Apr 8, 2012

Easter Story

Nekada davno, bila jednom tri zeca. Bili su braca, i cak iako nisu licili jedan na drugog ni malo, imali su jednu zajednicku karakteristiku. Voleli su Uskrsnja jaja. Svake godine, na dan Uskrsa, trazili su najvece moguce sareno jaje. Svaki bi nasao jaje koje je smatrao savrsenim, i igrao se sa njim tokom celog dana. Sedeo sa njim u krilu, drzao ga u zagrljaju kao da mu je jaje plisana igracka, ili ga nosakao svuda da se hvali ma koliko jaje bilo tesko. 
Isto tako nekada davno, bilo jednom jedno pile. Pile je zivelo u kuci pored kuce tri zeca, i svake godine na Uskrs je posmatralo zeceve kako traze sarena jaja i igraju se sa njima. Zelelo je i ono da se ukljuci u potragu za jajima i igri, ali zecevi nisu hteli da ga prime. Zasto? Zato sto je ono bilo pile, a sarena jaja su igracke za male zeceve. Pile je bilo odusevljeno bojama, sjajem i svim tim crtezima na jajima, te je tog Uskrsa odlucilo da mora imati jedno. 
Palo mu je na pamet da se spremi za Uskrs dosta ranije, te je jos za Noc Vestica kupilo sesir sa zecijim usima, i odlucilo da prevari zeke. Maskiralo se u zeca, uzeo cetkicu u ruke, i ofarbao jaje, koje je bilo lepse nego sto su ijedan od tri zeca pronasla. 
Zecevi su ga tada prihvatili kao svog, i od tog dana, oni se druze i cine nam zajedno Uskrs magicnim kao sto je i njihovo prijateljstvo.

P.S. Posto su zecevi vremenom prihvatili pile onakvim kakav jeste, ono vise nije moralo da nosi kapu :). 

Once upon a time, there were three little rabbits. They were brothers, and although they didn't look like each other, they had one mutual characteristic. They loved Easter eggs. Every year, on Easter day, they were searching for biggest painted. All of them found an egg that they thought it was perfect, and played with it all day. One would sit with it in his lap, other would hold egg whole day hugging it like it's stuffed toy, and third one would carried it around and bragging, no matter how hard egg was.
Also once upon a time, there was one little chicken. Chicken lived in the house next to the house of three rabbits, and every year on Easter, he was watching rabbits who were searching those painted eggs and playing with them. He wanted to join in the search for eggs and play, but rabbits didn't let him. Why? Because he was just a chicken, and painted eggs are toys for little rabbits. Chicken was fascinated with all those colors, shine and paintings on the eggs, so on that Easter he decided that he must have one. 
It crossed his mind to prepare for Easter earlier, so on Halloween he bought a hat that had bunny ears. He masked himself in rabbit, took a big brush in his hand, and painted an egg. It was prettier of all three eggs that rabbits found.
Rabbits accepted a chicken like he was one of theirs, and since then, they hangs out and make us Easter magical like their friendship is. 

P. S. Since rabbits eventually accepted chicken like he really is, he didn't need to wear a hat any more :).  

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Nadam se da vam se svidela moja mala pricica inspirisana noktima :). 
Srecan Uskrs svima vama koji ga danas slavite!

I hope you like my little story inspired by nails :).
Have a happy Easter Day!


  1. I love your mani and the story with it, so cute! Happy Easter!

  2. Preslatka prićica,a noktići su WOW!!!!

  3. Awww, kako slatko! ^^ I pricica i nokti. :] Svaka cast za ideju. ^^

  4. ahahaha kakva priča, luda si <3
    a nokti... predivni, preslatki, božanstveni, savršeni, ma svaka ti čast *.*
