Jul 31, 2011

Crackle French & Nail Art

U toku spremanja za put, nabrzaka sam namazala nokte. Za podlogu, uzela sam pink Isabelle Dupont 415 (mogli ste videti swatch i recenziju ovde), a onda sam naletela na moj stari i jedini Crackle lak – Tina (moze biti i Sina, nerazumljivo je napisano). Mozda se secate koliko sam bila uzbudjena kad sam ga pre par meseci kupila, a zatim se razocarala kad sam shvatila da se skida sa noktiju vodom. Tako da ne mozete ni ruke da operete :). Tada nisam imala SV, tako da sam odlucila da mu dam jos jednu sansu – ali u malo drugacijem izdanju. 

While I was packing today for a road, I did a quick mani. For base coat, I used pink Isabelle Dupont 415 (you could see review and swatch here), and then I found my one and only crackle polish – Tina (maybe it’s Sina, font is strange). Maybe you remember my excitement when I bought it few months ago, and then I disappointed when I realize that it comes off with water. So you can’t even wash hands :). Then I didn’t have SV, so I decided to give my crackle another chance – but with a different look.



Kao sto vidite probala sam french i nail art. Za french, ovaj lak je sasvim ok, i cak smatram da veoma lepo izgleda. Opet, za nail art vam ne bih preporucila crackle lakove. Vecina njih se jako brzo susi, tako da nemate vremena da koristite drugu cetkicu, da crtate polako i razmisljate o tome.
Sto se tice mog crackle laka, SV mu je malo pomogao ali ne dovoljno. Priznajem da se nije skinuo tokom pranja ruku, ali jeste posle par sati. Sledeci put probacu 2+ sloja SV pa ako se i onda skine, ne znam sta cu.
Inace, sutra idem za Madjarsku, na par dana na odmor. Ne brinite, spremila sam vam nesto za citanje i dok nisam tu, a na komentare cu odgovoriti cim budem mogla.

As you can see, I tried french and nail art. For french mani, this polish is totally ok, I even think that it looks very nice. Although, for nail art I don’t recommend it. Most of the crackle polishes is fast drying, so you don’t have time to use a different brushes, to draw slowly and to think about it.
About my crackle polish, SV helped it but not enough. I admit that it didn’t come off during the hand washing, but it did after just a few hours. Next time, I will try to use 2+ layers of SV and if it comes off then, I don’t know what will I do.
By the way, tomorrow I’m going to Hungary for a few days on Vacation. Don’t worry, I prepared for you something to read while I’m not here, and I will answer on your comments as soon as I’m back.

Jul 29, 2011

Swatches & Reviews : Classics 162 & Mini Aura 55

Danas nije moj dan za lakiranje. Sve je pocelo jos popodne kada sam smislila da isprobam neki zeleni Classics 162 lak koji sam kupila pre par godina. Ne znam ni da li sam ga ikada ranije koristila. Mali je, od samo 5ml, i proizvodi ga Erkul Cosmestics u Turskoj. Posto je to proizvodjac i Golden Rose-a, nisam sigurna da li je ovo bila neka linija GR-a, ili kao posebna marka. Da predjemo na sam lak. Smaragdno zelena boja sa srebrnim shimmerom u sebi me je na prvi pogled ocarala. Formula nije bas najbolja tako da mu je trebalo 3 debela sloja da bi postigao skoro pa punu pokrivenost, ali ova boja to i zasluzuje. Planirala sam da idem i cetvrti, ali posto me je mrzelo da cekam da se osusi, premazala sam SV preko treceg sloja, i…. uvidela da ga je potpuno skupio. Sva sreca da sam ga tako skupljenog uslikala, posto dok sam mazala cetvrti, sve sam upropastila. Vise srece drugi put :). Ono sto mi je posebno interesantno kod ovog laka – susi se na mat. Pogledajte i same :)

Today isn’t my polishing day. It all started in the afternoon when I decided to try out a green Classics 162 polish that I bought few years ago. I don’t know did I ever used it before. It’s small, just a 5ml, and manufacturer is Erkul Cosmetics in Turkey. Since it’s the same manufacturer as is for Golden Rose, I’m not sure was this some line of Golden Rose, or was is different brand. Let’s go to polish itself. Emerald green color with silver shimmer enchanted me on the first look. Formula isn’t the best, so it took 3 think layers to achieve almost full opaque, but this color deserve it. I planned to do the 4th one too, but I couldn’t wait for it to dry, so I applied SV after the 3rd layer, and… SV totally shrink it. Luckily I pictured it then, because when I was applying 4th one, I totally ruined it. More luck next time :). What I find to be the most interesting with this polish – it dries matte. Check it out :).



