Pre par dana, naletela sam na neko nail art takmicenje na facebook-u,tema je bila uskrs/prolece, i vidim da se zavrsava taj dan. Naravno, nikad ne pogledam u koliko sati. I mislim se ja, imam vremena, uradicu nesto uvece, kad ono zavrsavalo se za 45 min. od tad. Tako da sam morala brzo da smislim ideju (sto mi je najteze) i da je ostvarim. Prvo, kao podloga – Gabrini, a zatim akrilnim bojama nesto sto je trebalo da predstavlja cvece u travi i leptire.
Few days ago, I run at some nail art competition on Facebook, and subject was Easter/Spring, and I saw it ends on that day. Of course, I never look at time when something ends. I thought, I have time, I will do something in the evening, but then I saw it ends in 45 minutes. So I had to find an idea (which was the hardest), and to fulfill it. First, Gabrini as base, and then with acryl paints something that should represent flowers in grass and butterflies.
Nisam nisla osvojila, ali sam se zabavila. Jel se vama svidja? :)
I didn’t won anything, but I had fun. Do you like it? :)
Priznajem, nisam planirala da ga kupim. Nije mi bio lep i jako mi je licio na onaj No more Drama iz prethodnog posta. I dalje mi lice. Mogla bih da uradim poredjenje. O tome neki drugi put. U pitanju je Date Me iz Cute As Hell kolekcije. Zasto sam ga kupila? Ne znam, verovatno zato sto je bio na snizenju. Imam tu bolest, da kad god vidim da je znak “snizenje” moram nesto da kupim. Pogotovo kad su lakovi u pitanju. Sto se ovog laka tice, sasvim je ok, pokriva u jednom sloju, malo jos ostane providno na vrhovima ali mi nije smetalo jer sam zelela da napravim i french. French sam uradila XXXL lakom – Dress to Party. Inace, ovo mi je prvi XXXL koji sam probala i prezadovoljna sam. U jednom sloju je prekrio i onu providnost i Date Me. Naravno, pretpostavljate da sam i njega kupila zato sto je bio na snizenju :).
I admit, I didn’t plan to buy it. I wasn’t find him pretty and he looks a lot like that No More Drama from previous post. It still look like that one. I could do comparison. Another time. It’s Date Me from Cute As Hell collection. Why did I bought it? I don’t know, probably because it was on sale. I have that disease, whenever I see “Sale” sign I have to buy something. Especially when it’s polish sale. About this polish, it’s ok, it covers in one layer, you can see only little of transparency on tips, but I didn’t mind because I wanted to do a french too. I did French with XXXL polish – Dress to Party. By the way, this is my first XXXL polish that I tried, and I’m over satisfied. In one layer, he covered Date Me and that transparency. Of course, you know why I bought them too – sale :)
Jako su mi je lepo kako se presijava Dress To Party, kao da ima neke sljokice u sebi. Naravno, nisam mogla stati ovde. Tako da sam opet nacrtala cvetice, i ocigledno dokazala da nikad nisam razumela izreku “Manje je vise”.
It’s so nice how Dress To Party shine, like he has some glitter in self. Of course, I couldn’t stop here. So I draw flowers again, and obviously prove myself that I never understood the sentence “Less is more”.
Da li je manje vise? Mislim, nije nam vise kad imamo manje novca, lakova, cipela, svega. Mozda ovo ne mora da se odnosi ni na nokte. A mozda… mozda bi trebala da prestanem da filozofiram i jednostavno naucim da stanem sa cetkicom u ruci. Jel ovo ipak previse?
It less more? I meen, it isn’t more when we have less money, polishes, shoes, everything. Maybe this isn’t meant for nails either. And maybe… maybe I should stop philosophize and simple learn to stop with brush in my hand. Is this too much?
Ocigledno je i mene opicilo ovo prolece. Znam da su dani malo suncani, malo kisni, ali moramo se radovati onim suncanim. Iako je danas opet taj kisni, zelela sam da nokticima privucem sunce. Jos nisam uspela :).
Obviously this spring hit me in the head too. I know that days are sometimes sunny, sometimes rainy, but we have to feel joy to those sunny. Although today is raining again, I wanted to call the sun with my nails. I still didn’t succeed.
Essence-ov No More Drama kao baza, a akrilne boje za sve ostalo. Sunce, sunce, pojavi se :). Kakvo je vreme kod vas?
No More Drama from Essence as base coat, and acrilyc for everything else. Sun, sun, come out :). What’s the weather like at your place?
