Apr 18, 2011

Purple n Black…

Napravila sam ovo iz zabave. Plan je bio da imam samo Essence Break Through na noktima, ali… kada sam zavrsila, zelela sam nesto vise. Nikako se nisam mogla odluciti koja boja ide uz ljubicastu, pa je odluka pala na crnu – klasika. Koristila sam Miss Sporty Fatal Black za to. Na kraju sam akrilnim bojama povukla neke linije i nacrtala par cvetica. Svideo mi se krajnji rezultat.

I did this just for fun. I planed to have only Essence Break Through on nails, but.. I when I finished it, I wanted something more. So I couldn’t decide what color fit with purple, and finally decision has been made with black – classic. I used Miss Sporty Fatal Black for that. At the end, I draw some lines and a few flowers with acryl paints. I liked the final result. 



Mojoj drugarici su se jako svideli, pa je zelela da ima slicne nokte, tako da sam i njoj uradila skoro isto, ali sa delfinima. U nedostatku vremena, koristila sam pecate za njih.

My friend likes it, and she wanted to have something similar on her nails. So I made her almost the same mani, but with dolphins. In the lack of time, we used Stamping Set for them. 

Koji vam se vise svidjaju?

Which one do you like more?


  1. Meni sta obe manikuri zelo všeč.

  2. Very Pretty!! I love the purple and black color combo!! :)

  3. @Taya drago mi je :). Meni je ova druga malkice lepsa :)

    @Morgan, thanks :). I think purple only goes with black or white :)

  4. super! tvoji su mi malo veseliji pa mi se i više sviđaju, ali pst, nemoj reći frendici ;-)

  5. Ixy :)

    Nail Crazy hvalaaa :). Necu joj reci ;)
