Apr 25, 2012

Never say NO to panda :)

Mozda se pitate zasto je naslov posta takav kakav jeste. Nastavite citati, objasnicu vam :).
Prvo, da krenemo od podloge... Dosta njih (vas) je ukljuceno u "On Wednesday we wear pink", mada meni to nikada nije bilo primamljivo. Nisam ljubitelj pink boje toliko da bi je mogla nositi jednom nedeljno. Ipak, danas sam odlucila da vam se pridruzim na jedan dan, zajedno sa the Balm - Don't Pink and Drive. 
Predivna nijansa, ne presvetla, i savrsena u samo dva sloja.
A na prstenjaku, panda. Zasto panda? Prvo je pogledajte pa cete saznati :).

Maybe you wonder why are those words in the title of the post. Keep reading, I'll explain :).
First, let's start with base... A lot of them (you) are in "On Wednesday we wear pink" challenge, although that never was really tempting for me. I'm not really a fan of pink so much that I could wear it once a week. Anyway, today I decided to join you for a day, together with the Balm - Don't Pink and Drive.
Beautiful shade, not too much bright, and perfect in just two coats.
And on ring finger, panda. Why panda? First take a look at it, and then I'll tell you :).

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Najsmesnija reklama koju sam ikada gledala bila je "Never Say NO to Panda" :). Inspirisana reklamom, a i pandom uopste, smejala sam se ceo dan. Pogledajte je i vi ako zelite, necete se pokajati :).

Funniest commercial that I ever saw was "Never Say NO to Panda" :). Inspired by commercial, and by panda itself, I laughed all day. Take a look if you want, you won't regret :).


  1. That video is hilarious!!!! Nice pink.

  2. ahhahahah, ok I think I'll never say no to Panda!!!! love your nail art!!!! and the color you choose ;)

  3. lol, tko bi rekao da su pande tako opake ;-D
    krasni nokti :-D

  4. the colour is so beautiful!:)
