Dec 31, 2013

Happy New Year!

Još samo nekoliko sati je ostalo do Nove godine, a moji nokti su napokon spremni. Sve ostalo nije, ali to nije ni važno :). Svake godine se odlučim za krupne šljokice i cirkone za Novogodišnju noć, ali ovog puta sam želela malo drugačije. China Glaze - Water You Waiting For i BM-H03

Only few more hours left until New Year, and my nails are finally ready. Everything else isn't but that isn't important :). Each year I decide for huge glitter and rhinestones for New Years Eve, but this time, I wanted something different. China Glaze - Water You Waiting For and BM-H03. 

happy new yearhappy new year 2happy new year 3happy new year 4

Šta je na vašim noktima večeras? Želim vam sve najbolje i najlepše u Novoj godini!

What is on your nails tonight? I wish you all the best in New Year!

Dec 30, 2013

Ugly Christmas Sweater

Jeste li primetili da u skoro svim (ako ne i svim) Božićnim filmovima nose ove ružne džempere sa Božićnim  motivima? Primetila sam ih i kod nas po prodavnicama, ali nikada nisam i poželela da ih kupim. Takođe, vidim da svi nose helanke sa ovakvim motivima ove zime.
Moje Bundle Monster Holiday pločice su stigle tačno dan posle Božića, što bi značilo da moram da čekam sledeću godinu da isprobam Božićne motive. Srećom, naš Božić je za 8 dana, tako da ću iskoristiti i ovaj međubožićni period za to :).

Koristila sam China Glaze – Ruby Pumps, Miyo – Black, Essence – Piece of Forever i BM-H01.

Did you notice that in almost all (if not all) Christmas movies people wear these ugly sweaters with Christmas patterns? I saw them here in stores but I never wanted to buy them. Also, I see that everyone wear pants this winter with these patterns.
My Bundle Monster Holiday plates arrived exactly day after Christmas, and I couldn't wait another year to try Christmas patterns from it. Luckily, in Serbia, we celebrate Christmas in 8 days, so I'm going to use this between Christmases period for it :).
I used China Glaze – Ruby Pumps, Miyo – Black, Essence – Piece of Forever and  BM-H01.

ugly christmas sweater 4ugly christmas sweater 3ugly christmas sweater 2ugly christmas sweater

Izvinjavam se zbog malo lošijih slika, ali danas je u podne napolju bilo kao da je veče, bez zraka sunca, i nisam uspela da iskontrolišem blic fotoaparata.

I’m sorry for a little bit blurry pictures, but in the noon today, visibility was like it was night, there was no Sun, and I couldn't control my camera flash. 

Dec 29, 2013

Matching Manicure–Fireworks

Poslednji Matching Manicure ove godine je u novogodišnjem duhu - vatrometi. Zvuči veoma lako ali priznajem da nije bilo. Prošle godine ispali su mi mnogo bolji. Ove godine, planirala sam da idem prečicom, i upotrebim vatromete sa Bundle Monster pločice BM - H14, ali nije radila kako trebe. Očigledno sam dobila pločicu sa greškom. Ovo je jedino što sam uspela da smislim u 2 ujutro :).
Koristila sam : Catrice - New York, China Glaze - DV8, China Glaze - TTYL, China Glaze - 2NITE, Layla - Mercury Twilight, i Jade - Energy.

Last Matching Manicure this year is in New Years spirit - fireworks. It sound really easy, but it was not. Last year they turned out so much better. This year, I planned to use shortcut, and stamp fireworks from Bundle Monster BM - H14 plate, but it didn't work. I obviously got a plate with mistake. This is the only other thing that I could do in 2AM :).
I used : Catrice - New York, China Glaze - DV8, China Glaze - TTYL, China Glaze - 2NITE, Layla - Mercury Twilight, and Jade - Energy.

nail art fireworks 2nail art fireworks 3nail art fireworks 4nail art fireworks

Znam, mnogo više liče na hendikepirane paukove nego na vatromete :). Pridružite mi se u razgledanju vatrometa koje su moje koleginice blogerke napravile danas :