Videvsi na nekim blogovima, kako se pominju S-he lakovi, setila sam se da imam jos jedan koji nikad nisam probala. Iako onim prvim, ljubicastim 464 nisam bila ni malo zadovoljna, nekako sam se nadala da ce ovaj plavi 399 biti barem za nijansu bolji. Nisam bila te srece. Cini mi se kao da je napravljen od vode u koju je ubacena minijaturna kapljica boje. Dok se susio, bukvalno se slivao sa noktiju. I evo sta sam dobila nakon 6 (da, SEST) slojeva.
I saw some blogs mentioning S-he polishes, and that reminded me that I still have one more that I’ve never tried out. Previous was purple 464, and I wasn’t satisfied with it, somehow I hoped that this blue one 399 will be little better. I didn’t had luck. It seems like it is made out of water in which they put one tiny tiny drop of color. While he was drying, he was literally falling out of nails. And this is what I got after 6 (yes, SIX) layers.
Jos uvek se moze videti manjak boje na vrhovima noktiju. Kako bih uspela prekriti taj nedostatak, napravila sam french sa predivnim lakicem iz Essence kolekcije Secrets of the Past – Meet me in Budapest. Ima boju izmedju plave i zelene, i ono sto mu je najveci plus je to sto potpuno prekriva u samo jednom sloju.
You can still see lack of color on the tips. I wanted to cover that, so I made french with beautiful polish from Essence collection Secrets of the Past – Meet me in Budapest. His color is somewhere between blue and green, and his biggest plus is that he full covers in only one layer.
A onda malo igranja sa Golden Rose Nail Art 116, cisto da bi pokrila neravnine :)
And then little playing with Golden Rose Nail Art 116, just to cover bumps :)
Pa, bar sam donela jednu odluku. Nikada vise S-he. Znam da su mnoge od vas imale dobre utiske u vezi njihovih lakova, ali ocigledno meni to ne ide od ruke.
Well, at least I brought one decision. Never again S-he. I know lot of you had good experience with their polishes, but obviously they are not made for my nails.
Kako vreme brzo prodje. Iskreno, ne volim toliko Uskrs koliko i Bozic, ali volim sve sto ide sa njim – osim jaja. Nebitno,…jedva cekam da vam pokazem sta sam napravila :)
How time passes fast. To be honest, I don’t like Easter as much as Christmas, but I love everything that comes with it – except eggs. Never mind,… I can’t wait to show you what I made :)
Kao podloga, posluzio je Essence Lime Up!, a za sve ostalo akrilne boje. Ja sam prezadovoljna. Kako se vama svidja? Ne mogu da docekam da vidim vase Uskrsnje noktice :). Zelim vam da se provedete lep Uskrs sa vasim najdrzima :)
As base, I used Essence Lime Up!, and for everything else acryl paints. I’m over satisfied. How do you like it? I can’t wait to see your Easter nails :). I want you to have a nice Easter with your dearest :)
Jos uvek smisljam ideju za uskrsnji manikir. Ali nisam mogla ostaviti gole nokte tako da je moralo da padne jedno lakiranje :). Kombinacija Essence Sundance i Miss Sporty Fatal Black. Odusevljena sam sa oba ova laka pojedinacno, ali zajedno ocigledno ne idu. Mozda i idu, ali mi jednostavno nije bio dan.
I’m still thinking of ideas for Easter mani. But I couldn’t leave naked nails so it must had been some polishing :). Combo of Essence Sundance and Miss Sporty Fatal Black. I love both of this polishes alone, but together they just don’t fit. Maybe they do, maybe I just had a bad day…
Sutra je novi dan :). Takodje, zelela bih da vas upitam za savet. Polomila sam nokat (kaziprst), ne vidi se kada ga namazem, ali je pitanje koliko moze izdrzati da ne odpadne. Sta vi mislite, da ga nadogradim ili da skratim sve ostale skroz?
Tomorrow is a new day :). Also, I want to ask you for advice. I broke my nail (point finger), you can’t see it when is polished, but it’s queastion how much time is going to pass since he fell off. What do you think, should I put gel nail on that one nail or should I cut all others?
Napravila sam ovo iz zabave. Plan je bio da imam samo Essence Break Through na noktima, ali… kada sam zavrsila, zelela sam nesto vise. Nikako se nisam mogla odluciti koja boja ide uz ljubicastu, pa je odluka pala na crnu – klasika. Koristila sam Miss Sporty Fatal Black za to. Na kraju sam akrilnim bojama povukla neke linije i nacrtala par cvetica. Svideo mi se krajnji rezultat.
I did this just for fun. I planed to have only Essence Break Through on nails, but.. I when I finished it, I wanted something more. So I couldn’t decide what color fit with purple, and finally decision has been made with black – classic. I used Miss Sporty Fatal Black for that. At the end, I draw some lines and a few flowers with acryl paints. I liked the final result.
