Dec 30, 2013

Ugly Christmas Sweater

Jeste li primetili da u skoro svim (ako ne i svim) Božićnim filmovima nose ove ružne džempere sa Božićnim  motivima? Primetila sam ih i kod nas po prodavnicama, ali nikada nisam i poželela da ih kupim. Takođe, vidim da svi nose helanke sa ovakvim motivima ove zime.
Moje Bundle Monster Holiday pločice su stigle tačno dan posle Božića, što bi značilo da moram da čekam sledeću godinu da isprobam Božićne motive. Srećom, naš Božić je za 8 dana, tako da ću iskoristiti i ovaj međubožićni period za to :).

Koristila sam China Glaze – Ruby Pumps, Miyo – Black, Essence – Piece of Forever i BM-H01.

Did you notice that in almost all (if not all) Christmas movies people wear these ugly sweaters with Christmas patterns? I saw them here in stores but I never wanted to buy them. Also, I see that everyone wear pants this winter with these patterns.
My Bundle Monster Holiday plates arrived exactly day after Christmas, and I couldn't wait another year to try Christmas patterns from it. Luckily, in Serbia, we celebrate Christmas in 8 days, so I'm going to use this between Christmases period for it :).
I used China Glaze – Ruby Pumps, Miyo – Black, Essence – Piece of Forever and  BM-H01.

ugly christmas sweater 4ugly christmas sweater 3ugly christmas sweater 2ugly christmas sweater

Izvinjavam se zbog malo lošijih slika, ali danas je u podne napolju bilo kao da je veče, bez zraka sunca, i nisam uspela da iskontrolišem blic fotoaparata.

I’m sorry for a little bit blurry pictures, but in the noon today, visibility was like it was night, there was no Sun, and I couldn't control my camera flash. 

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