I know, they look more like handicapped spiders than fireworks :). Join me in seeing fireworks that my fellow blogers made today :

Dec 27, 2013

Inspired by Ornaments

Još uvek me drži Božićno raspoloženje. Prošle godine kada sam crtala po novogodišnjim ukrasima lakovima za nokte, želela sam da napravim jedan sa kružnim linijama, ali mi nikako nije uspevalo. Veoma jednostavno izgleda, ali je teško napraviti potpuno istovetne po celom ukrasu. Slično sam planirala da napravim i na noktima ali sam imala isti problem. Do skoro, nisam ni primetila da ovakav uzorak postoji na Bundle Monster pločici BM 201. Da razbijem monotoniju, napravila sam jedan nokat sa uzorkom sa pločice BM 203. Kao i mnogo puta do sada, Essence - Piece of Forever se pokazao odličnim za pečatiranje.

I'm still in a Christmas mood. Last year when I drew on Christmas ornaments with nail polishes, I wanted to make one with circular lines, but it didn't work. It looks simple, but it is hard to make same lines on whole ornament. I also planned to make some similar on my nails but I had same problem. Recently, I noticed that there is pattern like that on Bundle Monster plate BM 201. And to add it a little twist, I made one nail with pattern from plate BM 203. Like many times before, Essence - Piece of Forever was great to stamp with.

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Dec 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Nakon ručka, večere i druženja sa porodicom, napokon sam stigla i ovde, da vam svima koji danas slavite Božić, poželim srećan praznik. Nadam se da ste ga lepo provele kao i ja.
Za današnji manikir, imam jedan pravi Božićni nail art, inspirisan svećama i ikebanom koja je danas bila na mom stolu. Koristila sam China Glaze - Winter Holly i akrilne boje.

After lunch, dinner and hanging out with my family, I finally came here, to wish to all of you who are celebrating it today, Merry Christmas. I hope your was nice as mine.
For today mani, I have one true Christmas nail art, inspired by candles and decoration that was on my table today. I used China Glaze - Winter Holly and acrylic paints.

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Dec 22, 2013

Matching Manicures - Santa Hat

Sinoć kada sam ovo crtala, još uvek nisam bila sigurna za šta smo se dogovorile da bude tema Matching Manicures danas. Neki su predlagali kapice, neki Deda Mraza, neki Candy cane, ali jedno sam znala, tema je Božićna. Nacrtala sam Deda Mraza, irvasa sa kapicom a za svaki slučaj i okićenu jelku. Tako da, šta god da je tema – bila sam spremna :).

Koristila sam Cult Nails – Princess, akrilne boje i theBalm  - Sugar Coat It.

Last night, while I drew this, I still wasn't sure what we agreed to be theme for Matching Manicures today. Some of us suggested Santa hats, some Santa Clause, some Candy Cane, but I knew one thing, theme was something about Christmas. I drew Santa Clause, reindeer with Santa hat, and just in case, Christmas tree. So, I was ready for theme, whatever it is :).

I used Cult Nails – Princess, acrylic paints and theBalm – Sugar Coat it.

santa reindeersanta reindeer 2santa reindeer 3santa reindeer 5santa reindeer 4santa reindeer 6santa reindeer 7

Da li vam se dopada? Pogledajte i ostale Božićne manikire koje su devojke napravile :

Do you like it? Check out other Christmas manicures that girls made :

Dec 19, 2013

Our Holiday Nails of 2013

Ovo je fantastična ideja, tako da danas delim sa vam post koji su napisale Jen sa bloga The Sparkle Queen i Jen sa bloga Xo, xo, Jen.

This is a fantastic idea, so I decided to share with all of you this post made by Alessandra from The Sparkle Queen  and Jen from Xo,xo, Jen

Welcome to Our Holiday Nails of 2013 blog hop! This link party has one purpose: to share our holiday manicures with each other!

