Feb 28, 2013

Just Keep on Smiling

U poslednje vreme, sve neke lose stvari se dogadjaju u svetu koji nas okruzuje. Tako ponekad, pocnem da razmisljam o svemu tome, i postanem depresivna. Ponekad se zapitam kako se odbraniti od svega toga? Resenje je u osmehu. Zato stalno govorim sebi da ce sve biti kako treba, samo treba da nastavim da se smejem. Jer je osmeh ono sto ulepsava svet.
Za ovaj nail art koristila sam : theBalm - I Take My Coffee Matte and Black, Rapsodi #191, Primark - Neon Yellow, Primark - Neon Green, Primark - Neon Red, Catherine Arley #800, Catherine Arley #08, Rapsodi #187, theBalm - Silver Spoon Me, Essence - Free Hugs, Essence - Bella i FlorMar #423.

Lately I see that lot of bad things happens in the world around us. Sometimes, I start thinking about all of that, and became very depressive  Sometimes I even ask myself how to defend from that? Solution is in smile. That's why I tell myself all the time that everything will be fine, I just need to keep on smiling. Because smile is what makes world a better place.
For this nail art, I used : theBalm - I Take My Coffee Matte and Black, Rapsodi #191, Primark - Neon Yellow, Primark - Neon Green, Primark - Neon Red, Catherine Arley #800, Catherine Arley #08, Rapsodi #187, theBalm - Silver Spoon Me, Essence - Free Hugs, Essence - Bella and FlorMar #423.

keep smiling
keep smiling 2
keep smiling 3
keep smiling 4
keep smiling 5
keep smiling 6

Sta vi mislite, kako mozemo svet uciniti lepsim? Koliko cesto dajete osmeh na dar?

What do you think, how we can make a world prettier? How often do you give someone a smile for free?

Feb 27, 2013

Flowers on Stripes

Proslo je... koliko? Par dana od kako sam napravila prolecni manikir? I taman kada sam pomislila da nam prolece stize, vratili smo se na kisne hladne dane. Naravno, to me nije sprecilo da napravim jos jedan prolecni manikir koji je malo ubio ovo sivilo iz okruzenja. Ideja je dosla sasvim spontano, a u njenoj realizaciji koristila sam : theBalm - Yellow Mellow, Aura - Deep Space Sparkle i akrilne boje.

It has been... how much? Few days since I did my last spring mani? And just when I thought that spring is coming, we are back with rainy cold days. Of course, that didn't stopped me to do another spring manicure that killed all this grayness that is in the area. Idea came to me spontaneously  and I used these products to make it real : theBalm - Yellow Mellow, Aura - Deep Space Sparkle and acrylic paints.  

flowers on stripes 2
flowers on stripes
flowers on stripes 3
flowers on stripes 4

Da li vam se dopada ovo cvece? Osim pastelnih, koje su vase omiljene prolecne boje?

Do you like these flowers? Except for pastels, what are your favorite spring colors?

Feb 26, 2013

Bee on Honeycomb

Drugi pokusaj crtanja kosnice je uspesno zavrsen (mozete videti OVDE kako se jucerasnji zavrsio). Shvatila sam gde sam pogresila, i promenila tehniku za podlogu. Ovog puta, umesto watercolor tehnike, upotrebila sam Saran Wrap tehniku i lakove Essence - Happy i Essence - Bad Girl. Podloga za crtanje mi je izgledala neobicno, kao prava boja kosnice. Ostatak je bio lak, cetkicu u ruke, i nastala je kosnica i pcelica :).

Second attempt of drawing honeycomb was completely successful (you can see how yesterdays attempt finished HERE). I realized what I did wrong, so I changed technique for base. This time, instead of watercolor technique I did it with Saran Wrap technique (and polishes Essence - Bad Girl and Essence - Happy). Base color looked unusual, like a true honeycomb color. Rest of it was easy, brush in my hand, and a little bit later, bee and honeycomb were finished :).

honeycomb and bee
honeycomb and bee 2
honeycomb and bee 3
honeycomb and bee 4

Da li vam se dopada ovaj nail art? Mislim da ostajem polako bez nail art ideja, imate li neki izazov za mene? :D

Do you like this nail art? I think I'm running out of nail art ideas, do you have any challenge for me? :D

Feb 25, 2013

It’s a Trap-eze In a Circus

Ko kaze da se greske na noktima ne mogu ispraviti? Danas sam krenula da crtam kosnicu. Ideja je bila da to postignem sa watercolor tehnikom, ali nazalost, to nije uspelo. Zatim, smislila sam da mogu nastaviti tako sto cu dodati jos boja i napraviti nesto apstraktno. Kada sam zavrsila, priznajem da je izgledalo kao cirkus. Vec sam bila krenula da obrisem sve, kada sam ugledala China Glaze - It's a Trap-eze na polici. A kakav je to cirkus bez trapeza? Ovaj lak prepun sljokica u mlecnoj bazi je bozanstven!

