Apr 14, 2012

In Memoriam : Titanic (1912-2012)

Pre tacno 100 godina, na danasnji dan, nesto pre ponoci, potonuo je Titanik. Titanik je bio najluksuzniji brod koji je ikada plovio do tog vremena. Na svom prvom putovanju, udario je u ledeni breg, i potonuo na sred Severnog Atlantika, zajedno sa 1514 ljudi. 
Postoje mnoge teorije zasto se sve to dogodilo (po meni, veoma interesanta tema), ali nista to nije bitno danas. Bitno je secati se tih ljudi, barem na danasnji dan... 

Exactly 100 years ago, on today's date, somewhere before midnight, sank Titanic.  She was the luxurious ship afloat at the time of her voyage. On hers first trip, after colliding with an iceberg, she sank in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, along with 1514 people.
There are many theories that explains why all the happened (in my opinion, very interesting topic), but none of that matters today. It's important to remember all those people, at least on today's date...

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Sta mislite o potonucu Titanika? Da li ste gledale film? I naravno, kako vam se svidjaju nokti?

What do you think about Titanic? Did you watched the movie? And of course, how do you like my nails?


  1. This is absolutely gorgeous. I have watched this movie multiple times when I was younger. You did such a great job!!!!!

    1. Thanks :). I loved the movie! It's so romantic and sad in the same time :(

  2. Wow this is amazing! :)

  3. Odusevljena sam! Stvarno je predivno! Koliko ti je vremena trebalo?

    1. Hvala :). Nije mnogo trebalo... Oko sat vremena za brod, plus toliko za ove cirkone :D. Oni su me namucili :D

  4. Tole je pa prečudovito, kar brez besed sem ostala, ko sem videla manikuro. <3

  5. Ženo ovo je savršeno! Ogrlica je fantastična!

  6. nemam riječi, ovo si fantastično napravila *.*
    ogrlica me se dojmila i više nego crtanje, naklon do poda

  7. wOOOW!
    I do nail art too
    Come visit my blog and you'll see it!
    Following ^^
    kisses from Brazil


  8. wooow! ovo je prekrasno! kako dobra ideja!!

  9. wooow, ovo je looooodnica! :))

  10. I like how you replicated the necklace! That's such a creative idea! I also did a Titanic inspired nail design as well, but I chose to recreate Rose's many outfits onto my nails. I hope you drop by :D


  11. i love titanic soooo much and i realllllly whant theres nail hopefully i will get them!!!!!! :)