Everyone is welcome to share ALL of their holiday nails and manicures. You don’t have to be a blogger to enter either, as long as you can link to your holiday nails, you can enter. So if you are sharing your pictures on Nail Art Gallery, uploading to Pintrest, Instagram or Twitter, or anywhere else, you can enter too. You’ll just need the URL of where your pictures are shared.

 Bloggers can use THIS CODE to add the link party into their posts.

Party Details:
  • You can enter as many holiday nails as you like, but they must all go to a specific page, they can’t just go to your home page.
  • Link as many entries as you want.
  • The link party will stay open till shortly after the New Year so any new year’s inspired nails can get added too.
  • Nails must be holiday related one way or the other. Maybe the polish you are wearing for Christmas, or your snowy nail art scene. Any and all are welcome.
  • Video tutorials are OK as well, as long as you can upload an image for the thumbnail.

I think that's it. Make sure to check out the other entries and show some love to your fellow nail ladies!

Dec 18, 2013

O Christmas Tree

Znam, znam, totalno kasnim sa Božićnim manikirima. To me je samo podstaklo da produžim malo ovaj Božićni period i napravim što je više moguće manikira sa ovom temom. Moj prvi ove godine je - jelka. Još uvek je nisam okitila u pravom životu ali to ne znači da ne mogu nokte da okitim :). 

I know, I know, I'm totally late with Christmas manicures. That just encouraged me to make this Christmas period longer and to make as much as possible manis with this theme. My first one this year is - Christmas tree. I still haven't decorated it in real life but that doesn't mean that I can't decorate my nails :). 

christmas tree 3christmas treechristmas tree 2christmas tree 4christmas tree 5

Jeste vi okitile jelku? Kakve ukrase najviše volite? I malo Božićne muzikice...

Have you decorated your tree? What kind of ornaments are your favourite? And a little bit of Christmas music... 

Dec 15, 2013

Matching Manicures–Nimbus

Ove nedelje za temu Matching Manicure-a je predložen Nimbus. Priznajem, nisam imala pojma šta je nimbus.
Da skrenemo malo sa teme nimbusa, i uopšte noktiju. Recite mi, da vidite negde natpis "Dlakavo žbunasto voće" da li biste poželeli da ga kupite? Mene su izgubili već na "dlakavo". Morate priznati, važan deo marketinga je brendiranje, i samo ime mnogo utiče na percepciju proizvoda. To je bilo jedno od imena, a onda su izvoznici sa Novog Zelanda shvatili da ga ljudi iz Evrope i Amerike baš i ne prihvataju... Pa su promenili ime u Kivi. Znate onu malu zelenu ptičicu Kivi? Plan je i bio da vas asocira nju, a i ime je samo po sebi mnogo pamtljivije i naravno ljudi su ga prihvatili. Priznajem, obožavam kivi.
Vratimo se sada na nokte. Sećate li se da je postojala watercolor tehnika? Znate ono, umočite četkicu u lak, pa u vodu i pravite tačkice na noktima? A onda se neko dosetio da zameni vodu acetonom, a četkicu čačkalicom za uši, i dao mu zvučno ime - nimbus. Malo podseća na Hari Potera. I ljudi su ga prihvatili kao da je u pitanju ne znam ni ja kakva inovacija. Evo te inovacije... 

This week for Matching Manicures theme someone suggested Nimbus. I admit, I had no idea what nimbus is.
Let's talk about something that is not nimbus, or nails, related. Tell me, if you see a sign in a store that says "Hairy Bush Fruit" would you want to buy it? They lost me on "hairy". You have to admit, important part of marketing is brand, and name really effects on perception of product. It was one of the names, and then exporters from New Zealand realized that people from Europe and America don't really accept it... So they changed the name to Kiwi. You know that little bird called Kiwi? The plan was to make a connection between Kiwi fruit and Kiwi bird in peoples brain, and the name Kiwi itself is more easier to remember and of course people accepted it. I admit, I love Kiwi. 
Let's get back to nails. Do you remember watercolour technique? You know, put a brush in nail polish, then in water and make dots on nails? And than someone switched water with acetone and brush with q-tip, and it a name that sound really good - nimbus. It kind of reminds on Harry Potter. And people accepted it like it is some big innovation. Here is that innovation...

nimbusnimbus 2

Nikada nisam volela tehniku sa vodenim bojama, previše je nedefenisano sve što nastane kada se ona koristi. Kod mene, mora da bude nekih oštrih linija :). Sredila sam stvar sa pečatom sa pločice BM-225.