Mojoj drugarici su se jako svideli, pa je zelela da ima slicne nokte, tako da sam i njoj uradila skoro isto, ali sa delfinima. U nedostatku vremena, koristila sam pecate za njih.
My friend likes it, and she wanted to have something similar on her nails. So I made her almost the same mani, but with dolphins. In the lack of time, we used Stamping Set for them.
Koji vam se vise svidjaju?
Which one do you like more?
Prosli vikend sam bila do jednog velikog supermarketa da pokupujem nesto od hrane, i sa vrata sam zapazila promociju nekih parfema, a pored njih par lakova. Sva sreca pa je bilo samo 6-7 razlicitih boja, tako da moj novcanik nije pretrpeo jos jedan sok. Od tih 6-7 uzela sam 2. U pitanju je neka marka za koju nikad nisam cula, a ni videla – Gabrini.
Last weekend I was in supermall, to buy some food, and while I was on the door I saw promotion of some parfumes, and next to them there was few polishes. Luckily, there was only 6-7 different colours, so my wallet didn’t had another shock. From that 6-7 I took 2 of them. It is the brand I never heard before, or see – Gabrini.
Cena je mala, a kvalitetom sam prezadovoljna. Iako sam ocekivala da ce mu trebati 5-6 slojeva, uspela sam sa 2. Jako se lako nanosi, i brzo susi. Naravno, nije mogao ostati sam na noktima…
Price is low, and I’m very satisfied with a quality. I was expecting that it would need 4-5 layers, I got the true color with only 2. It’s easy to apply, and it dryes fast. Offcourse, he couldn’t stay alone on my nails…
Pre par postova sam vam se pozalila na ovaj Essence lak, zato sto mi je tad ispao zelen. Posto sam ga stavila na zutu podlogu, i logicno je. Preko plave podloge, prelep je. I dalje ne mogu da prestanem gledam u sve te sljokice (iako nisam ljubitelj istih). Zabavno mi je kako se presijava na svetlosti od plave do zelene. Znam da se na slikama ne vidi dobro, ali nikako nisam uspela da uhvatim sunce napolju. Jos uvek pada kisa.
Few posts ago I told you about this Essence polish, I didn’t like it because it was greenly. It was because I put it over the yellow base – logicly. Over the blue base, it’s amazing. I still can’t stop watching in all those glitter (altought I don’t like them). It’s fun for me how they shine on the light from blue to green. I know that you can’t see good in the pictures, but I couldn’t catch a Sun. It’s still raining.
I za kraj, cisto da ucinim ovaj manikir zabavnijim, sa Golden Rose Nail Art-om 116 sam povukla par linija.
Iako na ovom Gabriniju 379 ne pise nista tipa “traje 7 dana”, verujem da je to tako. Imam ga na noktima vec 5 dana, bez Base i Top Coat-a, a i dalje je kao prvog dana. Mislim da jedva cekam da naletim u nekoj prodavnici na ove lakove. Odusevljena sam. Jeste li ih vi probali?
And for the end, I wanted to make this mani funnier, so I draw some lines with Golden Rose Nail Art 116.
Although on this Gabrini 379 it doesn’t write “7 days long”, I believe it does. I have it on my nails for 5 days, without Base or Top Coat, and it’s still like a first day. I think I can’t wait to bump on this polishes again. I’m very satisfied with them. Did you tried them?
Kao sto sam i planirala, jos jedan pokusaj abstraktne “umetnosti”. Ovaj put nije french, nego preko celog nokta. Moram priznati da nisam bas zadovoljna, ali nema veze, nalakirani nokti su nalakirani nokti kakvi god da su, moramo ih voleti :).
As I planed, another attempt of abstract “art”. This time it’s not french, it’s over the whole nail. I have to admit I wasn’t satisfied, but never mind, polished nails are polished nails, and whatever they are we have to love them :)
Prvo, da vam kazem o bazi. Divan zeleni lak, Essence Lime Up!. Mazanje je bilo prelagano, vreme susenje minimalno, a boja jako podseca na prolece. Za ovakvu pokrivenost trebalo je 2 sloja. Treci bi bio suvisan.
First, let me tell you about the base. Beautiful green polish, Essence Lime Up!. Applying was very easy, time of drying minimal, and color is reminding me on spring. It took him 2 layers, third would be too much.
Onda sam pocela da povlacim linije, na pocetku sa Golden Rose Nail Art br. 116 i 123…
Then I started to draw some lines, first with Golden Rose Nail Art No116 and 123…
A onda finalni momenat kada sam uspela da unistim sve, hvatajuci se za svaki lak ili akrilnu boju koja mi je bila pri ruci.