Who says that you can fix mistakes on your nails? Today I wanted to draw honeycomb. Idea was to achieve that with watercolor technique, but unfortunately that didn't work out. Then, I thought I could continue by adding more different colors and make something abstract  When I finished, it looked like a circus. I was on my way to remove everything, when I saw China Glaze - It's a Trap-eze on my shelf. And what is circus without trapeze? This glitter nail polish in a milky base is gorgeous!

it's a trap-eze
it's a trap-eze 2it's a trap-eze 3 it's a trap-eze 4

Da li imate ovaj lak? Ne razumem samu sebe sto ga nisam isprobala ranije :).

Do you have this nail polish? I don't understand myself, why haven't I tried it earlier.

Feb 24, 2013

Nail Art Contest Entries – Let the Voting Begin

Vreme prijavljivanja za moje nail art takmicenje se zavanicno zavrsilo. Svaki put kada bi dobila e-mail sa novom prijavom, bila sam srecna kao malo dete. Ukupno se vas devet prijavilo, i uskoro cete ih videti sve. 
Pravila glasanja su sledeca : Sve slike se nalaze na Facebook stranici Nails From Fairy Tale, u albumu "2nd Blogoversary Nail Art Contest". Jedan lajk na sliku oznacava jedan glas. Proveravacu glasove, tako da se potrudite da ne bude laznih (sa laznih facebook naloga).
Takodje, sto se tice drugog pobednika, odlucila sam da prepustim mojoj mami odluku. Shvatila sam da postoji mogucnost da budem subjektivna, tako da je najpravednije da ona odluci. A sada da vam pokazem sve ove divne manikire :

Time for submitting entries for my nail art contest is officially over. Every time I received a e-mail with new entry, I was happy like a child. There were totally nine of you who submitted your entry,and soon you will see them all. 
Here are the voting rules : All pictures are uploaded on Facebook page Nails From Fairy Tale, in a album "2nd Blogoversary Nail Art Contest". One "like" counts as one vote. I will check all votes, so try to avoid using fake Facebook accounts.
Also, about the second winner, I decided to leave that decision to my mom. I realized that there is a possibility that I would make subjective decision, so I think it would be fair if she decide. And now I will show you all those beautiful manicures.

Sonya Parks
Katia Nancheva
Kimberly Youngerman
Kimberly Youngerman

Znate li za koga cete glasati?

Do you know for who you will vote?

Feb 23, 2013

Water Decals : Blue Petals

Napokon sam imala vremena da isprobam drugi proizvod koji mi je stigao od Born Pretty Store-a. U pitanju su vodene nalepnice sa plavim laticama cveca (ID proizvoda je 4579). Ono sto mi se dopalo kod ovih latica je sto izgledaju kao da su nacrtani One Stroke tehnikom koju ja nikako ne mogu da usavrsim. 
Posto mi je ovo bio prvi put da koristim vodene nalepnice na noktima, pratila sam uputstva sa poledjine (dobro, ne sva, posto se na njima pominje i koriscenje fena za kosu za susenje noktiju, sto ja bas i ne volim da radim). Prvo sam nalakirala baznu boju, dva sloja Catherine Arley #08, isekla latice koje cu stavljati na nokte, potopila ih u vodu na 20 sekundi a zatim ih prenela na nokat. Stvarno je lako, kao one tetovaze za decu :).

I finally had time to try out second product that I got from Born Pretty Store. It is water decals with blue flower petals pattern (product ID is 4579). What I liked about these petals is that they look like they are drawn with One Stroke technique, which I'm really interested in learning. 
Since this is my first time using water decals on my nails, I followed instructions that are on the back (ok, not all of steps, because it says to use hair dryer to dry water decal and nail polish, and don't like to do that). First I applied base color, two coats of Catherine Arley #08, cut the petals that I wanted to place on my nails, dipped them into the water for about 20 seconds and then transferred them on my nails. It's really easy, just like tattoos for kids :).

water decals flower
water decals flower 2
water decals flower 3
water decals flower 4

Da li volite da koristite vodene nalepnice na noktima? U Born Pretty Store-u ih ima mnogo (meni je bilo jako tesko da se odlucim koje zelim). Ako se odlucite da ih kupite, ne zaboravite da iskoristite kupon kod za 10% popusta : KQL91 . 