Druga runda. Posle par sati bila sam slobodna za jos jedan pokusaj. Ovog puta Aura 55 u mini pakovanju, koju mi je decko kupio zajedno sa onom prethodnom. Iako su mnoge od vas imale sasvim pozitivne komentare, moji su i dalje negativni. Ono sto sam mislila tad, isto je i sada. Kratka cetkica ne moze da pokrije moje duge noktice, vreme susenja je predugo (a SV se nisam usudila staviti zbog iskustva od popodne), trebala su 4 debela sloja… Pogledala sam malo swatcheve drugih Aura mini lakova (od ovog nisam nasla), i onda sam shvatila da svi koji hvale formulu ovog laka imaju kratke nokte. Konacan zakljucak : Aura Mini je pogodna ako su vam nokti do 1.5 puta duzine od cetkice :D. U suprotnom, zaobidjite. (Ispravite me ako mi je zakljucak pogresan).
Da ne zaboravim da pomenem jedinu stvar koja mi se stvarno svidja kod ovog laka. Tamno plava boja sa srebrnim shimmerom. Dva za redom :).

Round 2. After a few hours I was free for another attempt. This time, Aura 55 in a mini package, which my boyfriend bought me together with the previous Aura that I swatched. While many of you had very positive comments, mine are still negative. What I thought then, as it is now. Short brush couldn’t cover my long nails, drying time is too long (and I didn’t dare to use SV because of the afternoon experience), I needed 4 think layers ... I searched a little bit for swatches of other mini Aura polishes (I didn’t found of this), and then I realized that all those who sad that the formula is good, they all have short nails. Final conclusion: Aura Mini is ideal if your nails are up to 1.5 times of the length of brush :D.  Otherwise, don’t buy it. (Correct me if my conclusion in wrong)
I almost forgot to mention the only thing that I really like about this polish. Dark blue color with silver shimmer. Two in a row :).



A onda sam opet sve pokvarila. Probala sam pecatima da nacrtam masnice, i skliznuo mi je pecat na prst. Toliko o lakiranju danas. Losa sudbina (2) : Ja (0).
Sutra je novi dan :).

And then I ruined everything again. I tried to stamp some bows, but stamper slipped on my finger. So much for the polishing today. Bad fate (2) : I (0).
Tomorrow is a new day :).

Jul 26, 2011

The One and Only–Thelma :)

Brzinski post posto sam u zurbi :). Essence – The One and Only, kao podloga, spiralne linijice akrilnom bojom i razlicite french linije sa Essence-ovom Thelmom.
Just a quick post because I'm in a rush :). Essence – The One and Only, as base coat, spiral lines with acrylic paint and different french lines with Essence – Thelma.


Svidja mi se kako je na kraju ispalo. A vama? Gde pronalazite inspiraciju za noktice ovih dana?

I like how it turned out. Do you? Where do you find your nails-inspiration these days?

Jul 23, 2011

Mickey Mouse–My first attempt

Nisam sigurna ni zasto Miki Maus. Mozda zato sto je prosle nedelje bio Silja, a mozda zato sto stvarno volim Diznijeve crtace…. Uglavnom, pronasla sam par slika na Googlu koje su mi sluzile kao modeli, i bacila se na posao. Mali savet : kad trazite sliku onoga sto zelite da nacrtate na noktima – uvek gledajte par slika odjednom, zato sto to mnogo olaksava. Na nekoj slici moze biti komplikovano uradjen jedan delic, dok je na drugoj to mnogo jednostavnije. To pomaze da prilagodite sliku svom crtackom umecu. Posto moje nije veliko, izabrala sam skoro sve najjednostavnije.
Kao podloga Essence – Lime Up!, za french liniju Isabelle Dupont 415, a preko svega holo glitter Isabelle Dupont 268.