I never like water color technique, everything made with it is too much undefined. With me, everything has to have sharp lines :). So I fixed it with stamp from plate BM-225.

nimbus flowersnimbus flowers 3nimbus flowers 2nimbus flowers 4

Da li volite dlakavo žbunasto voće? Šta mislite o ovoj takozvanoj inovaciji zvanoj nimbus? Pogledajte i ostale nimbuse i po kojeg pingvina koje su devojke napravile : 

Do you like Hairy Bush Fruit? What do you think about this so called innovation nimbus? 
Take a look other nimbuses and some penguins that girls made : 

Dec 10, 2013

Let's get back to Autumn!

Da, imali smo sneg, zima je došla ali se izgleda uplašila i pobegla, pa nekako imam osećaj kao da je još uvek jesen. Jedan od manikira koji sam napravila još dok je stvarno bila jesen, a nikako da vam pokažem je i ovaj. Uvelo lišće i bronzana boja jeseni. Za ovaj manikir sam koristila FlorMar DC02, predivan duochrome lak koji jednostavno asocira na jesen, i crnu akrilnu boju kojom sa nacrtala lišće.

Yes, we had snow, winter came but it seems to me that it scared and run away, so I have a feeling like it is still Fall. One of the manis that I made while it was really Fall, and didn't show you yet is this one. Dry leaves and bronze Autumn color. For this mani I used FlorMar DC02, gorgeous duochrome polish that looks just like Fall, and black acrylic paint with which I drew leaves. 

autumn leavesautumn leaves 5autumn leaves 4autumn leaves 3autumn leaves 2

Da li vam nedostaje jesen, ili se pak više radujete pravoj zimi koja nas čeka?

Do you miss Autumn, or are you maybe more looking forward to the true Winter that is just around a corner?

Dec 8, 2013

Matching Manicures - BDay Mani

Danas je još jedna nedelja kada naše blogerke prave manikire na istu temu, a ove nedelje tema je rodjendan, jer je jednoj od naših blogo-drugarica rođendan. Srećan rodjendan Dž. :)
Pošto znam da naša Dž. obožava šljokice, odlučila sam da isprobam nove 3D glitter Golden Rose šljokice #11. Možda nećete verovati, ali kupila sam 4 laka iz ove kolekcije još pre par nedelja, i zaboravila na njih. Sve vreme su bili u mojoj tašni. Pored njih, dodala sam nešto što je trebalo da ispadne baloni.
Da vam kažem nešto i o laku. Iako u bočici izgleda neverovatno privlačno, prava je muka naneti ga. Šljokice je skoro nemoguće uhvatiti, tako da sve što vam ostane na noktu su par šljokica i puno providnog laka. Nakon 3 sloja, evo šta je ostalo... Po meni, još uvek premalo šljokica.

Today is another Sunday when Balkan bloggers are matching their manicures, and this week theme is birthday, because it is a birthday day of one of our blogger friends. Happy Birthday Dz :).
Since we all now that Dz. loves glitter, I decided to try out new 3D glitter Golden Rose #11. Maybe you won't believe me, but I bought 4 polishes from this collection few weeks ago, and I forgot about the. They were in my purse all this time. I also draw something that would suppose to be balloons. 
Let me tell you something about polish. Although in the bottle it looks really attractive, it is really hard to apply it. Glitter is almost impossible to catch, so only thing that you have with each coat is few glitters and a lot of clear polish. After three coats, here it is... If you ask me, it needs more glitter. 

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