I'm sure you saw Santa Clause on many nails these year, and here's mine :)
Base color is 2 coats of Essence - Tryin' To be Cool, and over it it's NYC - East Village. 

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 Kako vam se svidja novi dizajn bloga? Ovo je prvi koji sam sama napravila :)

How do you like new blog design? These is the first I made myself :)

Dec 22, 2011

Christmas Nails #21 : Presents

Kada sam bila mala, kad god bi negde trebali da idemo a da nosimo poklon, mama me je uvek terala da ga ja pakujem. A pakovala sam ih ko nogama :D. Uvek je govorila : Nema veze, ti si mala, svi ce znati da si ti upakovala i bice im drago. I dalje ih tako pakujem :D. A ocigledno, tako sam ih "pakovala" i na mojim noktima. Pogledajte, i (sada ili jednog dana) naucite svoju decu da lepo pakuju poklone :D. Znam da ja hocu :P.
Bazna boja je 4 sloja Ingrid Cosmetics - 99, a glitteri koji "prekrivaju" greske su Isabelle Dupont - 270.

When I was little girl, whenever we needed to go somewhere and to bring present, my mother always forced me to wrap it. And I did that like I was using my legs instead of hands. She always told me : Never mind, you're young, everybody will know you wrapped it and they will be glad. And I still wrap them same way :D. And obviously, I used the same method of "wrapping" on my nails. Check it out, and (now or one day) teach your children to nicely wrap presents :D. I know I will :P. 

Base color is 4 coats of Ingrid Cosmetics - 99, and glitters that "covers" mistakes are Isabelle Dupont - 270.

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Sta mislite o mojim poklonima? Ja smatram da su pakovanja mozda i nebitna, vazno je ono sto je unutra :)

What do you think about my presents? I think that wrapping is not important, it's important what's inside :)

Dec 21, 2011

Christmas Nails #19: Gingerbread fail

Ne mogu da verujem da sam preskocila broj 19 :D. Izgleda sam pogledala na kalendar, i jednostavno upisala 20 juce. Pa, onda evo sad 19ih :). Danas mi sve nekako ide kako ne treba, pa je tako i sa noktima. Dok sam smisljala sta da napravim, nasla sam ovu slicicu na internetu,

I can't believe that I skipper number 19 :D. It seems that I looked on calendar, and just wrote number 20 yesterday. So here is #19 now :). Today everything goes wrong for me, so same happend to my nails. While I was thinking about what to make, I came across this picture on internet, 

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...i mislila sam da izgleda preslatko. Nazalost, posto sam vec nanela baznu boju, tri sloja Isabelle Dupont - 415, nisam uopste razmisljala kako ce se uklopiti. I nije se uklopilo lepo. Pogledajte, pa prosudite same.

...and I thought that it looks cute. Unfortunately, because I already polished base color, tree coats of Isabelle Dupont - 415, I didn't think about how it would fit in. And it didn't. Check it out, then tell me what do you think.

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Dec 20, 2011

Christmas Nails #20: Silent Night

Ako ste procitale jucerasnji post, videle ste da je kod mene pao prvi sneg. Popodne, setala sam ulicama i gledala tu lepotu. Stvarno obozavam zimu i sneg. Znam da ima mana (da, vec sam uspela da skliznem i padnem :D), ali je carobno. Dok sam setala, setila sam se Bozicne pesme "Silent Night" i ona me je inspirisala da napravim danasnji nail art. Ne znam kako ce se vama svideti, ali meni se i ne svidja bas. Ne znam da li sam uspela da dovoljno docaram, iako sam se trudila.
Bazna boja je Essence - In Style, a glitteri su Golden Rose Nail Art 121, Isabelle Dupont - 268 i FlorMar 010.

If you read my yesterdays post, you saw that start snowing here in my place. Afternoon, I walked on the street and watched that beauty. I really love winter and snow. I know that it have bad sides as well (yes, I already managed to slip and fall down :D), but it's magical. While I was walking, I remembered Christmas song "Silent Night" and it inspired me to do this nail art. I don't know will you like it, because I don't. I don't know if I managed to transfer on my nails what I thought, even if I really tried.
Base color is Essence - In Style, and glitters are Golden Rose Nail Art 121, Isabelle Dupont - 268 and FlorMar 010.

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Nekako mi kuce izgledaju jezivo, kao da su za Noc Vestica :D. Sta vi mislite?

Somehow, houses looks creepy to me, like they are for Halloween :D. What do you think?

Dec 19, 2011

Christmas Nails #18 : Mum’s snowflakes

Vratila sam se iz Beca :). I mogu vam reci da je bilo magicno i prelepo. Napravicu post i o tome za koji dan, naravno, ako vas zanima. Posto sam i dalje preumorna, danas cu da vam pokazem mamine nokte od prosle nedelje. Nalakirala je Essence - In the Jungle, sto me je pomalo i zacudilo. Ona inace ne voli ovakve boje na noktima, i mislim da je ovo prvi put da vidim na njoj zeleni lak. A stoji joj odlicno :). A onda smo nacrtale pahuljice, koje kao da su cekale do danas da ih vidite, posto upravo pada prvi sneg :).

I'm back from Vienna :). And I can tell you it was magical and beautiful. I'll make a post about it in the next few days, of course, if you are interested. Since I'm still too tired, today I'll show you my mum's nails from last week. She polished her nails with Essence - In the Jungle, and that was kind a surprise for me. She usually doesn't like this kind of colors on her nails, and I think this is the first time I see green nail polish on her nails. And I think it's very nice :). And then we drew snowflakes, that seems like they waited until today for purpose, because first snow this year has just began :)

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Pa, kako vam se svidjaju? Mislim da pahuljice stoje prelepo na bilo kakvoj pozadini :).

So, how do you like them? I think that snowflakes looks beautiful on any background :).