And then the final moment when I succeed in ruining everything, grabbing every polish or acryl paint that was near my hand.
Sta da vam kazem, nikad nisam znala kada da stanem... Sta vi mislite o ovim nokticima?
What can I say, I never knew when to stop… What do you think about this nails?
Tokom zadnjeg snizenjau DM-u, od hrpe lakova koje sam kupila, nisam tad ni primetila da sam uzela dva ista. U pitanju je Essence Sundancer, prelepa zuta koja bukvalno oslikava boju sunca, bar u bocici. Prvi sloj – nikakav. Ako uzmem vise, razliva se; ako uzmem manje – ne pokriva. Drugi sloj je uspeo da popravi stvar i pokrije skoro sve.
On the last sale in DM, between bunch of polishes that I bought, I didn’t even realized then that I got two that are same. It’s the Essence Sundancer, beautiful yellow that literally looks like color of the sun, at least in the bottle. First layer- nothing. If I take more, it spills out; if I take less, – it doesn’t cover it. Second layer managed to fix the thing and cover almost everything.
Lep je, razumem ja to. Ali mu je falilo nesto. Povukla ja par sarica sa Essence Glisten Up!-om, plavim sljokicavim lakicem, ni ocekujuci da ce biti – zelenkaste!
It’s nice, I understand that. But he was missing something. I draw couple of lines with Essence Glisten Up!, blue glitter little polish, and I didn’t expecting that they will be – greenly!
Nije ni taj plavi los, vec imam neke idejice da ga upotrebim, naravno bez zute podloge. Da ne pricam da je i njemu trebalo 2 sloja. Kad se vec igram – I nastavicu da se igram. Jos koja linijica Golden Rose Nail Art-a br. 116 (koji moram priznati da je jako dobro pigmentisam i obozavam ga jos odavno).
It’s not that bad – that blue, I already have some ideas to use it, of course without yellow as base. It took him 2 layer's too. When I’m already playing – I kept on with play. Some more lines with Golden Rose Nail Art No. 116 (which I love for a while, and have very good pigmentation).
Znate kako kazu “Kad je bal, nek je maskenbal”. Tako da sam dovrsila ovu igricu sa tackicama Golden Rose Nail Art br 115. To je nek neonska zuta, prosto je morate voleti. Znam da je ja volim.
You know how they say “Where is ball, there is costume ball”. So I finished this game with dots with Golden Rose Nail Art No 115. It’s sort of neon yellow, you have to love it. I know I do.
Kada pogledam ovako ucelo, nervira me sto je jako neprecizno. Ali uzimajuci u obzir da je 3 ujutro, i da sam se samo igrala, svidja mi se. Sta vi mislite?
When I see it now, it annoys me that it’s not precisely. But considering that it’s 3AM, and that I was just playing, I like it. What do you think?
Sigurno vam je poznata situacija. Mazete nokte svakih 2,3 dana, crtate, pecatirate, bukvalno se igrate i uvek izgleda lepo. A onda dodje dan kada “morate” da imate lepo namazane nokte, tj ne morate ali to je deo vas. I onda,… nijedan lak nece lepo da se namaze, cini vam se kao da nema pukotina na plocicama za pecate, akrilne boje se jako zgusnule, ruke se tresu previse, ma jos 1000 drugih gluposti vam nisu kako treba. E takav sam ja dan imala juce. Decko i ja smo slavili 6 godina veze (ne mogu da verujem da je proslo toliko), a taj dan je za mene skroz srcast i crven – kao za Dan Zaljubljenih. Nakon preko 2 sata pokusavanja, uspela sam nesto da napravim. I za cudo, zadovoljna sam.
You certainly know this situation. You do your nails every 2 or 3 days, draw, stamp on them, you are literally playing and it always look nice. And then come the day when you “must” have nice nails. You don’t have to, but it’s part of who you are. And then… none of the polish is good, you think there is nothing on the stamping plates, acryl paints are not how they used to be, your hands are shaking too much, and 1000 other thing that are not right. That’s the day I had yesterday. My boyfriend and I were celebrating 6 year anniversary (I can’t believe that it has been that much), and that day is all heart-shaped and red for me- like Valentine’s day. After over 2 hours of trying, I managed to make something. And it’s a miracle – I’m satisfied.
Probala sam Essence bele boje za french, ali mi je bio jako svetao, tako da sam se ipak vratila na Golden Rose 242. Sve ostalo je akril. I jos samo da se pohvalim sta sam dobila na poklon – slaze mi se uz nokte :).
I tried white Essence for french, but it was too light, so I returned to Golden Rose 242. Everything else is acryl paints. And to show you what I got as a gift – it fits with my nails :).