Do you like to use water decals on nails? There are a lot of them in Born Pretty Store (it was really hard for me to choose). If you decide to buy them, don't forget to use coupon code for 10% off : KQL91 . 

This review contains a product sent to me by the company’s PR for my review. I do not accept compensation for reviews and all my opinions are honest and objective.For more information, please read my Disclosure Policy.

Feb 22, 2013


Nisam sigurna da li sam danas izmislila novu tehniku crtanja na noktima, ili ona vec postoji, ali posto joj ne znam naziv, nisam sigurna ni sta da pretrazujem na Google-u. Nazvala sam je "Drag&Drop" tehnika :). Pocela sam sa dva sloja laka theBalm - Root Beer Gloat, zatim sam na sredini nokta povukla jednu deblju zutu liniju (sa theBalm - Hella Yella), i na kraju jos tanju liniju na sredini nokta (theBalm - Lilac Any Sense). Trik je u tome sto ova krajnja dva laka nisu bila suva, cak ni priblizno. Onda sam uzela moje tackalo, i povlacila linije od sredine ka ivicama nokta. Dopada mi se, mada jos moram usavrsiti to :). 

I'm not sure did I just invented a new nail art technique, or is it already out there, but since I don't know how to name it, I'm not sure what should I search on Google. I call it "Drag&Drop" technique :). I started with two coats of nail polish theBalm - Root Beer Gloat, then I drew a thick line in the middle of the nail (theBalm - Hella Yella), and in the end I drew thinner line in the middle of the yellow part (with theBalm - Lilac Any Sense). I didn't let yellow and purple polish to dry before I did this : I took my dotting tool, and dragged and dropped lines from the middle of the nails to the edges. I like it, although I still have to work on it :).

theBalm - Root Beer Gloat
theBalm - Root Beer Gloat 2
drag and drop nail art
drag and drop nail art3
drag and drop nail art2
drag and drop nail art4

Da li ste negde vec videli ovakvu tehniku? Ne bi da se zavaravam kako sam izmislila toplu vodu :). Da li vam se dopada?

Have you seen this kind of technique somewhere? I don't want to think how I invented hot water :). Do you like it?

Feb 21, 2013

Triangle Nail Art

Danas sam se malo igrala sa trakicama koje sam kupila u Born Pretty Store-u jos pre skoro pola godine (mozete ih naci i u Alexandar Cosmetics-u). Iskreno, lakse mi je da pravim ovakve kombinacije boja sa ovim trakicama nego sa selotejpom zato sto su tanje i lakse ih je lepiti i skidati sa noktiju. Prvo sam nalakirala nokte sa Essence - Grumpy, a zatim sam nalepila trakice po dijagonalama noktiju. Gornje trouglove sam premazala sa Golden Rose Scale Effect #11, dok sam donje trouglove nalakirala sa (od leva ka desno) : Miyo - Papaya, Art de Lautrec #65, theBalm - Hella Yella i Essence - Flowerfields.

Today I played with stripping tape that I bought in Born Pretty Store about half year ago. To be honest, it's easier to me to make this kind of color combination with stripping tape than with scotch tape because they are thinner and they are easier to apply/remove from nails. First I painted my nails with Essence - Grumpy, and then I putted the tape on diagonals of the nails. Upper triangles are topped with Golden Rose Scale Effect #11, and I painted downer triangles with (from left to right) :  Miyo - Papaya, Art de Lautrec #65, theBalm - Hella Yella and Essence - Flowerfields.


Da li imate ove ukrasne trake? Koliko cesto ih koristite?

Do you have these stripping tapes? How often do you use them?