I’m not even sure why Mickey Mouse. Maybe because last week was Goofy, but maybe it’s because I really love Disney cartoons… Anyway, I found few pictures on Google for model, and threw myself on the job. Small tip : when you are searching for pictures of what you want to draw on your nails – always look at few pictures at the time, because it make everything easier. On one picture, one part is complicated, while on other one is very simple. That helps to adjust your picture with your drawing skill. Since mine is not great, I chose almost all of the easiest parts.
As base coat Essence – Lime Up!, for french line Isabelle Dupont 415, a over everything as a top coat is holo glitter Isabelle Dupont 268.




Komentar moje mame : “Jao sto je slatko. Bas je lepo. A sta je to? Neki medved?”.
To mi je sve reklo. Tako da je ovo bio FAIL. Nadam se da ce sledeci put uspeti bolje. Ako uspe, mozda vam napravim i tutorijal ako zelite :)

My moms comment : “Oh it’s so cute. It’s really nice. And what is it? Some bear?”
That told me everything. So these was the FAIL. I hope next time it will be better. If it does, maybe I can make you tutorial if you want :).

Jul 21, 2011

Giveaway Winner :)

Jako mi je drago sto je vecina vas pisala komentare, koji su me odusevili bili oni povoljni ili ne. Fun fact-ove i dalje citam i valjam se od smeha :D.
Prijavilo se 99 osoba, sa ukupno 524 ulaza. Pobednik dobija ovo (u slucaju da ste zaboravili :) )...

I'm very glad that most of you wrote comments, and they thrilled me. I'm still reading fun facts about you and I'm rolling of laugh :D.
There were totally 99 persons, with totally 524 entry's. Winner will get this (in case you forgot :) )...

Koristila sam random.org za odabir pobednika, a pobednica je....

I used random.org to choose a winner, and the winner is.....


Congrats :).

I e-mailed you and you have 48h to answer or I will have to choose another winner.

Jul 19, 2011

Giveaway Reminder :)

 Hej devojke, samo sam htela da vas podsetim na moj 100 Followers Giveaway. Zavrsava se sutra, zato ne zaboravite da se prijavite ako jos uvek niste :). Pobednicu cu proglasiti 21. ili 22. jula.

Hey girls, I just wanted to remind you all of my 100 Followers Giveaway. It ends tomorrow, so feel free to join if you didn't already :).  Winner will be announce on July 21st or 22nd.

Jul 17, 2011

Turtle Bay nails

Samo kratak post, ova vrucina me ubija :D.
Opet sam pocela da igram igricu Turtle Bay, i oni su mi dali inspiraciju za nail art :). Kao podlogu, koristila sam Golden Rose Paris 86, neka svetlo zelena boja i zuti Isabelle Dupont 412.

Just a quick post, this heat is killing me :D.
I started playing Turtle Bay game, and it gave me an inspiration for nail art :). As base, I used Golden Rose Paris 86 (light green) and yellow Isabelle Dupont 412.



Znam da veoma malo lici na kornjacu, ali nisam uspela bolje. Kako vi prezivljavate ove temperature?

I know it doesn’t look like a real turtle, but I couldn’t do it better. How do you survive these temperatures?

Jul 14, 2011

Prettiest holo glitter ever!

Jutros nisam mogla da dozvolim da odem “golih” noktiju na ispit, pa sam pristupila najbrzem a ipak najefektivnijem resenju. Podloga je Miss Sporty Fatal Black ciji swatch ste mogli da vidite ovde, a preko njega… (sad idu bubnjeviiii) … najlepsi lak koji sam ikada imala na noktima – Flor Mar True Color 010. A sta je to sto ovaj lak cini najlepsim? Neverovatan glitter koji se presijava u svim duginim bojama na svetlosti… Necu vas ostaviti u iscekivanju, pogledajte slike pa zakljucite same :).

This morning, I couldn’t allow myself to go on the exam with “naked” nails, so I came up with quick, but most effective solution. Base is Miss Sporty Fatal Black (you can see swatch here), and over it… (now goes drumrolls) … prettiest polish I ever had on my nails – Flor Mar True Color 010. And what makes it prettiest? Amazing holo glitter in all rainbow colors that you can see on light… I won’t keep you waiting, check out the picture, and make your own conclusion :).





