You certainly know this situation. You do your nails every 2 or 3 days, draw, stamp on them, you are literally playing and it always look nice. And then come the day when you “must” have nice nails. You don’t have to, but it’s part of who you are. And then… none of the polish is good, you think there is nothing on the stamping plates, acryl paints are not how they used to be, your hands are shaking too much, and 1000 other thing that are not right. That’s the day I had yesterday. My boyfriend and I were celebrating 6 year anniversary (I can’t believe that it has been that much), and that day is all heart-shaped and red for me- like Valentine’s day. After over 2 hours of trying, I managed to make something. And it’s a miracle – I’m satisfied.
Probala sam Essence bele boje za french, ali mi je bio jako svetao, tako da sam se ipak vratila na Golden Rose 242. Sve ostalo je akril. I jos samo da se pohvalim sta sam dobila na poklon – slaze mi se uz nokte :).
I tried white Essence for french, but it was too light, so I returned to Golden Rose 242. Everything else is acryl paints. And to show you what I got as a gift – it fits with my nails :).
E neces vjerovat, i ja sam sinoc srca crtala :D Telepatija, zbog vase godisnjice haha :)
ReplyDeleteCestitam, pa da ih ako Bog da bude jos 600 barem :)
Tvoja su mi srcad fina, moja bas i ne. Htjela sam da mi budu malo ukrivo i to je ok i ispalo, ali zato je fino samo kad gledas s jedne strane. Naopako ili s bilo koje druge strane izgleda kao da sam pogrijesila i slucajno profulala pa to srce izgleda nakaradno :(
E ja, i kod mene nisu tako vesele bojice :) Kod mene je sivi, sa sljokicama na svakom, osim na palcu i prstenjaku gdje se nalaze dva velika crna srceta preko cijelog nokta a unutra malo vise sljokica :) Nadam se da ces skontati ista, objasnjenje mi je lol :D
E i nisam ti pohvalila onaj anananas, svaka cast na ideji i na realizaciji, odusevila sam se kao i uvijek :) :*
ReplyDeleteI pokloncic je prelijep :)
I poznato mi je to kad nece ni jedan lak, pecat ni bilo sta drugo. Desilo mi se prosle sedmice, uzas ccc
Lepo iscrtano :)
@Daso hvala :).
ReplyDelete@Amra hvala za pohvale za noktice i poklon :*. Mislim da sam otprilike uspela da shvatim kako ti noktici izgledaju, al daj slikicu posalji da vidim :).
ReplyDeleteGde si kupila akrilne boje i KOLIKO SI IH PLATILA?
Ixy, hvala :). Kupila sam ih u Aleksandru u Novom Sadu. Bile su oko 1100 din (11 evra).
ReplyDeletePrekrasne nokte :D
ReplyDelete@CopyCat hvala :)