Feb 20, 2013

When you’re hot, you’re almost nude

Ne znam sta ste pomislile kada ste procitale naslov, ali recenica koju sam ja izgovorila kada sam nalakirala ovaj lak za nokte je bila : Necu vise stavljati ruke u vrelu vodu, nokti mi izgledaju kao da su goli. 
Da krenem ispocetka? Da. Stigao mi je jos jedan paketic od Born Pretty Store-a :). Ovog puta dobila sam dva proizvoda, od kojih cu vam danas pokazati jedan, dok cu drugi ostaviti za neki drugi dan. Opet mi je zelja bila lak koji menja boju na raspolozenje (sta da kazem, jako mi se svidjaju), i dobila sam Ylin Mood Nail Polish - Red/Pink (ID proizvoda je 2418). Kao i uvek kada sam dobijala postu od Born Pretty Store-a, sve je bilo toliko dobro zapakovano da mi je trebalo skoro 10 minuta da sve otvorim. 

I don't know what were your thoughts when you read a headline, but sentence that I sad when I painted my nails with this polish was : I won't put my nails in a hot water anymore, my nails look like they are naked. 
Should I start over? Yes. I got another package from a Born Pretty Store :). This time, I got two products, and I'm gonna show you one today, and leave another one for some other day. Again, I wished for a mood changing nail polish (what can I say, I really like them), and I got Ylin Mood Nail Polish - Red/Pink (product ID is 2418). Like every other time when I received nail mail from Born Pretty Store, everything was packed to well that it took me almost 10 minutes to open it.

ylin mood nail polish - pink red bottle

Lak ima jelly finish, sto nekima predstavlja prednost, za mene je to nedostatak. Probala sam da nalakiram 6 slojeva, a i dalje mi se videla bela linija nokta. Onda sam sve to skinula, i nalakirala samo tri sloja, posto je pokrivenost izgledala skoro identicno kao i sa 6. 
Kada su vam nokti (prsti) hladni, sto je trenutno i normalno zbog zimskog doba, lak je crvenkasto - pink boje. 

Nail polish has a jelly finish, and maybe some of you love that, I don't. I tried to apply 6 coats of it, but there was still visible nail line. And then I took everything off, and applied just three coats, because coverage was almost the same as it was with 6. 
When your nails (fingers) are cold, which is normal here right now because of the winter, nail polish is reddish - pink. 

ylin mood nail polish - pink red
ylin mood nail polish - pink red 2

Prosli put kada sam koristila Ylin Mood lakove za nokte, bilo je dovoljno staviti prste u mlaku vodu i lak bi promenio boju. Sa ovim lakom to nije bio slucaj, i pomislila sam da jednostavno ne radi, ili da je razlika u boji minimalna. A onda, dok sam prala sudove sa vrelom vodom, pogledala sam u nokte i verujte mi, mislila sam da se lak sljustio od vode. Mozete zamisliti moje iznenadjenje kada su mi nokti opet postali crveni. Tako da, kljuc uspeha je u veoma vreloj vodi. 

Last time I used Ylin Mood nail polish, it was enough to put fingers in a warm water and nail polish would change it's color. With this polish that wasn't a case, and I thought that it just doesn't work, or that color difference is minimal. And then, while I was washing dishes with hot water, I looked at my nails and believe me, I thought that polish came off. You can imagine my surprise when my nails turned back to red. So, key to success is in a really hot water. 

ylin mood nail polish - pink red hot 3
ylin mood nail polish - pink red hot
ylin mood nail polish - pink red hot 2

A onda sam dodala i flekije, Golden Rose Scale Effect #11. Mislim da mi je ovo prvi put da sam stavila flekije na svetlu pozadinu, i dopada mi se kako izgleda, i na crvenoj i na svetlo roze pozadini.

And then I added some flakies, Golden Rose Scale Effect #11. I think this is the first time I applied flakies on a light background, and I like how it looks, both on red and light pink background.

ylin mood nail polish - pink red with flakies
ylin mood nail polish - pink red with flakies hot

Da li vam se dopada ovaj lak? Mozete ga naci u Born Pretty Store-u, kao i jos mnostvo stvarcica za nokte po stvarno jeftinim cenama. Salju cak i u Srbiju, a postarina je uvek besplatna :). Ne zaboravite da iskoristite i kupon za 10% popusta : KQL91 .

Do you like this nail polish? You can find it in Born Pretty Store, as well as many other nail related stuff with really cheap prices. They ship worldwide, and shipping is always free :). Don't forget to use a coupon for 10% off : KQL91.

This review contains a product sent to me by the company’s PR for my review. I do not accept compensation for reviews and all my opinions are honest and objective.For more information, please read my Disclosure Policy.