Znam da je ova zadnja slika nekako mutna, ali pogledajte tu lepotu… Jeste li ga probale?

O, i da ne zaboravim da se pohvalim – polozila sam ispit (mozda zbog lepih noktiju Winking smile ).

I know the last picture is somehow blur, but look at that beauty… Did you tried it?

Oh, I almost forgot to say – I passed the exam (maybe because of the pretty nails Winking smile ).

Jul 11, 2011

Mini Aura

Nisam raspolozena da pisem, ne znam sta mi je. Toliko mi se toga skupilo u licnom zivotu, problemi u kuci, problemi na fakultetu, i jos me hvata i PMS. Mozete pretpostaviti kako je… Ali nokte i dalje lakiram :). Priznajem, malo redje, ali tu sam na svakih 2-3 dana. Ono sto ce obradovati neke od vas je – skratila sam nokte :). Kockasti, jednaki, iako se i dalje mucim sa palcem koji je puknut onako po sredini. Nego, ajde malo o lakicu. Decko mi ga je kupio, a da cak nisam morala ni da mu kazem :). Mozete da zamislite kako sam iznenadjena bila. Mozda ne zna koju marku da izabere, ali boju je utrefio :D. Nebesko plava Aura, 28, u mini pakovanju od 4ml. Kupio mi je jos jedan, malo tamniji plavi, ali o tome drugi put. Sto se ovog tice, boja je lepa, ali mazanje je katastrofa. Cetkica je toliko minijaturna da ne moze da pokupi laka iz bocice dovoljno za mazanje pola jednog nokta. To daje rezultat da se svaki potez cetkice vidi, i da ne moze da dodje do izjednacavanja niti posle 3 sloja. Dalje mi se nije dalo da isprobavam :D.

I’m not really in the mood for writing, I don’t know why. I have so many problems right now in personal life, troubles in home, troubles on college, and I have PMS. You can guess how it is… But I still polish my nails :). I admit, little bit rarely, but I’m here on every 2-3 days. Something that some of you will be glad to hear – I shorten my nails. They are cubic shape, even, but I still have troubles with thumb that have crack in the middle. Let’s talk about polish :). My boyfriend bought it for me, and even didn’t had to tell him :). You can imagine my surprise. Maybe he don’t know which brand to pick, but he knows color I love. Sky blue, Aura 28, in mini bottle of 4 ml.He bought me one more, dark blue, but I’ll show you some other time. About this, color is beautiful, and applying is disaster. Brush is so miniature, that it can’t even pick enough polish from bottle for applying on half of one nail. That resulted that every move of the brush is visible, and it can’t be even until 3 layers. I wasn’t in the mood to try the 4th one…


Kako bi pokrila ocigledan nedostatak ovog laka, crtala sam malo sa Golden Rose Nail Art 116. Nista posebno, sa nekoliko greskica, ali – bas tako sam htela :D.

To cover up obvious lack of this polish, I draw a little bit with Golden Rose Nail Art 116. Nothing special, with some mistakes, but- I wanted that way :D.



Ranije sam bila poprilicno zadovoljna Aurom, ali onom u velikim bocicama. Ne znam da li im je razlika izmedju obicnih i mini bocica samo u kolicini, ili ima razlike i u formuli, ali probacu da nadjem ovakvu boju u velikoj bocici da uporedim. Jeste li vi probale Auru? Ona se vodi kao najpoznatiji brend iz Srbije, ali ne znam ni da li izvoze…

I was pretty satisfied with Aura before, but with only the one in the big bottle. I don’t know is difference between regular and mini bottles only in quantity, or is there difference in formula too, but I’ll try to find this color in big bottle and to compare it. Did you tried Aura? They are most famous make-up brand that is manufactured in Serbia, but I don’t know are they doing export…

Jul 8, 2011

I love Isabelle Dupont :)

Izmedju svih ovih ispita, retko da i uspem nalakirati nokte. Jos za moj rodjendan, dobila sam par lakova Isabelle Dupont, i bilo mi je zao da samo stoje tako, nekorisceni :). Cula sam i ranije za ovaj brend, ali nekako sam stekla utisak da je u pitanju visoka cena, i da ga nema kod nas na trzistu. Prevarila sam se. Cena je veoma mala, izmedju 80 i 100 din (0.8 i 1€), i mogu vam reci da su fenomenalni. Naziv mu je “415” a boja je jarko roza (mislim da imam previse rozih lakova :D). Punu pokrivenost ovaj lak postize sa samo 2 tanja sloja, ali se dosta sporo susi. Ima jos jednu manu, a to je gadan miris. Moja preporuka : lakirati nokte pored prozora ili napolju. Taman je lepo vreme, pa mozete i da pocrnite malo na suncu :).

