While I was packing today for a road, I did a quick mani. For base coat, I used pink Isabelle Dupont 415 (you could see review and swatch here), and then I found my one and only crackle polish – Tina (maybe it’s Sina, font is strange). Maybe you remember my excitement when I bought it few months ago, and then I disappointed when I realize that it comes off with water. So you can’t even wash hands :). Then I didn’t have SV, so I decided to give my crackle another chance – but with a different look.
Kao sto vidite probala sam french i nail art. Za french, ovaj lak je sasvim ok, i cak smatram da veoma lepo izgleda. Opet, za nail art vam ne bih preporucila crackle lakove. Vecina njih se jako brzo susi, tako da nemate vremena da koristite drugu cetkicu, da crtate polako i razmisljate o tome.
Sto se tice mog crackle laka, SV mu je malo pomogao ali ne dovoljno. Priznajem da se nije skinuo tokom pranja ruku, ali jeste posle par sati. Sledeci put probacu 2+ sloja SV pa ako se i onda skine, ne znam sta cu.
Inace, sutra idem za Madjarsku, na par dana na odmor. Ne brinite, spremila sam vam nesto za citanje i dok nisam tu, a na komentare cu odgovoriti cim budem mogla.
As you can see, I tried french and nail art. For french mani, this polish is totally ok, I even think that it looks very nice. Although, for nail art I don’t recommend it. Most of the crackle polishes is fast drying, so you don’t have time to use a different brushes, to draw slowly and to think about it.
About my crackle polish, SV helped it but not enough. I admit that it didn’t come off during the hand washing, but it did after just a few hours. Next time, I will try to use 2+ layers of SV and if it comes off then, I don’t know what will I do.
By the way, tomorrow I’m going to Hungary for a few days on Vacation. Don’t worry, I prepared for you something to read while I’m not here, and I will answer on your comments as soon as I’m back.
Sretno na putu, baš mi se sviđa taj crackle, prvi put čujem da se skida vodom. Čudno.
ReplyDeleteimala sam i ja neki 'lijevi', na kraju je završio u slivniku - isti slučaj, ispirao se vodom a kad bih stavila nadlak preko njega ne bi skinija ni da si bog, prestrašno :-(
ReplyDeletelipo se provedi :-D
Uživaj,draga ;) Bacaj to,i kupuj drugi :))
ReplyDeleteUživaj na potovanju! :)
ReplyDeletepostovi su ti super :)
ReplyDeleteFina mu je boja, lijepo ide sa rozim, steta sto je tako nekvalitetan :)