Between all this exams, I rarely manage to polish my nails. For my birthday, I got few Isabelle Dupont polishes, and I felt kind of sorry for them because they were unused :).  I heard before for this brand, but I got expression that it is expensive, and that it can’t be found on our market. I was wrong. Price is low, between 0.8€ and 1€, and I can tell you they are awesome. His name is “415” and color is pink ( I think I have too many pink polishes :D). Full coverage this polish achieved in only 2 thin layers, but dries very slow. He have one more , and that is the bad smell. My recommendation : polish your nails by the window or outside. It’s nice weather, so you can catch some color :). 


Znate me, morala sam nesto da mu dodam. Onda sam namazala jos jedan Isabelle Dupont 268 sa raznobojnim sljokicama (na suncu, vidi se da se sija na plavo, zeleno, srebrno i narandzasto), i to je izgledalo jako lepo. Ali, ja ne bi bila ja, kad ne bih uspela i da upropastim stvar. Dodala sam par cirkona, i iscrtala crne linije akrilnom bojom. Greska! Trebalo je da ide obrnutim redom, jer mi je cetkica non-stop “upadala” medju cirkone, tako da je linija poprilicno kriva. Ali zbog lepote sljokica – evo slike :).

You know me, I had to add something. Then I applied one more Isabelle Dupont 268 with colorful glitter (actually, in the sun, you can see it shines with blue, green, silver and orange), and that looked very nice. But, I wouldn’t be me, if I didn’t had to ruin it all. I added a few rhinestones, and draw black lines with acrylic paint. Fail! It suppose to go reversed order, because my brush was constantly “falling” into rhinestones, so the line is quite a curved. But because of beauty of the glitters – here’s the picture :).



Kako vam se svidja? Jeste li probale Isabelle Dupont i jeste li zadovoljne njima?

How do you like it? Have you tried Isabelle Dupont and are you satisfied with them?

Jul 3, 2011

New awards :)

Dobila sam danas od Lalice dve nagrade, Top 10 Award i Best Blog Award. Posto sam Top 10 Award vec dobila ranije, i ispunila ovde , idemo na Best Blog Award :).
Pravila su sledeca :

I got today from Lalica two awards, Top 10 Award and  Best Blog Award. Since I already got and fullfiled Top 10 Award earlier here, let's go to Best Blog Award :).
Here are the rules:

- Link back to the person who passed you the award
- Complete the form below
- Share 7 random things about yourself
- Award 10 blogs
- Drop them a line and tell them about it

Name your favorite color / Omiljena boja 
Definitely blue / Definitivno plava.
Name your favorite song / Omiljena pesma
Hmmm, lot's of you probably don't understand it, but here it is :) (Use Google Translate for lyrics to see how amazing they are) / Vi cete sve razumeti :)

Name your favorite dessert /Omiljeni dezert
Cheesecake (even if never learned to make it) / Cheesecake (iako nikad nisam naucila da je pravim)
What makes you mad? / Sta te cini ljutom?
Everything and everyone. I just have that days (recently lot of them)... / Svi i svako. Prosto imam takve dane (u zadnje vreme, mnogo dana)
When you’re upset you… / Kada si nervozna...
I'm furious. Nobody wants to be near me becuase, as my boyfriend say : You sound like you are 2m tall, and have 150kg (accually I am 153cm tall and have 42kg :) ) / Besnim... Niko ne zeli da bude u mojoj blizini tad, jer kao sto moj decko kaze : Zvucis kao da si 2m visoka, i kao da imas 150kg (ustvari sam 153cm visoka, i imam 42kg)
Your favorite pet? / Omiljeni ljubimac
That would be my dog - Lucky :).  / To bi bio moj pas - Srecko :)
Black or white? / Crno ili belo?
It depends... Black wine, white outfit :) / Zavisi... Crno vino, bela odeca :)
Your biggest fear is? / Tvoj najveci strah je?
...that something bad will happend to my loveones... / ...da se nesto lose dogodi meni dragim osobama...
Your best feature is? / Tvoja najbolja osobina je?
Stuborn. I know lot of people think that's the worst feature, but believe - it's pretty good :) / Tvrdoglavost. Znam da mnogo ljudi misle da je to najgora osobina, ali verujte mi - prilicno je dobra :)
Everyday attitude / Svakodnevni stav
Give a smile :) / Nasmej se :)
What is perfection? / Sta je savrsenstvo?
Thing that lot of people think they have it :) / Stvar za koju mnogi misle da je imaju :).
Guilty Pleasure / Gresno zadovoljstvo
Polishes always :) / Lakovi uvek :)

7 random things about me / 7 nasumicnih stvari o meni :
1) When I was kid I used to fall in love in everyone male person :D / Kao dete sam se zaljubljivala u svaku musku osobu :D
2) I have purse in shape of unicorn :) / Imam torbicu u obliku jednoroga :)
3) I can drink many many many coffees in a day / Mogu da popijem mnogo mnogo mnogo kafe u danu
4) I have over 200 stuffed toys :) / Imam preko 200 plisanih igracaka :)
5) I have 10 different browsers on my lap top (collecting them :D ) / Imam preko 10 browsera na lap topu (skupljam ih :D)
6) I often undress myself while I'm sleeping :) / Cesto se skidam dok spavam :)
7) I sometimes act like a Scrooge McDuck when it is about money :S / Ponekad se ponasam kao Baja Patak kada su pare u pitanju :S

Believe me, this was the hardest award ever :D. So I am gladly passing this award on : 
Verujte mi, ovo je bila najteza nagrada ikada :D. Zato rado prosledjujem nagradu : 

The Polishaholic
Manicured Monkey
Nail Crazy

Jul 1, 2011

I just wanted brown…

Posle detaljnog pregledanja svih mojih lakova (i dalje se ne usudjujem da ih prebrojim) skontala sam da nemam ni jedan braon. Neverovatno, ali istinito. Posto mi je bilo usput, svratila sam na pijacu kako bi uzela moj prvi i jedini braon lak – Golden Rose 338. Kada je napokon dosao na red, razocarao me je. Mislim, boja je lepa i lak je za mazanje, ali – pogodite, nije braon. Iako u bocici izgleda kao klasicna, tamno braon – na noktima je neka nijansa crvene, kao trula visnja boja. Nije los, ali i dalje nemam braon :D

After detail search of all my polishes (I sill don’t dare to count them), I realized that I don’t have any brown polish. Amazing, but true. Since it was close, I stopped to the market to buy first and only brown polish – Golden Rose 388. When it was his order, he disappointed me. I mean, color was nice and it’s easy to apply, but guess what – its not brown. In bottle it seems like classic, dark brown – but on nails it’s some kind of red, like rotten cherry (Google says that color name is maroon but feel free to correct me if I’m wrong). It’s not bad, but I still don’t have any brown…


Da je bio braon, imao bi i interesantan nail art, posto je sve bilo isplanirano u mojoj glavi. Htela sam da napravim efekat dzungle :). Ne znam kako bi se dzungla snasla u crvenom, ali nisam htela ni da probam. Zato sam mu samo dodala sljokice – Golden Rose 288 i nije lose ispalo :)

If it was brown, it would had an interesting nail art, since I planned it all in my head. I wanted to make jungle effect :). I don’t know how would red jungle turns out, but I didn’t want to try it out. So I added some glitters – Golden Rose 288 and it seems ok :)



A stvarno je izgledao kao braon, cak i u paleti boja… Evo pogledajte ako mi ne verujete :)

It really looked like brown, even in the color palette… Here, check it out if you don’t believe me :)

paleta boja

Nije los ni ovaj, ali ipak moram zapoceti potragu za braon… Imate li neki predlog?

It’s not that bad, but I still need to search for something brown… Do you have any suggestions?